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#1 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts

Sure, we need option like hell ( I agree) but let Sony take care of the most important stuff first.

Has For 3 party developers not including friend lists...not PS3 fault nor Sony. 


The Games will come and will be as good or better than the 360's. That's not what I am concerned about. I feel the unified buddy list is in severe need! I would say it is the most important update Sony can do! If you have owned or even played a 360 online you would realize how important that truly is! I believe it's the only advantage the 360 truly has.

 Hopefully this will be fixed and we all can enjoy online that much more!

 Also about 3rd party buddy lists, I would have to agree with you about them having to include their own buddy lists, but I still feel Sony kind of left the dev's "high and dry" with the thought that Sony's buddy list would sort of imatate the 360's. I do believe Sony will fix this and I also believe 3rd party games will have buddy lists implemented by that company until Sony figures something out.

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#2 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts

[QUOTE="rogerjak"]Custom music is a useless use of RAM. I just want to be able to read my messages without having to exit the game.Long_Rifle

Custom music maybe useless to you (me as well for that matter), but having more features and options is what the PS3 is all about.  That's why Sony crammed all the stuff they could in the PS3 to begin with.  I've never even thought of having a menu with the PS button.  I just use it to turn the unit on and off.  But I wouldn't mind having all the features the original poster suggested.

 EXACTLY WHAT I AM SAYING!!!! We pay $600, we should get options out the a$$! I like my PS3 but I'm just saying these things because I feel this is what it is really missing!

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#3 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts

I agree about the music bit. I would rather hear people online running behind me on R:FoM in my rears than listen to some music. I just put it in there as an option that would satisfy others. I just want it for the same reason you do. Plus it would be nice to get your own avatar so people can see it next to your name. WE NEED MORE OPTIONS! I mean, we don't even have buddy lists in Madden and NHL 2k! I am worried about Madden 08, NHL 08 and other 3rd party games because there is nothing worse then being online with no buddy list in a sports game!

 I am not concerned about exclusives because Sony will make sure there are buddy lists, it's the 3rd partys that scare me.

 PS. If you answer no then tell me why not? Don't just drop a fanboy answer and leave! Everything is in need of improvement so why mark no as your answer? If it were to help your console's online and get more people to buy it then you should be with me. I personally am not in the sell a PS3/360 business lol, but what I'm asking for is what I want and what would help me the most.

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#4 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts

The PS button options need a MAJOR overhaul!!! I mean, why do I want to talk to friends when I'm not in a game? Why is it that we have 4 options in the PS button menu? We need our buddy list in there (who cares if people whine about them stealing it from MS). We also need the option to multitask while playing games! For example: Play music while you are playing or talk to a buddy from your Sony buddy list while playing someone in another game! I'm not a huge fan of the 360 but I like their Xbox button menu alot! Sony needs to use a similar program on theirs as well.

Well that really is my major complaint about the PS3 (other then the games available and half assed ports).

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#6 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts

[QUOTE="pc-addict"]I simply put the three-sexy in the other room...hehe....and now I can't hear it. The wireless controllers have more than enough signal to work flawlessly with it in the other room with no lag whatsoever. I simply ran the component cables though the wall into the adjacent room which happen to be our spare bed room and where our computer is located. Worked great!!!

However, eliminating one noisey problem caused something else to get louder.... my wife. She started screaming at me because the damn thing was so loud when I fired up gears and the dvd drive spun up. She was on the computer (same room I put the xbox in) trying to write a paper for school. I thought she was going to tear my head off. She laid down the law and told me to get "that damn thing out of here"...hehe.

I can't win!!!! I guess I'll put it back where I originally had it and deal with the mind numbing noise.
And the moral of this story is: NEVER GET MARRIED :D -K

I have a feeling you won't have to worry about that lol.

As for the "Kravyn81", WTF is up with "hehe"? I am shocked that you even have a wife if you laugh like that!

P.S. The 360 is loud as f*** and those who deny it are either #1 deaf, #2 in denial or #3 fkn retarded! I think it's #3? (Just a hunch.)

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#7 steelcityD36
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All because it plays in 1080p does not mean it should lol. Pick the right resolution for best Picture quality. My old polaroid did the same thing but you can tell something is not right.
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#8 steelcityD36
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#9 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts

Not sure what version of Atari I had but I had one also....

NES, Sega Genesis, Panasonic 3DO, Sega Saturn, PS1, N64, Sega Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox 360 and PS3.

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#10 steelcityD36
Member since 2004 • 380 Posts
I personally wouldn't want a giant TV. Just under 30 inches that supports 1080p is fine with me. Also I don't think a giant TV could fit in my apartment or able to get it up here in the first place lolDenji
I think the smallest LCD TV thats 1080p is 37" Sharp or Westy.