travis122_basic's comments

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Edited By travis122_basic

I love seeing the latest video cards, but are the video card developers really making progress? It was not so long ago you needed only a single video card in your system and a 350W power supply. Now you need two cards, a lot of space inside the case and a 900W power supply. Are they out of their minds! 900 Watts. Did you know a Hot Plate uses 1200 Watts of power? This is what I'm talking about. It appears the video card manufactures have run out of ideas. So now to make progress they are coming up with solutions like if one card is good then two would be even better. So I ask myself how long until we start seeing four and six card systems? In my guesstimation you would need at least 1800W of power to run your system. That’s like turning two hot plates on high! We might even start to see a tax credit for PC users who choose not to buy the latest video cards. So now when you turn on you computer it’s like your cooking up some dinner. Mmmm what’s that smell? Smells like I'm getting ripped off! Does the video card industry really expect me to believe that having to purchase two of their cards is really better for me or did they just double their profit margins! I say stop the Frankenstein solutions and come out with new technology. Spend some of that money on R&D. This current path will only lead us to a bad bad place.