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Edited By ilton45

Again, rugripper40 like people here are saying, The Mona Lisa was more than just a portrait, it challenged beauty, that was his intent. What's the intent of video games, other than entertainment?

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Edited By ilton45

Nickfury101, THANK YOU... You just stole those words out of me... I have been trying to say that, and kept making references to that but you just said it so beautifully...

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Edited By ilton45

I think video games can be creative, I think games can be art, are all video games creative and art? No, people are generalizing too much here. I think the mere fact that so many people work on games, and that publishers, and developers have certain expectations as far as money goes, makes it less art, and more entertainment. I don't know what Marcel thinking with Fountain, but I don' think he thought, "I better sell over three million copies." There are developers and games that are an exception to this, but they're just that an exception.

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Edited By ilton45

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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Edited By ilton45

Argie, I'm not saying it took talent or that someone else couldn't do it, but that was part of a movement, and I don't think it's good really. But it doesn't mean it's not creative. He used something that was already there yes, but he used it to make a statement, something that wouldn't that necessarily come from just looking at a urinal. Like I said, look up the definition of creativity, I think you have the wrong idea of what creativity means, because in its own right that was very creative.... This is just my opinion and you can have yours. But just to clear things up, how is it creative to push out a Madden game every year, or how is it creative to keep milking franchises (Halo, Gears) I mean aliens taking over that's never been done ,right?, I'm not saying there aren't creative games, but I like I said this is just my opinion. It's fine if people disagree. @klugenbeel Anyone can do math, not everyone can make art...

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Edited By ilton45

there is no creativity in randomly splotching paint on a canvas, or placing a urinal on a pedestal. @ Argie You're really wrong... So you're saying it's not creative to do something some else hasn't done, but it is creative to keep doing the same thing over and over again. Wow... You need to open that tiny mind of yours, obviously you don't know the definition of creativity. That urinal on a pedestal may have meant more to him that a game may ever mean to any developer, or a gamer.

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Edited By ilton45

I would also have to add that I don't think just because games involve drawing, and sculpture as design tools, qualify video games as art. I think that's a very general statement. What I mean by that is that just like I wouldn't consider someone taking a picture of my face art, I wouldn't consider someone sculpting or putting someone else's face in a video game art. I don't think drawing or sculpting automatically qualify as art, to me. Art is about opinions, beliefs, thoughts, ideals, or life. So I don't think Tony Hawk 20 is art, by any means. All games go through a very similar process to make them, that process isn't art, but rather the individual parts are art, if these are honest, and have something less superficial than just replicating something then yeah, it is art, but otherwise I wouldn't consider games art, just because the process involves sketching and sculpting.

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Edited By ilton45

zelink551, yeah I agree, some films I would consider art, such as I'm Not There, but others not so much... shexcel - Art is undefinable, but that's not a good word, because some people take that, and think anything is art. I'm not sure what art is, but I do know art when I see, feel, and/or hear it. I don't think anyone should say what art is, it's always just going to be biased opinions for the most part.