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#1 tovarischs
Member since 2006 • 170 Posts
[QUOTE="Kook18"][QUOTE="tovarischs"][QUOTE="shungokustasu"]A bit off topic here, but Bioware is very overrated. Seriously I post about this a couple months back, and got alot of flack for it. I still don't see Bioware as a 'great company'. Not comapred to EA, Capcom, Nintendo, and Blizzard. When they make a video game that hits mainstream audience then maybe. As for right now, at best Bioware is like top 15 not Top 5 or 10.shungokustasu
So suddenly popular equals good? BioWare is very well-regarded within the industry and among most gamers; they just don't release 431 expansion packs for the Sims in order to make a quick buck. EA is probably the worst company out there right now, in terms of innovation and in terms of how they view the customers; as giant walking dollar signs with eyes. I'll give you Capcom and Nintendo, hell, I'll even spot you Blizzard (even though I think WoW is the biggest marketing gimmick of all time) but EA? No sir, sorry. -John

i lol'd when he mentioned EA, I'm not even gonna bother coming back to this thread after that. EA is probably one of the top 5 worst. Ruining the Football genre, making cheap cash on movie licensed games & practically all of the new I.P.s they make have been generic mediocrity.

Then why do they sell so well?

Because people get locked into buying patterns. Hell, I hate EA but yet I buy their new NHL title every freaking year. Why? Because I always have. And people, for some stupid reason, love Sims games. I don't know why, the only good one was the first one, but hey, to each their own. -John
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#2 tovarischs
Member since 2006 • 170 Posts
[QUOTE="shungokustasu"] lol, I speak so direct, yet people never understand me. I never said Bioware was not good, but overrated. I think people put them in the top 5 or top 10 when all honestly they belong in the top 15 maybe 20. That's still good. I actually played the earlier Biooware games and enjoyed them. Not as much as games from nintendo, Blizzard, EA, or Konami. Good comapny but not up their with the elite.

EA. EA!! Are you aware that in most circles, EA is synonymous with 'Let's Screw The Consumer!'? You're entitled to your opinion though, and I'll stop bashing you for having one. I'd put BioWare as one of the top three developers of the last 10 years, with Blizzard and Valve being in there too. Others will disagree, no doubt. -John
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#3 tovarischs
Member since 2006 • 170 Posts
wow..does MS have no honor?ultima-flare
No! They flaunt the bushido code! We must strike and strike swiftly, to show those gaijin dogs the penalty for defying us! HAIIII! -John
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#4 tovarischs
Member since 2006 • 170 Posts
A bit off topic here, but Bioware is very overrated. Seriously I post about this a couple months back, and got alot of flack for it. I still don't see Bioware as a 'great company'. Not comapred to EA, Capcom, Nintendo, and Blizzard. When they make a video game that hits mainstream audience then maybe. As for right now, at best Bioware is like top 15 not Top 5 or 10.shungokustasu
So suddenly popular equals good? BioWare is very well-regarded within the industry and among most gamers; they just don't release 431 expansion packs for the Sims in order to make a quick buck. EA is probably the worst company out there right now, in terms of innovation and in terms of how they view the customers; as giant walking dollar signs with eyes. I'll give you Capcom and Nintendo, hell, I'll even spot you Blizzard (even though I think WoW is the biggest marketing gimmick of all time) but EA? No sir, sorry. -John
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#5 tovarischs
Member since 2006 • 170 Posts

I have both versions (with the patch)

ps3 version still looks better, with better loading

See, now I can understand buying the 360 version if you already have the PC version (you can use it on your big-screen) but why buy the PS3 version when you already have another HD console version? Considering the minor cosmetic differences, is it worth 60$? I don't understand that mentality at all. -John
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#6 tovarischs
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[QUOTE="Dr_DudeMan"][QUOTE="tovarischs"] I didn't think it was bad, just not the same level as some of their other games. KOTOR is my favourite RPG of all time, Jade Empire was a bit of a letdown after that. Still, a very solid game. For most other companies, it would've been an a-list title. For BioWare, it was a little worse than I expected. -John

Well in this case to each his own. Kotor is great but I think people give it a little too much regard just because it lets them live out their star wars fantasies, where as jade empire is ground-up original and the art direction is fantastic. I have just about every bioware game (lol), and of the newer ones I must say jade empire is my favorite. Mass Effect is looking to take the crown shortly though.

