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#1 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

I don't why IW or MS do something about it. Don't they play the games? Do they see these hackers and just let them be? Honestly they should just look at the leaderboards in MW and see all of the hackers and ban them all from Live.


It's ridiculous, I've lost all faith in Infinity Ward, Treyarch has my vote from now since they actually show some devotion to the fans. It used to be once in a while where I would run into some frustrating hacker and I would just rage quit then move on and forget, but tonight I had 5 consecutive games with hackers, the one guy using a Tactical Knifing class that could knife me from 40 feet or so away? Just plain ridiculous. Pretty sure once the new Transformers: War For Cybertron game comes out I'll leave MW2 for good, trust me I downloaded the multiplayer demo and the game is almost as addictive as MW2, has many of the same elements but merely 3rd person. Too bad the game doesn't have more hype and attention. Check it out.

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#2 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

So I'm starting to get really fed up with them, changing their names so you cannot actually figure out their XBL gamertag, I recently joined a game five minutes ago where some guy in a chopper gunner that was sitting in one spot at the edge of the map mowed down everyone and had a score of 77 and 0. I have to ask why do people use hacks and ruin the game for people who want a challenge. Anyways the point of this thread is to ask if anyone else is having this problem and to keep a record of any gamertags you guys find are hacking, maybe we can get some of these guys off XBL.

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#3 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

My biggest fear was trying to create random posses and end up with a bunch of 14 year olds shooting each other every time we turn around, add my PSN: wheelinXcore

I'm down for anything, casual hunts to competitive modes to just screwing around, whatever everyone's in the mood for I suppose! Also I have a mic so I'm won't be a boring straggler

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#4 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

Also I don't believe there will be a GOW spin-off dealing with his brother, theres hardly a reason to believe he was thrown in for anything more than some more back story for the hardcore fans, also I can't imagine another GOW seeing as there are few God's left and they entire world is pretty well in ruin, what would the story be? If anything it's gonna be a completely new protagonist in an entirely sepereate universe from GOW's. The ending was fitting and if they try to suck more blood out of the series then they're ruining a great trilogy.

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#5 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

I'm almost positive you're over thinking that line far too much, I really don't think he meant someone in particular..

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#6 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

I'm currently stuck on the Barthandelus (3rd) boss fight, I have no problem with the fight itself, the only reason I die is because of the Doom spell he uses. I've heard he only casts the spell after 20 minutes of fighting, is there any confirmation on that? And if my characters simply aren't strong enough is there anyway for me to go back and grind for CP? (I saved just before the fight) Or am I going to have to start from the extra save I made at the beginning of Chpater 13? Any help wold be appreciated!

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#7 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

the normal enemies in chapter 13 are making me wanna rip my own hair out, some of these are just ridiculously unfair

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#8 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

I've been anticipating Demon's Souls for a good year and a half now, so you could imagine my excitement when the release date came yesterday.
Drove 30 minutes to EB Games and for SOME reason, they didn't get it in, that's only the beginning.
So I call today and the game arrived so I blow some more gas and pick up the game.
I arrive at home very excited, put the game in, and begin playing.
About 20 minutes in I come to a dead end, the only option seems to be a ledge leading to endless clouds(?), so I take the plunge.
Turns out the rest of level didn't load and so I'm forced to restart the PS3.
Turn on the PS3 to discover it will no longer read any discs, and better yet my warranty expired long ago.
I'm ready to kill people.
And that's my story.

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#9 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

I have my copy pre-ordered and I would much rather prefer to play through the compaign in online 4-player co-op.
So if you're picking up the game and feel you fit well in the tactical realistic shooter realm, leave your PSN and we can hook up when the game launches.


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#10 hXcShock
Member since 2008 • 170 Posts

Hack'n'slash dungeon crawlers on consoles?
Me and my good friend used to spend countless hours playing the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and Champions of Norath games.
And it seems i'm forced to play those same games over again cause I haven't come across any on the PS3.
Does anyone else miss them as much as we do?

PS, while i'm here, what happened to good co-op/splitscreen games in general?