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Edited By lance_7

@bignick217 As I thought, complaining to complain. The point is that these are servers that are sucking up money for no reason because there aren't enough people playing to justify keeping them running. This isn't some stand against discrimination or some political issue. This is about freaking game servers and a company trying to make a profit.

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Edited By lance_7

@HiSaZuL You are coming in on the back end of a conversation and making assumptions. First off, I said, to cut online within 24 months is shady business. That isn't 3 sips out of a gallon. BUT you also can't expect them to keep a server running forever. Like I said, how many of you are actually complaining about servers being cut off on games you actually play on a regular basis if at all? Most here are just complaining to complain, aren't affected in the least by this issue, and probably don't even know which games are affected. They stated it is games that really aren't being played (i.e. less than 1% of the active user base). Some people simply enjoy being outraged. If you go to a movie you are paying around $10 a ticket more or less. On average you are lucky if the movie last for 2 hours, so that averages out to about $5/per hour of entertainment. A game new out the box is usually $60. Yet people act like that $60 should entitle you to a life time of entertainment. With online functionality many people spend less than a dollar per hour of entertainment pouring well over 60 hours into a game by the time they play the single player and multiplayer. But companies are expected to go above and beyond and keep serving you for years after the product was released. Not realistic and it makes no business sense. Maybe that is why EA manages to stay in business while these other companies are closing up shop.

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Edited By lance_7

@dalua360 I get your point I really do, but we just seem to disagree on this while I respect your intellect and your position. The problem is you feel as though it is your right to have online access to a game forever. I simply am looking at the big picture from the companies point of view. EA makes a ton of games. If they keep online servers running for every game they make forever they'd go broke pretty quick. It makes no business sense. While it seems nice and all it just isn't practical. Microsoft pulled the plug on support for the original Xbox as well. You try to play those games online you just can't. Console online features have a shelf life, that is something that needs to be understood as a consumer. You don't expect any other form of technology to last forever, but for some reason we expect online game experiences to be different. It isn't like they are stopping you from having single player access, but games weren't made to last forever in their current state. As for PC users, that is something different completely. It would be nice if they continued the standard and allowed third parties to run servers, but the PC community needs to take some of the responsibility for the problem. With all the hacking and piracy they are the cause of so much of the over protectiveness of the industry today. I understand companies wanting to protect their intellectual properties and at times that is at the expense of the customer.

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Edited By lance_7

@bignick217 You are really going to sit here and try and tell me what I know about my own car. I'm not an idiot, I went online looking for the part to this particular car; I also spoke with mechanics. They don't make the part I need in the third party market and the company no longer makes the part. The best hope for finding the part was from a identical model that was scraped but the problem with that was that there is no idea of the condition of the replacement. There are no other options. The analogy stands as is, and it is the same as this. You can't expect a company to continue to provide service on something that is out of date and isn't providing a profit. At some point you are just sinking money into something.

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Edited By lance_7

@ bignick217 I had an older car. A part went bad on that car and it was no longer being made and there was no where that I could find it. The car was a 99, so I’m not talking about something from the 60s or something. Should I expect the company that created the car to continue to make parts for the small minority of people who still drive that car? It isn’t their responsibility to make sure you can have online functionality of a game forever. I’m not missing any point. You are missing my point, it is a business. You can’t expect companies to continue to do nonprofitable things for your personal benefit. Like I said, I think it is shady to turn off online functionality in under 24 months, but you can’t base businesses off of the small cult that is the dedicated few. Those dedicated few are usually the ones that cost you money because they’ll play the original Halo online for 10 years and never get the sequals and expect you to keep the server on for them. They turn it off and you have the option to upgrade or play a different game.

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Edited By lance_7

@ dalua360 Wow, that is a large leap you are taking. You have a voice, it is called your money. There are no dictators in gaming, they can’t control you, force you to buy their games, and make you play until your fingers bleed. This isn’t about constitutionality, it is a company who is in business to make a profit, choosing to make profitable decisions. Look around at all the companies going out of business in the gaming world. If turning off servers on games that few people care about is going to keep the money rolling and better games coming out then I’m all for it. Anyone who bought a game with the expectation that online functionality would always be available needs a reality check, Tom included seemingly. Paying for a server every month so 1000 people can play sporadically is a waste of resources. I’d understand if the day BF4 came out they turned off the servers for BF3 and said screw you if you want to play then upgrade, but that isn’t the case. All companies do this in some form or another. Look at Apple and the fact that they come out with an new iPhone and iPad seemingly every year. Guess what, if you have older generation gear you don’t get certain features and apps don’t work. It sucks but that is the way it works.

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Edited By lance_7

@ Serpentes420 By buying an online pass you paid for the opportunity to gain online functionality to the game for whatever remaining time that entails. That isn’t paying for the game it is paying for access to a feature. You can complain about the amount of time you have access to that feature, but you got treated the same as those who paid full price for the game on day one. It isn’t their fault you waited a year and a half to get the game used at half the price or whatever the case. It isn’t like they are turning it off on some people and leaving it on for others. The fact is that any product that doesn’t have enough demand gets canned. If your favorite burger spot isn’t selling enough of the #5 they take it off the menu. It is the same here. The only difference is the vocal minority are usually really loud. How many people here are actually upset because they play these games on a regular basis, and how many are here just to complain on principal and bash EA because they are use to bashing EA?

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Edited By lance_7

Surprise, Tom is upset about something. Come ye masses to click the thumbs down button. I don’t think in good faith any company should turn off online service to a game under 24 months. For them to have a policy set that instead of turning off servers to games that are old but popular and turning off unpopular games instead, I understand the premise but still question the integrity. That said, after 2 years it is fair game in my mind. You can’t seriously expect a company to keep servers going on a game for ever, especially if the game isn’t popular. Yes, it is a business. They provide a service to paying customers. By the way, if you bought an online pass then you really weren’t a paying customer to begin with because you bought the game used. Your game purchase didn’t support the company and they have no sympathy for you. And don’t tell me about the price of games and blah, blah, blah. Many times the difference between the price of a new game and the cost of a used game is $10 or less. If $10 makes that big of a difference to your standard of living then you probably shouldn’t be wasting what little you have on games in the first place.

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Edited By lance_7

@Ninjiz The comment about having a job was because of an earlier comment talking about ppl who are okay with DLC being spoiled. It isn't to throw it in ppls face but simply to say I'm not some spoiled kid who has someone else buying my stuff and giving it to me. I work for my money and choose how I spend it.

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Edited By lance_7

Cont. We all vote with our money and if you all get together and don’t buy it and it is not financially beneficial for them to make the DLC then they won’t make it, but it doesn’t mean they would spend the extra production time to add that stuff to the disc, you may just never see it. I don’t see it as much different between when you buy a blu-ray and there is the extended or unrated version along with deleted scenes. Did the people who saw the film in the theatre get a lesser experience because that stuff wasn’t in the movie? Some people wouldn’t want to spend an extra 45 minutes watching the movie.