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I will not. EA revenue is already through the roof with what they have been doing, namely $20-ish dollar passes. This is all just padding the revenue stream after the game is released. If enough people support this new pricing more publishers will increases the price of their respective passes. And since they're clearly focusing on driving the population towards new content I am now not even planning on purchasing the base game. That may change if it turns out to be a truly terrific game post-beta, but I doubt it.

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@elheber: It's Braniac. Enjoy the free wifi, so we can snoop your data and infect your system. Enjoy these free portable chargers, so we can spread onto your other devices and be carried all around the world. The undertones are pretty transparent. Aside from that it was OK. Clearly you've never seen the promotions tech companies typically commission - this makes them look amatuer in comparison.

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I was so wrong on this, I figured (I think on this very site) that Sony would not reduce the price until later in 2016. I wonder how this will affect sales in the applicable regions through Q1.

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@bigmikeOK: 900p on the PS4 is common for EA's games that use DICE's engines. I think until now they've managed to hit some weird resolution slightly above 720p on the Xbox One.

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Edited By hansbeej

@skiggy34: games look and run better on the PS4. It's about the specs. It seems people have to be reminded of this constantly.

Both have comparable, customized AMD 8-core CPU's. The clock speed is slightly higher on the X1 but not enough to make any kind of real difference. I think it's 1.75 GHz compared to 1.6 GHz. Both rally weak and disappointing, but oh well, they're $400-ish consoles afterall.

The PS4 however has a 1.84 teraflop GPU, while the Xbox One's is 1.31. The PS4's GPU has 1,152 shaders (cores), the X1 768. This is a linear expression of certain computational strengths of the GPU, giving the PS4 literally 50% more "power" or efficiency in that regards.

The X1 has 16 ROPS (Raster Operators) which are responsible for the actual constructions of scenes, post processing and anti-aliasing, and other operations. The PS4 has 32.

Finally we have the RAM, PS$ has GDDR5 unified (all used equally by the CPU and GPU with memory controllers in such a design that all of the potential bandwidth can be accessed) for a memory bandwidth of 176 GBps. The X1 has old DDR3 RAM for a bandwidth of roughly 68 GBps, with a small pool of eSRAM (32 MB) that has 204 GBps. That small pool of eSRAM and the slow DDR3 is why the X1 struggles to output games at a native resolution of 1080p and/or with good framerates, or even really approaching 1080p, while that's pretty much the norm for the PS4. Each frame is a rendered image consisting of a bunch of stuff, and 1080p frames are larger. So devs for the X1 have to work with a bunch of post processing and that tiny 32 MB buffer of good bandwidth, affecting everything.

The PS4 is comparable, spec wise, to a decent PC with a GPU roughly a bit more powerful than a GTX 660, just with greater memory bandwidth and more cores. So games look like they would on a PC running at high settings with some decent post-processing and effects. The X1 is comparable to a much less powerful GPU, those that struggle to run games at 1080p on medium settings, so to improve image quality resolution and post processing (due to the 16 ROPS and other factors) have to be greatly reduced.

In conclusion just look at inFAMOUS: Second Son, an early game for the PS4. Gorgeous and ran around 40 FPS on average, variable, though it could be locked to like 35 or something. That game looks better than anything that will ever, ever be on the Xbox One. And there's still years for Sony and their teams to optimize.

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@the_crap_of_us: new IP's typically don't sell as well as established franchises. Third party games still move consoles for the vast majority of people who play games, after all, despite what the console warriors will tell you.

The other thing about Sunset Overdrive to consider was how many fewer Xbox One consoles were on the market at the time. I realize the dev received assistance from Microsoft to get the game made, but really, they should have tried harder to find additional finding and/or made concessions to get it on the PS4. The game would have probably sold three times the units over its life and made a sequel all but a certainty.

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@europeitch @centethomas The PS4 holds every market, and outside of the US the Xbox One isn't even really competition. Every month the margins grow larger. So yes, Sony has "won". And your opinion isn't a fact. But while we're on that topic, I'm not seeing these terrific X1 exclusives you're hinting at. Both consoles have exclusives many would consider good to great, with just as many people considering them to be mediocre. At least the PS4 has a greater diversity and more raw console-exclusive titles. I think you're also underestimating how attractive the entire PlayStation package is at this point: lots of "free" games with PS+, streaming and sharing, PS Now, exclusive television shows that people are enjoying, novel controller features like the speaker and touch pad and mic port, etc, etc. And it's not like the PlayStation hasn't been receiving lots of improvements and additions with their firmware iterations. Feature for feature, the PS4 actually has more than the X1 - but one wouldn't know that if they weren't looking at both objectively.

But hey, enjoy your X1. I'm glad you're liking it.

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Edited By hansbeej

@europeitch @hansbeej Odd that someone would claim sales do not matter. They mean everything for the success and longevity of a product. If you're referring to some kind of ideological "victory" because you prefer one platform over another, well, that's an opinion. Nothing one can really say to that.

And I agree, games matter, and right now the PS4 has far more than the competition, while the multiplatform options of course run better on the PS4. At least Nintendo is still doing their thing - they remain largely unique and I'd hate to see Nintendo stop putting out good games. The Xbox One almost seems superfluous at this point.

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On the console wars: it's over, Sony has already won this generation. The most Microsoft can hope for at this point is to remain competitive in the United States and somewhat competitive in the UK. Unit shares, hearts and minds, developer support - all Sony and there's no reason to think that will change going forward.

Batgirl: looks like an amalgamation of Cassandra Cain and Barbara Gordon. The red hair is rather iconic so I am surprised they moved away from that.

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@Master_Of_Fools @hansbeej it bombed. There's a concept known as opportunity cost. I can guarantee you Nintendo didn't spend millions developing a new console so it could sale pittance and call it a win,