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Edited By GamerX2015

I know I will no doubt echo many on here, but Anthem was a game that the vast majority of Bioware fans NEVER asked for.

So instead of squandering resources on a boondoggle, cut your losses, lick your wounds and refocus your efforts on the existing franchises you already have.

The game was a blatant Destiny-Lite knockoff, which had the game been published by companies who's 90% of capital come from live service games, would at least be understandable.

But Bioware became a name through its mastery of RPG mechanics and rich storytelling that attracted creative artists, writers and developers of all backgrounds. It brought three major game titles to an audience that lavished praise and criticism in equal measure because of the sheer time, talent and dedication these people spent on these games.

And yet, as soon as EA acquired them, it was a familiar pattern of acquire, order and reap.

I speak, of course of the process when a giant company led by individuals with VASTLY different motives, given their roles and focus, order instead of collaborate, steamroll when they should till, and demand when they should ask.

The result: a fifty million plus game that only made roughly five million in microtransaction sales over two years and never, by even the most liberal stretch of the imagination, experienced the same level of success as the Dragon Age, Mass Effect or Baldies Gate franchises.

So what's the solution?

Utilizing creative ways to blend microtransactions within established RPG games, without alienating your core fans.

There are literally DOZENS of ways any person without a business or finance degree could tell you how to build revenue sources within a Single / Multiplayer game.

Does an established franchise guarantee success? Of course not!

But that's where controlled input from fans and followers can help companies cultivate creative processes while enhancing company bottom line revenue.

For God Sake EA:


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This is really awesome news but I can't help but feel frustrated.

Not at the developers or the hard work of the creative teams, but by the so called "insiders" and "anonymous sources" that constantly claim to have the "real details".

These so-called experts get articles written up, not to mention all the benefit of the doubt in the world, only to repeatedly be wrong.

Case in point, I remember reading no less than ten articles, all from different writers that all stated, the MELE was going to have a ton of previously cut content, and even went so far as to state what was going to be added back in to each game.

Now while you could reasonably assume that SOME of this may not make it, (as no one is ever 100% right) to say that there will be NONE of it, is utterly frustrating.

Are they making improvements and visual changes? Sure. (how could you call it a 'legendary' edition if it was just the exact same stuff w/o any improvements?)

But since some dlc is NOT being put in, the value of some previously cut content would go a long way to making the game replay able and a good value.

And while I'm ranting on, what about some romance improvements?

I mean would it really be so hard to make a female Shepard be able to romance Jack in ME2 or to have a male Shepard romance Kaiden in ME1?

These were repeated complaints at the time, and since, about the lack of same sex romances.

The romance pieces are already there, along with all the dialogue, so why couldn't they just enable them to either gender?

Bottom line, yes, it's nothing short of awesome sauce that this amazing trilogy is getting a new lease.

I just wish that new actually meant NEW in most cases and not just a refresh or tweak.

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@samurai1: very true and very possible. Based on my own impressions of Bethesda, I feel very strongly that they like to drop subtle hints in seemingly simple teasers that on the surface don't appear to reveal much. But I agree that the game is likely ways away, so it is entirely possible that information can change from one stage to another, as it has happened before.

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@Fernin-Ker: lol, as someone who also has a strong relationship with the cynic side myself, I appreciate the comment!

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@Dragerdeifrit: lol! thanks Dragerdeifrit!

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@Huantalahnmi: Thanks Huantalahnmi.

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@Freakshow046: Hey FS046, I appreciated reading your reply and the fact that you took the time to detail your case. I share a number of your points.

Mainly, Elsweyr IS a beautiful region and the topics for plot points WOULD be a ton of fun to explore: Moon Sugar drug lords / trade and the Khajiit prejudices would practically write themselves with various quests and opportunities to explore.

However, I respectfully disagree with you on two points.

1.) I mentioned that Hammerfell had been touched upon in ES2, however, one of the arguments I put forth was the fact that upon Morrowind's release, there was a revolution in terms of how focus was granted to individual regions that was not as focused on ES2, at least not in the same depth and having already touched upon it already, there is more than enough groundwork to build and expand upon to transform it into a Morrowing, Cyrodiil, Skyrim build style (however successful or unsuccessful obviously remains to be seen).

Likewise, If you look on a map of Tamriel, Hammerfell is not quite small. As I mentioned in my post, it actually is almost identical in size to Skyrim, and if anything from a sheer land mass perspective, it is larger than Elsweyr.

2.) Elsweyr, as I mentioned in my short blurb about it, geographically is by its very own description, consisted of vast jungles and woodlands similar to Valenwood. Further lore reading goes further, by describing it as "...primarily a province of harsh badlands and dry plains with fertile growing reasons covered in jungle and rainforest to the south." This I why I do not believe it is Elsweyr based on what is seen in the video.

With that said, I do concede to you some additional points that you made.

We have NOT had a game set in the southern provinces and Elsweyr WOULD make fertile ground for the hostilities between the factions you mentioned. I just do not (personally) believe that this trailer depicts Elsweyr.

