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Edited By lcrava

Have you read the title of the documentary you moron?!? Obviously not. There's no need to watch it to know what it is about. Unlike you, I've put plenty of facts in my posts. You wouldn't recognize that since like most women, regardless of your sex, take opinions and feelings as facts. Go burn your bra and cry in the bathroom.

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Edited By lcrava

Firstly, I presented facts, not theories, ideas or feelings like feminists often do. Secondly, civil rights has always been about true equality through the law, which, as I proved in my previous posts the feminist movement has no interest on. Nazis imposed their will with mo regard for equality, much like the feminists. The sole dofference being the methods. Both groups (feminists and nazis) hold themselves above society and believe they have more rights than the rest of the population. They automatically exclude themselves (Have you not read the title of the documentary?!? We don't even need to watch it to know its garbage). Most males see this Documentary for what it is: more feminist crap, regardless of their color. Also, males are not a protected category by the law.

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Edited By lcrava

They should take their own advice, stop playing online and GTFO the gaming industry.

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Edited By lcrava

Obviously you don't know how to read properly. I strongly suggest you learn to do that before joining a discussion and not look like a dumbass. You must be another poster kid from "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND". There is nothing "COMPLEX" about this BS documentary. Everyone gets harassed online. Women are the only ones to victimize themselves about it.You can mute or not play.

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Edited By lcrava

Couldn't care less about what you think of me or this issues that are anything but important or serious. Maybe you would like to take a crack at the issues I raised about feminism that are actually serious, instead of spewing your self righteous feminist BS. Just one more thing for you to think about, the Nazis tried to impose their will on everyone else, much like the feminists do, all that differs is their method. At least I rather someone be honest in their fight for anything, instead of resorting to manipilation, emotional blackmail and half truths. I'm not trying to impose my will on anyone and I am definately not making up problems where they don't exist.

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Edited By lcrava

This is exactly why I do not like feminism. It goes overboard like affirmative action and feminists ignore facts and examples like you did. Before putting links up for pro feminist articles, please explain the questions I raised as to feminist who believe in "true" equality never campaigned to raise awareness about the fact that the authorities and the law protects them in case of rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, etc... Men are victim of said crimes too, but the authorities wont take them seriously if a woman is the perpetrator. You can't be naive to the point of believing if a man says a woman drugged and raped him the police and the justice system will treat it the same as a woman making the same accusations against a man. You would be even more naive if you tell me none of this crimes ever happen. Lets not forget that women, the master manipulators they are, sometimes abuse this fact by crying rape when there is none ('t%20commit) . Several of this people spent years in jail for a crime they didn't commit. Amazingly, you will not find a single case of a man raped by a woman. I've never heard or seen feminists fighting for this men's rights which would be true equality. As I mentioned previously, women make a lot more money than men in female dominated industries as in fashion ( Once again never heard or seen feminists fight for equality in that industry. To make matters worse, women "force" their way into industries where they do not belong, as for example the UFC. A Female only event was not financially feasible due to lack of interest and cost vs revenue from attendance, so the feminists force their way into a men's event piggy backing on their success, trying to base their pay on what men in that industry make. That is totally wrong, their pay should be based on their ability to create revenue (which incidentally is exactly how men's pay is determined). They are also trying to force their way into the NFL, since for obvious reasons they cannot have their own league. If that ever happened, the NFL would be ruined. Same with the gaming industry. Is a male oriented industry, and you are trying to change it to be agreeable to a group that is not a majority. We don't try to change the fashion industry or the interior design industry that are female oriented, so obviously there is NO EQUALITY and FEMINISTS, above all else, DON'T WANT EQUALITY. FEMINISTS WANT TO MANIPULATE SO THEY COME OUT ON TOP!

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It's spelling is aligned with the reality. As it stands today, women have special protections under the law and have zero interest in giving up the special treatment they receive in lieu of true equality. They only want equality when it equates to them getting more money (for less work in the case of sports) or it aligns to their personal interest. Never seen of heard of the so called "Feminists" fighting for equal rights when it comes to abuse and rape (they clearly have more rights than men in this area) as well as fighting for equal pay in the fashion industry for example (they make a lot more than men in that industry for the exact same jobs) as their are content with the status quo and it is not on their interest to give up such advantages in the name of equality. Regarding the subject at hand, they are not the only group suffering abuse online, as abuse also happen in the basis of age, sex, race, etc... Yet, somehow, they manage to single themselves out as victims and whine and bitch until the industry changes to accommodate them. Total BS. If you can't handle the industry, change yourself or find another hobby/job. God forbid make a Documentary about the real abuse women suffer in Africa and the Middle East. Just a bunch of spoiled brats that believe the world should change to accommodate them.

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All you Feminazis talk about is "EQUALITY" and how you should be treated the same as men. Let's see how long it would take you to run back and embrace the differences between men and women after you get punched in the mouth by a dude. Even if you hit him back you will want to be treated differently, GUARANTEED! You will hurt, he will laugh.

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Why talk about serious issues that the government does not want to work on as in health care reform and social security when we can keep people's attention on video games...

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This ROFLMAO! Funny and true!