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#1 Imperator7
Member since 2016 • 79 Posts


@Bigboi500 said:
@gregbmil said:

I'm happy with this gen. I have a ps4 and WiiU. Screw the WiiU though, I'm done with Nintendo

What, in your opinion, is so great about PS4 and its games? I have both systems too and a XB1, and have had only one or two really good times: Witcher 3 on PS4 and Ori and the Blind Forest on XB1. On WIi U I've played a few more great games than that, but not enough to compare to last generation of great times on those systems.

Mad Max - I think the graphics are beautiful, I really enjoy the car combat although it can get repetitive (you can aim this complaint at a lot of games).

Diablo 3 - Fantastic on console after my disappointment with the original D3 release on PC (pre expansion and during AH fiasco). My brother and I co-op this one online.

Mortal Kombat X - was a huge fan of MK as a kid, haven't played since MK3. I love the graphics, combat, etc... its a fun game to pay - DLC Kombat pack prices are crap (boo dlc).

Indies - I love that Ps4 has a huge list of Indie titles. I could get them from Steam, but I like to have some so that If I am jumping from one of my bigger titles I can play one as a break

I am excited at some point to start Dark souls 2, Witcher 3 and Bloodborne! So far I cant say compared to last gen with my 360 and PS3 (man, I have nothing to play, I dont like the performance of this console, why did I buy this... etc... ). Perhaps if I had a friend with a beefy gaming rig and I was watching him play games at 60 FPS and then had to go home and play at 30 FPS I may change my tune in terms of performance but I dont have that reference point :)

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#2 Imperator7
Member since 2016 • 79 Posts

I have seen this sentiment in many forums so obviously a lot of people are disgruntled for various reasons. I personally have owned consoles dating back to NES. I was a bit later on this gen and got a PS4 during the Black Friday sales last year with Uncharted bundle. So far I have purchased:

Mad Max / Dark Souls 2 / MKX / Witcher 3 / Dragon Age: Inquisition / Bloodborne / Diablo 3 (Indies I didnt get via Steam previously: Don't Starve, Transistor, Rebel Galaxy, RCR, Crypt of the Necrodancer)

Overall I am enjoying the console. I like the improvements from last Gen albeit the consoles are underpowered. Things like ease of jumping back to the home screen, and jumping into other games quickly is nice and the PS4 is whisper quiet. I haven't even touched Blooodborne or Witcher 3 yet and I feel like I never have enough time to get to all my games with other things in my life. For me, the graphics in the games I have played are crisp and framerates seem solid. I like the controller and PSN has been stable for me and I get fast downloads for games.

I would have gone with a gaming PC if not for the weak Cad dollar and expense of putting together a beefy rig. However, in 25 years of gaming I am not disappointed in this gen's offering of titles or the console itself. I am also certain I would be enjoying the Xbox One if I had chosen that console instead. To me if I am having fun with the games available to me on my console I am happy. I dont see anything this gen that indicates there is a lack of quality games to play and it looks like 2016 should be a good year regardless of your current gen console.

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#3  Edited By Imperator7
Member since 2016 • 79 Posts

@nyadc said:

Pro tip, don't buy unfinished games, problem solved and if they are unfinished they should be distributed freely in a closed/open alpha or beta to get feedback as has always been done with PC games.

There doesn't need to be a better "Early Access" system, there doesn't need to be a "Games in Development" system, the concept needs to go away entirely, the only people to blame are the idiots who contribute to the problem by continuing to purchase them, not the people who introduced the feature..

You're directing your blame at the wrong party, it's the community itself that is to blame for this actually taking off, no one else.

Yea I mean, if the community is going to fund a project before its complete, well, buyer beware. There have been so many stories out there too now of devs going awol on projects before completion. I would never fund 'Early Access' as really, there are so many finished games on steam and elsewhere that the game can wait until it gets a full release and has some reviews I can check.

Always been a fan of Steam and this won't change that.

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#4 Imperator7
Member since 2016 • 79 Posts

I have been a gamer for 25 years (30 years old now) gaming on both consoles and pc's the entire time. Was any PC gamer here around for the good old days of dos games (Commander Keen 4, original Duke Nukem, Stunts, Ski, Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, Catacomb 3d, Ski or Die, etc... etc...). Ah man good old shareware for a young kid without a lot of money! I also have very fond memories of NES and SNES especially being a young kid in the early 90's.

This gen I went PS4 for the simple fact that the Canadian dollar is crap and the gaming PC I wanted to build would cost more than I am willing to spend at this time. Overall I am glad PC gaming is doing really well and we have all these fantastic indie games (which my Core 2 Duo, 8800 GTX pc can keep up with:) as well as fantastic AAA titles. I wouldn't care if Bloodborne was available on PC as I can play it on PS4 but I also did not buy the console for its exclusives. I chose it simply as my main gaming platform for this gen. However, I think Sony would have reservations and especially Nintendo as 1st party IPS are their bread and butter. If anything, if PC gaming is starting to push in on consoles viability, and if it means Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft have to re-think, re-tool and re-focus console gaming for the better, that's great. Stronger competition is better for all gamers.

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#5  Edited By Imperator7
Member since 2016 • 79 Posts

I really hope they bring Xcom2 to consoles. I bought Xcom and Xcom EW for 360 and loved both. Beat both on Classic Ironman and had a blast. Definitely one of my favourite games of last gen and one of the most addictive. I also thought they were very well adapted to last gen consoles (control scheme was great). I hope it sells well on PC!