Please note, my disagreements with your points should not be taken (by you or anyone reading this) as me claiming that you are incorrect or wrong about your conclusions. Only the creators know that for sure. You very well could be 100% correct as your reasoning is obviously no less valid just because we diverge on the data that we're analyzing.

And I too, would not be saddened to learn that the setting was Elsweyr over Hammerfell as both regions would have more than enough to explore. The Isles were my personal preference, as I mentioned in my post.

You obviously have as much passion for the world and lore as I do, and it is my pleasure to have the chance to read your viewpoints. Feel free to send me a message if you'd be open to talking further.

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Edited By GamerX2015

I'm 100% Certain As to Where ES6 Will Take Place.

With that said, I'd like to begin this post with the following disclaimers:

First, the comments contained herein are based upon my own research and not any "insider" information. I do not know or have had any contact with anyone who has any of that respective information.

Secondly, the opinion being stated is NOT one influenced by some desire for the game to be set there. (I'll get to my choice at the end).

With that in mind, I am, again, 100% (yes, you read that correctly, 100, 100, 100, not 99, 98, or even 99.9) that the next setting for this game will take place in...


Ah, I can practically hear the shrieks and protestations already. Before, you post them, let me at least list the reasons, (which likely won't actually be read anyway) so you can at least skim through as you practice your snarkyisms and tangents that have nothing to do with ES6 or this post.

REASON 1: The first clue comes from the teaser trailer. Notice the landscape. It's mountainous, by the sea, rocky, with some small patches of grasslands. This fits perfectly with the Hammerfell description on ES Wiki, which reads, "...Hammerfell is a massive region, covered by vast mountain ranges, grasslands, and deserts."

1A), here's where things get a little wordy, so I'll go step by step, but I'm sure most of you will be able to follow this.

Note the shadows and Hammerfell's location on the map of Tamriel. For those of you too lazy to look, it is on the Northwest of the map. This is important.

Now, take note of the medium-sized shadows from the sun. They are IN FRONT of the viewer and leaning toward the RIGHT.

If the sun were IN FRONT of you, the shadows would form BEHIND you. However, since the shadows are IN FRONT, then the SUN is BEHIND you. Continuing that lesson, if the sun were to your RIGHT, shadows form on your LEFT. However, as mentioned, they are on the RIGHT, so the sun must be on the LEFT.

Now, looking at the map again, you can see the sea to the right, which taking Hammerfell's location on the map, would mean that the viewer is on Hammerfell's coast, which is on the LEFT side.

Now, applying both principles together, and that we know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and that it has been established, the sun is presently BEHIND the viewer and to the LEFT, then the sun is currently in the west in the afternoon. If you are facing NORTH, then the shadows would be on you right side, which they are. This means the scene takes place in MID-DAY, likely during the SPRING season, given the green foliage color, and as the sun begins its descent, which would then lengthen the shadows on that side further.

1B) Note the theme song, which has obvious callbacks to the theme used in SKYRIM. Now, look at the map again and note that Skyrim shares a large border to Hammerfell. It would make sense that the successes that made Skyrim so unique with its snow covered landscapes, dragon hunting and calling would carry over in SOME way to the next game, as much as each game has been unique.

From a region to region move, it would make logical sense that the transition would carry over to a bordering region, because ES has done this before: Morrowind to Cyrodiil, Cyrodill to Sykrim, next likely shot would be Skyrim to Hammerfell.

Yes, High Rock borders this as well and shares very similar topographical descriptions, but Hammerfell and Skyrim share very similar measurements and rough layouts, so it would be very easy to work with an exisiting dimension base to build from the ground up.

The fact is the other regions do not have the physical descriptors that Hammerfell easily shares with the teaser trailer.

If you look at the existing lore or ES Wiki, you will note the following:

Valenwood is "...largely uninhabited forest wilderness. The coasts of Valenwood are dominated by mangrove swamps and sub-tropical rain forests, while heavy rainfalls nurture the temperate inland rain forests."

Black Marsh is "...filled with "great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps."

Elsweyr is "...geography consisting of a variety of dense jungles and woodland comparable to that of Valenwood."

Finally the Summerset Isles (my personal choice) is "... a green and pleasant land of fertile farmlands, woodland parks, and ancient towers and manors."

So clearly these regions physical descriptors have nothing in common with what is revealed in the trailer.

Those of you who are already SCREAMING: "ES1 & 2 already took place in Hammerfell & High Rock, why would they do it again?!" See next reason.

REASON 2. Morrowind was a gamechanger for the ES series. Yes, I know, ES2 was a game changer in the level of size, NPCs, etc. BUT you have to remember that was in the very early groundbreaking days of PC gaming and it was the Morrowind release that generated the most response up to that point.

Morrowind was also the first to take place in ONE region, where they allowed you to fully explore, instead of region hopping and whatnot, like ESO.

After its MASSIVE success, came Oblivion, which built upon Morrowind's sheer scale and then Skyrim, building even further.