Mass Effect is looking absolutely bloody fantastic, and possibly the first 'must own' game for the 360 (even though I'd consider Gears one of those, a lot of people disagree). And yes, I loved how Jade Empire was their own IP; my love for KOTOR, though, had less to do with the Star Wars setting and more to do with the fact that I just really enjoyed the character development and gameplay. I can understand where you're coming from though, and I certainly won't disagree that it's very much a matter of 'to each their own'. -John
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#7 tovarischs
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[QUOTE="Dr_DudeMan"][QUOTE="tovarischs"][QUOTE="Bgrngod"][QUOTE="shungokustasu"] Somehow if I said I'm loyal to Blizzard or Bioware (overrated comapny) I would be looked at a little different. Since it's Sony I'm loser, a fanboy (I call myself a fanman), dork, geek, you name it.

Ok, that Bioware statement only proves you don't know jack about games.

I said I wouldn't post again, but uhh, BioWare and Blizzard are probably the only two companies that haven't put out any bad games. Jade Empire wasn't as good as it could've been, but any of BioWare's other games (which they were developer on, and not merely sequels to their games made by other developers) have been top quality. -John

If you think jade empire was bad then you must be confused.

I didn't think it was bad, just not the same level as some of their other games. KOTOR is my favourite RPG of all time, Jade Empire was a bit of a letdown after that. Still, a very solid game. For most other companies, it would've been an a-list title. For BioWare, it was a little worse than I expected. -John
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#8 tovarischs
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[QUOTE="shungokustasu"][QUOTE="tovarischs"][QUOTE="Bgrngod"][QUOTE="shungokustasu"] Somehow if I said I'm loyal to Blizzard or Bioware (overrated comapny) I would be looked at a little different. Since it's Sony I'm loser, a fanboy (I call myself a fanman), dork, geek, you name it.

Ok, that Bioware statement only proves you don't know jack about games.

I said I wouldn't post again, but uhh, BioWare and Blizzard are probably the only two companies that haven't put out any bad games. Jade Empire wasn't as good as it could've been, but any of BioWare's other games (which they were developer on, and not merely sequels to their games made by other developers) have been top quality. -John

That's how I feel about most Sony products... How can it be ok to say I support all blizzard games, and then say it's wrong not to support all Sony products?

It's not wrong. However, if BioWare released a terrible, terrible game, then I'd make my displeasure felt. You're suggesting that if Sony released a terrible, terribly system, you'd still buy it to show support. I don't believe in blind loyalty, even to a company like BioWare, where I KNOW a number of employees and where I aspire to work someday. You support success, not failure. They fail, you let your displeasure be felt so they know to do better next time. -John
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#9 tovarischs
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I see we have a lot of people play on the PC. ::claps::

I just purchased God of War II so I've been really into that game. I am also playing in the beta of Lord of the Rings Online. I am waiting for Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII but at Square Enix's rate we might be looking at a North American release in early 08. I haven't picked up a Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360 yet. But my PC is treating me well. I want STALKER!


How is LOTRO? I've heard some excellent things about it, so much so that I picked up my pre-order when I went to get STALKER. I've always liked Turbine's MMORPGs, am I to assume that LOTRO is looking to shape up to the same level of quality? -John

Lord of the Rings Online has catched on to the popularity of casual MMORPGs. You can literally have your fun in a hour or two and then log out. The game surrounds itself around a PvE experience then any other concept(PvP example). Because of that the game is quest-based, and unlike other MMORPGs the quest are very accessible. In a sense, they are the usual fetch, and killing quest you've seen before. Yet, if you are familiar with Turbine's prior MMORPG Asheron's Call, the story of the ring plays a important role in the gameplay experience. So you'll also go through these more dynamic situations that can affect the look of the game world. You'll also meet NPC that will fight along side of you, and they'll become memoriable characters much like a single player RPG. The graphics are fairly detail and give a sense of atmosphere; they are beautiful. Though the game doesn't really push your system. There is a unique PvP experience called Monster Play. PvMP is done in a restricted zone where players can take control of a creature in Sauron's army, and reck havok against players who enter their heroic avatars into the zone. Then players can use the points they earn in PvMP to put towards a main playable character or continue to upgrade their monster(or purchase new monsters).

Okay, that is incredibly cool (the PvMP). Sony did it a long time ago in Everquest, something called "Project M", but nothing quite so spectacular as this. I'm looking forward to Open Beta starting the 30th. -John
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#10 tovarischs
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[QUOTE="Bgrngod"][QUOTE="shungokustasu"] Somehow if I said I'm loyal to Blizzard or Bioware (overrated comapny) I would be looked at a little different. Since it's Sony I'm loser, a fanboy (I call myself a fanman), dork, geek, you name it.

Ok, that Bioware statement only proves you don't know jack about games.

I said I wouldn't post again, but uhh, BioWare and Blizzard are probably the only two companies that haven't put out any bad games. Jade Empire wasn't as good as it could've been, but any of BioWare's other games (which they were developer on, and not merely sequels to their games made by other developers) have been top quality. -John