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#1 greenteaolive
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

yeah it will probably have an option.


i really wish the Wii had something like xbox live.   maybe i should just get a 360,  oh Wii,  why do you faul so badly

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#3 greenteaolive
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

i didn't even realize the PC version was out.

 I have A PC with SLI two GeForce 7600GT's in it, and i can honestly say PC gaming is overated,  i mean yeah they have some good games, but the gameplay is short, and all the games are first person shooters, except for a very few titles that are atually good.  to be honest the 360 is starting to look really good, and PC gaming is starting to look like a real waste of money.  there's just no sence of community, or anyway to connect with gaming friends, people just mindless blow each other away, and never actually have a friends list or anything.  the games suport friends list but haha every PC game is so buggy that it never works i have yet to find a PC game that remember my favorites server list.   


Vista sucks too, it's one HUGE RIPOFF of the MAC OS X      i don't know how microsoft made a good gaming system, other then they are listening to the community of gamers, and actuallying doing what people have wanted a console to do forever.


i mean even Nintendo promised online gaming and we have YET to see any.   i mean come on nintendo stop dicking us around

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#4 greenteaolive
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

what the hell did you see the controls for RE:4  they actually think you are going to hold B in and fire with A,  that is so stupid it's a GUN you FIRE with the TRIGGER,  what the muff,   if they don't allow an option to change that i'm goin to be so annoyed, GUN TRIGGER GUN TRIGGER,   just like Call of Duty, you press A to scope and B to fire, i mean come on get with it,   Wii Developers are so clueless.   start thinking about what you are doing before you program it i swear.



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#5 greenteaolive
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts



Don't sell it if you do you're an idiot.  and if you don't like it your an idiot, and if you are complaining that there are no games on it your an idiot.  honestly i feel that buying a wii or ps3 right now is a bad idea because they are so new, i mean i got my wii, and there was like nothing for it, only zelda and a hand full of bad very bad games like farcry.

 so it made me realize i probably should have just waited, because all i do on it now is play gamecube games.

 but my point is, just wait until a game comes out for a system that you really have to have, i mean at least then you will have one game that is worth buying the system.

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