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#1 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

Anyway reggie decided to respond to a xenoblade fan

Dear Loyal Fan

Nintendo of America does not plan to release Monado: The Beginning of the World, also known as Xenoblade in Japan, in North America. This is because the game fell short of our standard of quality. Our quality testing team cited numerous complaints pertaining largely to the structure and storyline of the game. Nintendo of America strives to bring only the highest quality games to North American audiences and as such Monado: The Beginning of the World will not be published here. This does not mean that we no longer support the JRPG genre as your letter suggests, and indeed you can look forward to several exciting Pokemon announcements in the near future. In the meantime, why not buy one of Nintendo's other great Wii titles, such as the recently released Wii Play Motion, and pretend you're playing Monado: The Beginning of the World. It may make you feel better.

Yours sincerely,
Reggie Fils-Aime

P.S. Thanks for the kindling


I hope you realize this post was made by someone as a joke and is *not* a real response from Nintendo.

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#2 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

Guys, stop fighting semantics with each other. If you both have so much energy, lets use it to help with Operaion Rainfall.

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#3 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

Follow Up:

When I was first at Best Buy earlier this week, Dragon Age 2, new, was listed $60 for PS3 and $35 for Xbox. The Xbox didn't say it was on sale or anything, and I actually had a $20 coupon for DA2 that it let me use, getting me a brand new copy for $15 dollar. I was impressed.

Anyhow, I look online now and I see that both the Xbox and PS3 copies are listed at $35 and both are tagged as "on sale". Why the Xbox version would go on sale before the PS3 version, I haven't an idea, but I guess that would explain why they are matched the same now.

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#4 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

The 360/PC versions were released at the beginning of last year. The PS3 version was a port that released this year. It comes with all the DLC included, so that's why the PS3 version is full retail price.

These kinds of situations are rare. 360 and PS3 are priced the same 99.9% of the time.


I was just hopping back here to say that upon review, I noticed the 2010 vs 2011 release dates. Guess I just saw the January part and assumed they came out at the same time, like titles usually do. Thanks for the quick reply, however.

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#5 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

I feel the need to make a disclaimer before anything I post in a "System Wars" forum.

I own a gaming PC, a PS3, an Xbox 360 and a Wii. I also own a DS, a PSP, and an iPad. I play them all frequently. I'm not a rabid fanboy of any particular system, so please take that out of the equation if you decide you want to respond. Thanks!

I recently stopped neglecting some games I never finished, and finally wrapped up all the add-on content for the first Dragon Age game, and wanted to go pick up the sequel today after work. Looking online at pricing, I noticed that Best Buy had DA2 for the 360 listed at $34.99 new. Since Best Buy was closer than a Gamespot, I stopped there and grabbed a copy. While browsing around between PS3 and 360, checking out titles, I saw copies of DA2 for PS3 as well, but noticed that it was $59.99 new for the PlayStation version. To make sure I didn't read the 360 sign wrong, I double checked, and it was indeed $25 cheaper for the same exact game.

Adding to that, I noticed that for both consoles, Mass Effect was there for $19.99; but that right next to it, Mass Effect 2 was listed $59.99 for PS3, and $19.99 for the 360. $40 dollars cheaper? Since I was already saving $25 from DA2 I grabbed the Mass Effect 2 for 360 and figured it paid for itself. I half-expected the sign to be wrong, and that it would ring up full price or something other than what was listed, but sure enough, it was only $19.99.

Upon getting home, I checked out all the games listed on both Best Buy's and Gamestop's website to compare prices, and it even reflects the difference online:


My question is: Is this a commonplace thing? Are 360 games cheaper due to some Sony/Microsoft thing, or maybe a Best Buy/retailer thing, or who knows. Is it a Sony overcharge deal, as even on the PC Mass Effect 2 is $19.99?

If it's going to be signifigantly cheaper for me to get games for an Xbox 360, I see a clear winner in the debate.

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#6 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

oh, sorry, i think your in the wrong forum. the "legit" constructively thinking critics section is somewhere else. Im sorry, sir, that i dont meet your standards. Would you like a cup o tea?


What does that even mean? Legit thinking is elsewhere? Does that mean your thread is for logical fallacies and nerd rage? Cause that's all I've seen. Lets break down what you've said:

you cant even mash buttons and get through levels like mortal kombat or tekken!! i mean CA MON!!!


So the introduction of player-required skill that you don't possess makes the game frustrating? It seems to me that a fairly universal negative critique of a fighting game is "It's just a button masher and takes no skill" and here you are complaining about the lack of this negative mark? Either you must be a "really good button masher" or it's the only way you can get through a fighting game. When you play Tetris do you just "slam all the blocks down as fast as i can wherever they land" and hope to clear a level? Or is that equally frustrating because "I have to actually like, look at the screen and like, figure stuff out and stuff."

Not only that, but the music on the main menu would be better EVEN if the Jonas Brothers featuring Miley Cirus would remake it.


ProTip: Personal preference does not a frustrating game make. I don't like the song either, but it doesn't frustrate me to the point of using caps and leaving a forum post about it. And how much of this song are you even hearing? I don't hear more than 10 seconds of it when I play. Pick a game mode, pick a character, and go.

Had your brought substance to your post such as "All Able does is grab me and spin-slam me for like 25% of my life 4 times in a row" I can see your point of furstrations. However, what you brought to the table was weak and reeked of Troll Post. Don't blame me for that, blame yourself.

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#7 xiixiix
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Watch what? You came on here and complained you can't button mash your way to a victory, and that you didnt like the music. Doesn't sound like a legit argument to me.

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#9 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

Vista will eat some of your memory, but a 64-bit OS will allow you to use more RAM, too. 32-bit OSs will only recognize up to 3.5 gig of RAM, no matter how much you have installed. 64-bit will go up past that.

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#10 xiixiix
Member since 2004 • 342 Posts

Dell XPS models are usually unnecessarily overpriced. Shop around for something with similar specs youre looking for, I'm sure there's something cheaper than an XPS that does what you want.