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#1 kabalzer0
Member since 2010 • 302 Posts

brawl has more balanced gameplay, a much larger roster of characters.  and most importantly, it isn't heavily skewed toward fast lightweight characters as melee was.  i think brawl gets way too much criticism.  for example, metaknight is overpowered, but he's still tame compared to the gameplay imbalances of most fighters.



Tell that someone who played in the EVO finals... he will point at you while laughing his ass off.

the tripping alone makes it worse than Melee. And what do you mean with gameplay imbalances of most fighters? WTF? Street Fighter 4 is way better balanced than any Smash Bros game. same is true for KoFXIII.

there are many cash in fighters noone cares about that are unbalanced but they really do not count since noone really plays them because they are so badly balanced. Its a wonder that MK9 and Injustice even made it into EVO... well now that i think about it xD Warner Bros sponsored the event... so no wonder they were ther xD because both are no ProGamer material.

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#2 kabalzer0
Member since 2010 • 302 Posts

xbox 360 plays FF11 and PSU which are basically both PS2 games...devs saying they will not upgrade it much is not anything special.

Also Darksider devs are terrible at taking advantage of superior hardware and anyone who has it for PC would probably say the same.


you know that they dont care s*** for the PC version rite? thats why it was a cheap port not because the dont know how to use it... a PC version of a game like Darksiders only pays off if they make it as cheap as possible... and the cheapest way is to make a bland port of the 360/PS3 version if they think theyll make some serious money with the Wii U version they will optimize it... if not they will just make a port with some touchscreen map functions or something so it looks like they optimized it...

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#3 kabalzer0
Member since 2010 • 302 Posts

COD comes out every f-in year and something fresh and interesting as Prey 2 gets canceled (maybe, still hoping its just a rumor) THAT IS A WORLD I DONT WANT TO LIVE IN and i hope this is gong to change very soon!

but DLC is by far the worst thing ever! DLCs are a piece of s***, and no im not talking about things like the GTA 4 episodes or RDR Undead Nightmare, those are great expansions and i have both as Disc version... im talking about new outfits for freakin fighting games that are released the freaking day the game comes out... W T F? or things like additional maps... guess what THOSE THINGS USED TO BE FREAKIN FREE! ya back in the day where publisheres made much less mones they were freakin free! and now that they swim in freakin money the want to have even more money and cut out parts of games to release them later as DLC.

F*** DLCs and F*** everyone who supports this crap!

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#4 kabalzer0
Member since 2010 • 302 Posts

HOLY CRAP NO! they cant cancel Prey 2!

and f*** those who say it sucks because its not like Prey 1! i loved Prey 1 too and it would be great so see a real sequel to it that plays just like it (with some enhancements of course) but damn! PREY 2 LOOKED SO F-IN AWESOME AT E3!

it would be a crime to the whole genre if they cancel it! in fact i will hate Bethesda with passion if they do so! this game doesnt have potential written all over it, it is the freaking definition of potential! first i was like "what? prey without portals, walwalk and spiritwalk? F*** THAT!"... and after E3 i was like TAKE MY FAWKIIIN MONEY ALREADY!

so please bethesda if you guys have a heart, dont cancel prey 2! for the sake of the first person shooter genre!