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#1 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

2006 - Gears 1

2007 - Halo 3

2008 - Gears 2

2009 - ODST

2010 - Reach

2011 - Gears 3

2012 - ????

go figure. every year lems either hype a Gears game, or a Halo game. hahahahaha. :lol:

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#2 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

is Hustle Kings worth it????

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#3 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

i dunno. mixed feelings. prolly becase most of the levels were indoors. no crazy vistas like GoW2 (like the islands of fates, the horses, the snowy mountains with that ice titan). i dunno. puzzles were too easy, like Uncharted 2. also, titan interaction was just lacking. i didnt dig the 'Hope' thingy. boss battles were amazing, though. the Hermes platforming sequence shouldve been longer ( i looooved it). but yea...and Zeus on Titan was far too easy. the scorpion was a pain. really mixed feelings. im 'kinda' okay with the ending, it's just that they made everyone bipolar in this game. Athena became a psycho, Zeus was like Dumbledore on the 3rd Potter movie, and Kratos was just too cheesy. there was this one sequence that goes something like:

P: He (Zeus) told me he'll come back!

Kratos: He won't.

P: He will kill you!

Kratos: He can't.

i mean, wtf?!

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#4 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts



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#5 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts


why does it look so jagged? or is it just me? it looks abit different from the single-player.

anyways, while riding on a horse, why cant just people shoot the horse instead of the person? then roadkill em lol.

i have ltos of doubts in this game, simply because i cant rely on trailers. i mean, releasing a 2 min. video with a ton of 2-second gameplay shots does not work out for me. i want a full-fledge 4-min demo trailer of how the game works i.e. completing a sub-quest or whatnot.

and then we got free-roam..which is like the game itself, but like an MMO. it's really neat, but, uhm, i don't really understand the posse(sp?) thingy. is it more of a clan/guild which needs dedication or more of a party where anyone can just join whenever however? anyone??? i also have doubts as to how gameplay with work on that. it says it's free roam, but the deathmatch thingy is only up to 16 players?? and then they said there are more 'structured' modes other than free-roam? so i take it as you can run into a deathmatch and join anytime? or would there be a queue for 16 players and the nyou'd be transprted to an area or whatver then do deathmatch??

lots of things. seriously. cant they release a dev diary of some sort, instead of these narrated vids?? they only hype us up, but they're not that infromative imo. a month away and we barely know the details of this game. we know stuff like pelting animals or 200 random events like encountering bandits, etc. but they freakin never show a full gameplay of it. i mean, they got 199 other events available geeez it's not like it'll spoil the game or anything.


Whoa, someone needs to take a DEEP breath and relax lol. Its rockstar man...when do they go wrong? Its a sound like some CRAZED conspiracy theorist.

im sorry but..uh..GTA 4 wasn't as good as GTA 3 at all (and, Rockstar North made the game). and, Midnight Club LA wasn't that good of a game either. Red Dead Revolver was a mediocre game as well. what's your point? here's a lis tof their games as Rockstar San Diego i mean, they're not exactly GOTY contenders.

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#6 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts



I thik that one takes the cake...


Well, at least until F.E.4.R. is announced next year...

hahahahha. :lol:

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#7 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

why does it look so jagged? or is it just me? it looks abit different from the single-player.

anyways, while riding on a horse, why cant just people shoot the horse instead of the person? then roadkill em lol.

i have ltos of doubts in this game, simply because i cant rely on trailers. i mean, releasing a 2 min. video with a ton of 2-second gameplay shots does not work out for me. i want a full-fledge 4-min demo trailer of how the game works i.e. completing a sub-quest or whatnot.

and then we got free-roam..which is like the game itself, but like an MMO. it's really neat, but, uhm, i don't really understand the posse(sp?) thingy. is it more of a clan/guild which needs dedication or more of a party where anyone can just join whenever however? anyone??? i also have doubts as to how gameplay with work on that. it says it's free roam, but the deathmatch thingy is only up to 16 players?? and then they said there are more 'structured' modes other than free-roam? so i take it as you can run into a deathmatch and join anytime? or would there be a queue for 16 players and the nyou'd be transprted to an area or whatver then do deathmatch??

lots of things. seriously. cant they release a dev diary of some sort, instead of these narrated vids?? they only hype us up, but they're not that infromative imo. a month away and we barely know the details of this game. we know stuff like pelting animals or 200 random events like encountering bandits, etc. but they freakin never show a full gameplay of it. i mean, they got 199 other events available geeez it's not like it'll spoil the game or anything.

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#8 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

going out on sometime in June?? now it says it's goi ng out on May 28. so Alpha Protocol and Red Dead Redemption are coming out in the same months?! ugh...what to do??

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#9 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

bought a new 360 for $300 last July of 2008 (i know, right? it's kind of a promo i guess). played Ninja Gaiden 2 and Dance Dance Revolution. figured the disc is too loud. after 2 weeks, traded it in for a 1-day-old ps3 because this russian guy misses his 360 so much. so i got a 40GB ps3 back then for $300. not bad.

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#10 roddollente
Member since 2008 • 1543 Posts

God of War 3 still looks miles better.