Bethesda clearly understands that players enjoy exploring LARGE sized areas and die hard completionists (like me) want to find EVERY single easter egg, corner, secret they can, and ES3, was really the cornerstone for the beginning of all that.

It makes sense that Bethesda will continue that trend by setting in a region that will be as large (but likely larger) than Skyrim and while all the other regions, (even High Rock) could be made into large scale areas, Hammerfell has some other reasons for why it is going to be the next setting.

REASON 3. While we don't know for certain WHEN the next game will take place, if we are to assume anything from the theme-song, I am confident it will be AFTER the events of Skyrim.

Now if you look at the ES Wiki history or remember some of this from Skyrim, you will see a couple of things that make sense to continue it AFTER Skyrim.

3A) Skyrim takes place is 4E 201. The last major event in the timeline of Hammerfell is dated 4E 180, roughly 20 years before the events of Skyrim. This is what it says on the timeline:

"The Second Treaty of Stros M'kai is signed.[4]

Having been fought to a standstill by the Redguards, the Aldmeri Dominion completely withdraws from Hammerfell. Also, through the cooperation between Forebearers and Crowns, the civil war in Hammerfell ends. Despite the signing of the Treaty of Stros M'kai, Kematu claims that the resistance against the Aldmeri Dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell."

Sound familiar? It should considering the Thalmor's entire plotline in Skyrim and it's interactions with the Empire, and other peoples of Tamriel, of which I won't recount here, pick up one of the 100+ Skyrim re-releases and find out for yourself...or just YouTube it.

Either way, you can be sure that the Thalmor, the player's actions in Skyrim and ALL the repercussions are going to come to be seen in Hammerfell.

Also it should be noted that Hammerfell REJECTED the White Gold Concordant, so there will likely be plenty of references to this, as well as Skyrim's dealings with it.

3B) The Hammerfell region is one that has A LOT of history that ties in to the Elder Scrolls universe and Skyrim itself. For one thing the Dwemer were the first to FULLY settle Hammerfell and what Dwemer clan was responsible for this? The Rourken Clan. You might remember them from lore as the clan that left Morrowind after the formation of the alliance between the Morrowind Dwemer and Chimer.

Why is this significant? Because this event ties in closely with events in the Morrowind game AND the capital city of the Western Dwemer lies in Hammerfell.

Nords have also tried to conquer parts of Hammerfell in the past...and won, as even in the present day when Skyrim takes place, the Nords still control a portion of a major city in Hammerfell, Dragonstar. So this is another way that the Skyrim game will touch into ES6, as you will no doubt find natives still angry about the Nords presence and there will likely be a series of quests that will have you remove them (or allow them to spread further into the city) depending on your choices, as this will also continue a theme from Skyrim, that of the unnamed character aiding or hindering one side in a conflict.

There are many other things that I could tie into this post to strengthen my case, but for now I will leave you with these main things.

One note however: I fully respect anyone's opinion (assuming an individual actually takes the time to make their case) and welcome any chance at dialogue. I only ask that you don't misquote or belittle both my or anyone else's ideas or viewpoints, no matter how much you might disagree. Forums should be places of debate where people of all backgrounds and experience levels that have a shared interest can openly share their views without being subject to being ridiculed for their stands and outlooks.

Be ABOVE the base, not below it.

And thanks for reading :)

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@AK_the_Twilight @gamerx2015 AK, you hit upon a very interesting point, the quality of a work. Speaking only for myself, I found this review to be screaming "look at me, I can use big words!"

Unfortunately, as with most things, once you get an impression from something, it can sometimes color what you further read, say, write, etc.

I feel that was true in this reviewer's article. It's almost as if he got caught up in his own words that he was unable to be even slightly impartial to other aspects of the game that he encountered because he found so many things he didn't like.

I don't claim to know what the core audience of Gamespot's traffic is like, but I would like to think that there are a number of objective and clever people among them who see this reviewer's angle for what it is: a cry for attention.

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@Killermonkey97 @gamerx2015 Yes. I would agree with that line of thinking. However, the writer knows, (probably just like Gamespot) that he will be receiving tons of backlash and the reality is sometimes people (in my opinion, like this writer) just want attention and want to create a reaction. This isn't to say I do not agree that he should not be able to share his opinion. Of course he should.

Personally, I do not agree with a number of things in his review. However, while discussion of these types of reviews are well deserved and should be taking place. My point is that if any person is relying on ONE person's review to determine their own decision on whether to play a game, then they are either really lazy or just dense.

If more people actually just played a game for themselves and came to their own conclusions via their own impressions, I think there would be a lot better dialogue. Reviews can be very informative but they are only ONE person's opinion and no matter how much a so called "expert" they may be, at the end of the day, despite what they may say, they speak solely for themselves.

Unfortunately, Gamespot is like any other business in that they know that whatever drives people to their site, or a particular area of their site is going to drive traffic. And where there is traffic, there is advertising dollars, which equates to profit for the business.

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