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#1  Edited By mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@wandering_halls: Agree 100%. Each have their pros and cons but both are great and I would rate them the same.

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#2  Edited By mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@Pedro: Ha that's all there is to do on the PS5! I've been enjoying my last PC build for the most part (10900k/RTX3090) but finally got my PS5 last weekend. So I have been gaming on that since then. And yep you probably guessed it.....replaying the PS5 version of Miles that came with it....and I have already beat on the Pro. Lolz!! Oh well :) why did I buy this now again?? :)

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#3  Edited By mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@commander: Why can't the controllers hold a candle to the CV1? I've owned a DK1 kit, CV1 w 3 camera setup, Quest and Quest 2 (yes I have the God awful PSVR and it's horrible dildo controllers too). The 360 tracking with the 3 camera setup was spot on and I loved it....did not like the mess of cables tho :). I had to always tear down the setup when I wasn't going to play for a bit.

I was a little worried about how well the inside out tracking would work but man....I was pleasantly surprised! Yes it there may be some occlusion if I go behind my back but it rarely rears its head. How often was I really doing that. Other than that the ergonomics of the controllers feel the same to me across the Oculus line. I'm not really seeing a major difference and why the CV1 Toich controllers are so much better.

These new PSVR controller straight up mimic the Touch....which is a good thing. Looking forward to hearing more about it and PSVR 2.

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#4 mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@arkephonic said:
@sheevpalpamemes said:
@arkephonic said:
@eoten said:

Hell, there are more exclusives on PC than a combination of exclusives and multiplats on any console, so I could get away with either one ;-). How are you console jockies liking Valheim? Oh wait, you don't get to play it.

Exclusives sell consoles though. Why buy a PS5 over an XSX or vice versa if you do not care about their exclusives? Both consoles are going to play the same multiplats about as well as the other. Exclusives are what really sets them apart.

Since I don't really care at all about exclusives, when choosing between PS5 and XSX, I chose XSX for the free cloud saves. I don't play online on consoles so no reason to pay a premium online subscription fee every year for cloud saves. The only exclusive I really like is Heroes of the Storm.

Also, since I don't really care about exclusives, I was picking a system based on hardware and features, where I would better enjoy the games I play, multiplats. 1440p was a factor for computer monitors, quick resume, stuff like that. I get why people pick PS5 because of its exclusives, but for me, I pick XSX because it's the better hardware with better features to better play my multiplats, which let's be honest, are like 95% of all games, multiplats.

Why not just play everything on PC?

I play a lot of stuff on my PC. My PC is in my office where I also do work. My console is hooked up to the big screen TV in the living room. I prefer that gaming environment on the big screen in the living room because I'm not an online or competitive gamer worried about fast response times or other added benefits you miss out on not gaming on a 27 inch expensive computer monitor. I could move my PC out to the living room but I'm too lazy, console is good enough. I could buy a second PC but I just don't really want to, console good enough. Plus, my wrist starts getting problems if I play on keyboard and mouse too long, and never any problems with a controller. For Diablo 3, one of my favorite games, controller isn't an option on PC.

This is me exactly. @BassMan and I had this short discussion a couple weeks ago. Yes I know you can hook up your TV to your PC...yadda yadda. I like gaming on PC (my pc is good IMO - custom hard loop w/ 3090 and 10900k, both under water) but I am very similar to @arkephonic and use my consoles and PC in a similar way.

Now for the question, each platform offers some bad ass exclusives that I hands down enjoy. However if I only play exclusives and that's what I was limited to....that leaves me high and dry most of the time.

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#5 mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@pmanden said:

No, no and no. I strongly prefer consoles.

If ya say so but love that old school PC avatar!

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#6 mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@BassMan said:
@mobius_basic said:

@BassMan: That was more of a tongue in cheek comment.

For me personally, I don't do that. I have my dedicated pc gaming area/station that I use/work at. The consoles are on the big screen in the bonus room. In my case, each has its place and use that works for me....maybe not you.

I figured you were messing around. Anyway, I use my PC at my desk and in the living room. I just ran an HDMI cable and a USB hub to the living room. Very easy and convenient. I can do everything on both setups. So, consoles are completely redundant. I only buy them for exclusives.

100% get what you're throwing down. I have buddies that do this as well (plus for their video libraries). I've done it in the past too but it's been a LONG time. I love PC gaming but I also have always enjoyed gaming on consoles, so there's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

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#7  Edited By mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@BassMan: That was more of a tongue in cheek comment.

For me personally, I don't do that. I have my dedicated pc gaming area/station that I use/work at. The consoles are on the big screen in the bonus room. In my case, each has its place and use that works for me....maybe not you.

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#8 mobius_basic
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@BassMan: You play two player locally on your PC? Your buddy gets the keyboard while you work the mouse?

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#9 mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

@djoffer123 said:

@rzxv04: pretty sure that was the point with his ever so subtle brag post...

Asshat much? The guy likes cars (has a nice one) and racing. Was sharing a common interest...there was no boasting in my post.

@rzxv04 said:

@djoffer123: Awesome then. You got it, you flaunt it. I love seeing the good stuff even if I'll never be able to purchase anything close to those stuff.

Thanks man...appreciate that. I have always been an "anything on wheels" junky since I was a kid.

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#10 mobius_basic
Member since 2002 • 708 Posts

Nope. I would still have a console for when I want to sit in front of the big screen on the couch or game locally with a friend. There has always been a reason for me to have both and each has their particular strengths.