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Edited By Silentchief

@esqueejy: Is denying reality how you cope?

All the facts support what I have said. If Disney didn't lose $160 billion dollars in value over the past 3 years you would have an argument. If " The Marvels" wasn't the biggest flop in MCU history you would have a point. If other movies weren't shattering the billion dollar mark the same year Disney was failing you would have a point. But all evidence suggests I am in fact right. Cope!

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Edited By Silentchief
@boodger said:

@silentchief: One thing has nothing to do with the other. Disney's movies have had progressive ideals plastered over them for over a decade now, but have had numerous mega hits over that time.

Disney's recent box office failures were for entirely other reasons than "progressive bad"

That's copium bud. They have gone all in on DEI the past 5 years and people are tired of it. Again I'll just keep calling out their failures with near 100% accuracy. Deadpool and Wolverine will be the only successful Marvel movie they have announced so far, the rest will fail because nobody gives a shit about their Diversity heroes. That new Rey movie will fail miserably as well.

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@boodger: It absolutely does. 1.3 million people didn't think their streaming service was worth the price hike.

Sure they do. If they didnt Disney would have crushed it at the box office last year but they didn't

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@boodger: yea I don't know about that but they have hurt their brand with bad content that appeals to a ultra progressive audience that doesn't really seem to be interested in their product.

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Edited By Silentchief
@esqueejy said:

@silentchief: False. Your far right cultural resentment propaganda daydreams have nothing to do with it. They overextended on streaming, riding a wave during the pandemic, the pandemic killed park attendance, they put themselves in direct competition with themselves and their bread-and-butter market of movie things, created a bloated overextended pipeline of movie and streaming content and then suffered setbacks in terms of releasing hot messy turds like the sequels to Ant Man and captain Marvel, both of which were bad because they were just plain bad, not because they were "woke" or whatever other nonsense you tell yourself to comfort yourself over reality not being the way you want it to be. LIterally nobody serious about anything or living outside and unaddled by right wing cultural resentment propaganda and its confirmation bias affirmation game thinks it has anything to do with a massive global uprising of anti-woke sentiment that prove for you that you're not in a shrinking minority.

Read something for once instead of sucking from a copium disinfo faucet.

Forbes article: It's No Surprise Disney's Stock Hit A Nine Year Low...Here's Why.

What's also not a surprise is that the article doesn't sound anything like the latest drivel from Hannity and Musk or the right Twittersphere. Seethe.

Are you done coping yet? Honestly you sounded like you were in tears as you typed that , it was pathetic. Here's the reality. They have focused on Diversity equity and inclusion over all else and it's the reason why they are failing. They lost nearly a billion dollars at the box office last year. " The Marvels" was a girl power disaster that was the biggest flop in MCU history. " The little Mermaid " which would have easily made a billion dollars at the box office if they cast accurately instead lost money... They have destroyed every brand they own and for the first time in a decade they lost their top spot at the box office. I was curious how could people be so dumb and not see what's right in front of them? And then you posted 🤣.

Nobody gives a shit about what Forbes says. Those dumb asses were telling you to buy Disney stock when it was $200 a share. They were morons who never saw it coming. But I did and I was right. Unless they focus on characters people care about and cast accurately they will continue to fail and people like you can sit there and blame Covid, streaming and everything else other then the apparent fact that's right in front of your face. The reality is not even Disney is denying it.

Take your own advice and read something.

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@boodger: Not sure where I saw the 37 million. Regardless their streaming service is still losing money so I'd hardly call that a win. If it weren't for their theme parks they would be screwed.

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@boodger said:

@fastesttcar: this isn't quite the "own" you think it is. Assuming every last one of those cancelled subscribers left due to loyalty to Elon Musk (laughable to think so though), that is still only 1.15% of the overall subscriber base. You are essentially saying that Elon Musk is so irrelevant, that such a supreme minority of people in society (1%) care about what he says.

1.3 million of 37 million isn't 1%.

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@redviperofdorne said:


You are truly overestimating the influence of Musk. He may appeal to the far-right nuts who hate Disney already but that's about it. How'd his "influence" affect Delaware after they voided his massive bonus? It didn't.

Let's talk about the massive devaluation of Twitter (now X) after he bought it. If he is so impactful, wouldn't that mean the opposite? And when he inevitably loses that Disney lawsuit he is funding, what then? The same people who look up to Musk think someone like Andrew Tate is an OK guy.

Let's talk about the massive devaluation of Disney over the past 3 years? Pandering to leftist has done nothing but cost them about 160 billion In value over the past three years.

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@esqueejy said:

@fastesttcar: LOL. Nope. Yo might worship that drug-addled Dunning-Kruger-case cosmic snowflake enough to engage in that sort of reactionary vice-signaling but that's not what drove subscription fluctuations for Disney haha

And WTF....Disney choosing not to advertise somewhere is not "bullying". Dude is such a pissant crybaby. He effed around and he's finding out. Buying Twitter for $44B just so he could turn it into a cesspool of far right stochastic terrorism and disinfo propaganda was the dumbest of his dumb stunts.

Disney has lost 160 billion dollars in stock value over the past three years. They are the defenition of " F around and find out".

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Edited By Silentchief

@esqueejy: No I'm just telling you exactly what it means when people are referring to it in entertainment. If you want to continue to be ignorant that's on you. The original defenition of " woke" was used by leftist to praise those who recognized social injustice and racial inequality. As cringe inducing as that term is the right hijacked it to mock them to criticize the very content that panders to them. This isn't rocket science it just takes a small amount of social awareness and removing yourself from an echo chamber.

And yes really. This shows your lack of ability to understand reality. AB still hasn't recovered fully and went on a full apology tour firing their marketing director and going out of their way to win back their core audience. Disney on the other hand has doubled down. So what has that done for them? They lost their top spot at the box office for the first time in nearly a decade, they have laid off 7000 employees , had to fire 20% of Pixar staff and most importantly have lost 123 billion dollars in stock value over the past 3 years. If that's your defenition of " doing fine" I'd tell you your basic understanding of business is abysmal. Again continue to ignore reality while everyone else calls out the failures with 100% accuracy. "The Marvels" failed because it was girl power cringe created by a diversity hire director for an audience that doesn't care for the product. It's simple really and the fact is it's the biggest failure in MCU history and everyone but woke cultist saw it coming.