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#1 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
Need to clarify something: this question was not intended to be racist of any sort, and I should have qualified that better. I guess the better question to ask is what does someone do on XBL that annoys you the most. Not going the racist route here.
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#2 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
Gamers from all over the world play on Xbox Live. Sometimes though, there are certain groups of people you just hate playing with for whatever reason. My question to the Gamespot Community is this: is there a group of people you just cannot stand to play with? Remember it's a Saturday in the U.S., which means it's a great day to get all the stress out of your system from the past week. Feel free to vent. And as an added gift, I'd like to offer you Undertow for free. Holler!
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#3 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
Cliffs of Dover, beautiful guitar riffs in it, and just a great song to chill out to.
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#4 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
I hear what some are saying, like "just don't play with people like that". But the bottom line is, there is no room for this kind of stuff. I'm sorry, but racism in this day and age is plain ignorance. You shouldn't have to leave a game because someone is spewing racism. I would definitely report this type of stuff, because freedom of speech is not an argument in this case. Some mistake freedom of speech as being able to say anything you want, but there are limits on what you can say. Again, XBL is for playing video games with people around the world. It's something that should bring us together, not show us how ethnocentric some people are. I don't even agree with talking a bunch of smack, but if that's your thing, leave racism out of it. Definitely report the slurs. Holler.
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#5 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
I got a standard 360 in November of 2006 and I've never had problems with it. I don't want to jinx myself, but it's been very reliable for me. I don't use it for much else; I don't have a ton of videos, TV shows, stuff like that on it, and I don't mess with the system much, but I play it often. Fortunately for me, I've never bought the cooler either. Anytime you mass produce something, there will be some that don't work, but Microsoft has at least done some things with the warranty, which I hope I won't have to use for a while. Hey, at least they don't have lead paint.
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#6 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts

Again, I wrote the question partly out of sarcasm. I know I'm not, but I just wanted to see if everyone else thought this was as stupid as I did. No offense taken.

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#7 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
GTA is one of those games that is so entertaining in the single-player that I've never thought about playing it in multiplayer. I think regardless of what the MP is like, the game itself is going to be awesome. GTA has always set the bar high and seemed to exceed anything people could expect, and I look for it to be a heck of a lot of fun. I'm a little naive though, does anyone know when it's slated to come out? I thought it was going to be March, but I'm far from an expert.
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#8 mgcrider08
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Hey again. Just wanted to check back and thanks for the comments. It wasn't really anything that got to me, it was more like one of those "wtf" statements that you don't even think about until like 12 hours later. I'm positive the person who said it was a college student (and probably drinking too much), so at least I'm not venting about a little kid. I teach 6th grade, so little kids don't bother me the least. I'll keep playing regardless, I just thought it was kind of weird to say something like that, and it seems like it was interesting discussion. Gaming is a form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by all ages (doesn't mean all ages should play all gams), and I think anybody can participate. I'm out.
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#9 mgcrider08
Member since 2008 • 160 Posts
Hey everybody! I wanted to vent a little. I was playing COD4 and someone made the comment that if you were born before 1985, you shouldn't be playing this game. That's right, before 1985. Now I did some math, and that means if you are older than 22-23, you shouldn't be playing Call of Duty. This was frustrating, because some guys have a stereotype of adults as being losers if they play video games, but I'm 26, married, a teacher, and a home-owner. My wife even enjoys certain games on the 360, like Texas Hold 'em and Amped 3 (everyone has a favorite). So, my question is, when are you too old to enjoy games on any console, and was this guy a freaking idiot for saying what he said? Holler.
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#10 mgcrider08
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I teach 6th grade, and I would say 15% of my kids have played COD4 or Halo 3. Guess what? They sound the same in the classroom. 360 is cool because it makes games for all different ages (arcade and released games). Parents do need to monitor games because many of the popular games on 360 require maturity that a lot of these kids don't have. A lot of these kids also say things I wouldn't have said at 18, much less 11. Some of that comes from the media they are exposed to, but some is the entertainment they are ALLOWED to be exposed to. I like my surround sound, so I just deal with the kids and if you get enough people to tell them to shut up, sometimes they do.