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#1 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

Right: If you want a car that's smaller than a Mini, but is about the size of a minivan on the inside, has the most convenient trunk in the world, the most comfortable couch seats in the world that recline in the back, make inpossible 180 turns, cheap as dirt tires, reliable as a tank, get strange looks from people that allows you to get away with a lot of illegal manuvers, and will get noticed by chicks, get a cube.

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#2 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts


Kia Soul.

No love for boxy looking cars?


It's really nice and easy to drive but if I could chose I'd rather be in the Sabaru. :P

The cube pwns your silly Soul and that stupid grin.

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#3 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

When people think mainstream, they automatically picture crappy artists such as Ke$ha or Justin Bieber. It's just a cycle in which I bet that 30 years later, people will worship Lady Gaga as they do with Led Zeppelin. Yes I said it, go flame me all you want, you know it's true.


I will accept your bet. What's your wager? I will remember even after the zombie apocalypse...

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#4 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

I like music that's mainstream in Europe, just not here in NA.LightR
What's mainstream in Europe ain't mainstream in NA that's for sure.

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#5 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

I am going to be leasing a car soon and have narrowed it down to these.

1. Kia Soul


http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/02/11-nissan-juke-pressopt.jpg= Mentally retarded squid


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:I own a cube

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#6 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

Because everyhing on the radio consists of Autotune and synths done on some guys laptop with a funny sounding name that means absolutely nothing.

Seriously...New York City doesn't have 1 Rock/Metal station. Not one for a city serving 20+million listeners. There's 1 official jazz and classical station (tons of unofficial and college ones),about 6 'hits' stations (that repeat the same songs over again), and 3 R&B/Rap stations. Pretty sad...

Most importantly, mainstream music sounds generic. Its all based on these one-hit celebreties that produce the same music over again. Chords are all in major. Albums literally have the same recurring beats in every track. Have you actually listened to an entire album of a popular band? They have 1 song on the radio, and that's pretty much what they make.

Try listening to some jazz, old-school rock, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, classical music (Vivaldi is always a good start), metal (Metal's a lot more than just grunts and noise. There's a lot of subtelty, nuance, and minor. Opeth is a good start), prog rock, foreign, indie (its pretty hit-and-miss tho....mostly miss).......can you really still enjoy mainstream music? At least ask why so many amazing musicians are completely unheard of and ignored while Evanescence, Jay-Z, rhianna, that annoying woman who dresses like a scary clown, and fvukin limp bizkit hog all the attention?

I have nothing against good popular music. Look at Metallica, Beatles, Doors, Public Enemy, Nirvana, Pantera, Rage against the machine, Megadeth, Led Zeppelin, Genesis (before they got all pop/trance and bad), Rush, Queen.....these were HUGE bands. All amazing. Yet there's nothing even close nowadays to the level of quality these bands churnned out at their prime.

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#7 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

I mean, it really dosen't seem all that great to me.

I just had my wallet stolen today, I work at a freaken supermarket, which is incredibly boring and dull.

I personally just can't wait until next year when I'm free to study at uni and work in better and more exciting jobs and go travelling and meet nice women.

High School sucks


lol it definetly wanst the best years for me! I guess it depends on your luck and outlook in High School. My school was small and extremely cruddy. I was a shy kid coming into High School, and school only made me worse off. Days flew by without me even realizing it. I was bored of my classes, since they were so easy. I hated my peers since they were immature and stupid (though I'm sure the tides have turned over time). They hated me back for...I guess being shy. They didn't understand that, so they assumed I hated them (I thought their antics were violent and retarded, but I still wanted to make a good impression).

The best time I had in High School was

a) being alone. I ditched school a lot in my last 2 years. Came to be counted for attendance and left. I left to go to the library to study for Regents exams (that didnt mean **** anyway) and SAT exam (which also didnt mean much since I could only afford public universities). Exploring the city and going into neighborhoods my parents would kill me if they knew. Taking long walks and philosophising about pointless **** It was fun. I actually don't think I'll ever have that sort of freedom again. I

b) hanging with ma gf and friends outside of high school.

Truth is that High School is a confusing and annoying point in time. You're both mature enough to do things on your own, yet too immature to make your own decisions about life. Plus, the people around you are more likely to be even more immature than you are (you are at least asking about it. Most people in High School don't reflect on ****).

Save that energy for college. Go to a large University and have fun. Get involved in school and thow water balloon condoms at your roomates in dorms. Play Smash Bros for 2 days straight. Drink 10 jello shots at a frat party. Do well enough on your SAT's (I was the unfortunate victim of the 1st Writing parts that mattered...I'm sure they've devised a ton of counters for those by now). Find yourself in college.

Its your last year in HS, right? Look at it as your last year of freedom from responsability. Nothing you do in terms of grades besides SAT/ACT will matter. Do well enough and ditch. Ditch often. Smoke some weed. Do whatever fills your hearts content that doesn't get you killed or arrested.

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#8 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts

N64. There's so many quality games for the system. I got it a bit late, but once I did I never touched my PS1 except for Spyro (though it overheating didn't help things). Mario 64, Zelda, the Rare games, the awesome Star Wars games.

Looking back, the worst part about PS1 was that so many games were rubbish. Its not as bad as the Wii, but if you're a kid without knowing a clue about games, then you're bound to pick a ton of stinkers for every gem, I used to shop for games at funcoland (no one remembers those long sheets anymore) by just browsing through their sheet selection. When I first got my PS1 in 96 I got a mec game that was a broken POS, a worthless strategy game, a broken 3d platforming game, a hockey game that had the cpu cheat to win (they'd pass through you and blocking was just too slow), a basketball game that took longer to finish than a real NBA game (think it was called in the zone), and Tekken. Besides Tekken, I don't remember what the other games were called since they were so generic. Even then, the first Tekken wasn't the best fighting game in the world. Before I only went for 'Greatest Hits' games, I got 30 games. The only ones that were good were Sony's NFL game (I don't even know what its called, but there's a cool cheat for a Skeleton match) , Tekken, Cool Borders, WWF Attitude, MDK, and Crash 1.

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#9 hhh44_2000
Member since 2003 • 469 Posts
Fist thing, don't put it on the rug.
Second, it's (unfortunetly) totally normal normal to get a faulty 360.
Third, MS's warantee and customer service is superb. You can get it replaced without any hassle from MS. They send you a box, you ship it, and you get it back
Fourth, you can still return it to the store.

My 360 broke 2 times. It took over 6 months the 1st and just a little over a month the second time. Each time they sent me a brand new unit. Yes, it's annoying, but it's really not too bad. You could buy a PS3, but why bother? There are noly a handful of good games on the system while the 360 has dozens. I'm not a fanboy. I'm just a gamer w. no biases, and I'm telling you don't do it JUST because your 360 broke the 1st time.
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