tizzomr's comments

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Edited By tizzomr


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Reviews: 9

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Edited By tizzomr

Corporate capitalist GREED. If they can get away with getting any amount of money from you, they will. Video games are sort of like drugs, they don't care if you're starving, stinking, or anything else, they just want you're money. Look at all the sub-par products that get put out, on a regular basis. It might even make me personally put my consoles away, or just stop buying games, as their are plenty of things people with working brains can be doing for the world, if not for themselves in general, than plopping down on COD or whatever, for 12 hours a day. If the world does end today, maybe it will be because too many people are on their you know whats playing video games all day, and not doing something more valuable with what they've been blessed with, as far as a functioning brain (very valuable tool btw), and a fully functioning body. Forgive me if you're offended ahead of time, but I think video game companies get away with murder, for what they charge and what they put out, latest example, NBA JAM, the game that got forgotten but the developers, as far as 360, PS3, and WII owners are concerned. Yeah the loyalists who shelled out that 50 bucks, still never got so much as a roster update. Funny the iPAd and iPhone versions, both have all the features lacking from the console versions, and it's at a fraction of the price. Tough luck for the loyalists, is what these companies have BEEN saying. Maybe not all companies, but some companies, really don't address the loyalists, and just reel in the new, and it's sad.