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#1 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

what about cases were the "criminal" gets away scott free and did it just because he thought he could. What about a system that had over 40 people that saw the crime yet no one talks to that person, even when they know where he lives. And it hurts when the "crriminal" still goes to the park where he murdered my cousin because no one has the guts to do anything about it.

This happened in south america where the legal system is a joke. All the officials could say is sorry for the pain you guys felt. It's a bad thing but sometimes we do what we have to...... And i will leave it at that.

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#2 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts
we are no one to judge traditions they hold so dear to them.
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#3 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

Kicking them all out wouldn't work. It would make a huge dent in agriculture. Lots of farmers simply wouldn't be able to grow any of their stuff because they wouldn't have the workers to plant or harvest it. This would force stores to import a lot more produce than they do now and raise prises. The most humane and best way is to ease up on the citizenship requirements. Seriusly half the questions on the test is stuff that the average american dosen't even know. Also grant amnesty to a lot of them and offer a road to citizenship. Once they're citizen's they would start paying taxes. As for the healthcare thing. Most illegals don't go to the hospital unless it's absolutely neccessary.artichoke

ok someone finally gets it.


ok as a worker in the health care industry i will try to enlightened some.

1) illegals do not take advantage of the health care system. it's the legal children of illegals that use the healthcare. That my friends.....is not illegal. My bigger concerns is "Americans" absolutley taking advantage of the system. THey want want want and sometimes they dont need only because they think they "earn" it as americans. I have seen a family with all kids with DS lites (3) rolling in a mercedes CLS AMG with aftermarket everythings with her prada bag in her hands. And you know what kills me......the fact that because she lies she gets about $850.00 a month on medicine she sometimes doesn't need.

2) how many of us want to be dishwashers, chinese food cooks, gardeners, produce pickers.....not too many, but also we dont care enough to do anything about it. In my area the best chinese resturant uses illegals for cooking and dishwashers and in my nice community we just dont care. something for our gardners. All we care about getting things done, and not too many americans want these jobs. we just want things done.

3) you can build a wall, get chuck norris and mister t to guard it and people will still find a way to get in here. trust me when i tell you that hunger makes you do amazing things. THey will find a way back. And most "illegals" do work here and contribute to the system but they will never get the social sercurity. with no socials, no no social security checks but they spend billions of dollars a year in a economy that doesn't think it needs them


Number 1: Ummmm, no they aren't legal. If you're a child of an illegal, in my eyes you're an illegal. It's a propostorous legal loophole that needs to be closed immediately. You do have a point that legal americans take advantage of the system as well though.

Number 2: Not all illegals are doing those jobs. I know from personal experience of companies that hire illegals who work jobs that pay higher then minimum wage, not simply because americans wont do the work but because the companies are controlled by greed. Places that hire illegal workers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, end of story.

Why do people seem so intent to turn their head at the fact that these people broke the law. Period. End of story. I'm not against immigrants, immigrants make this country the great nation it is. I'm against those who don't do it the legal, moral way.

In your eyes? Its a good thing you dont dictate laws. Sorry to inform you but a person born in the united states is a american citizen despite what you feel and those poeple have every right to benifets given to "americans"

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#4 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts
while its not an easy thing to deal with i find it strange to think its a easy fix. i think in the end we are all just people trying to survive and for that reason i can't fault anyone. it's not a bad thing that they want nice things if and when they pay for them, which most do
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#5 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

ok as a worker in the health care industry i will try to enlightened some.

1) illegals do not take advantage of the health care system. it's the legal children of illegals that use the healthcare. That my friends.....is not illegal. My bigger concerns is "Americans" absolutley taking advantage of the system. THey want want want and sometimes they dont need only because they think they "earn" it as americans. I have seen a family with all kids with DS lites (3) rolling in a mercedes CLS AMG with aftermarket everythings with her prada bag in her hands. And you know what kills me......the fact that because she lies she gets about $850.00 a month on medicine she sometimes doesn't need.

2) how many of us want to be dishwashers, chinese food cooks, gardeners, produce pickers.....not too many, but also we dont care enough to do anything about it. In my area the best chinese resturant uses illegals for cooking and dishwashers and in my nice community we just dont care. something for our gardners. All we care about getting things done, and not too many americans want these jobs. we just want things done.

3) you can build a wall, get chuck norris and mister t to guard it and people will still find a way to get in here. trust me when i tell you that hunger makes you do amazing things. THey will find a way back. And most "illegals" do work here and contribute to the system but they will never get the social sercurity. with no socials, no no social security checks but they spend billions of dollars a year in a economy that doesn't think it needs them

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#6 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

i think it comes down to the instinct of survival. THese poor people are starving and its what they face. imagine telling a child

"you know what i cant feed you because it's wrong for me to go over to the u.s. to make some money so lets deal with starvation even though the government doesn't care."

i would have a hard time telling someone i love that. would you?

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#7 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

kotex commercials on espn

birth control commercials where some girl is reading the hand out to her friends like if it was normal talk

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#8 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

people who drive leaning all the way back in there seats when driving

the person who ask the dumbest questions in class

girl: why did black people choose to come if they are going to be slaves?

me::x they didnt

girl: did they go back home for vacation ?

me: :|

true story

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#9 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts
cool groups in college.....this not high school
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#10 futures_past
Member since 2007 • 286 Posts

i hate "stunner" shades

i hate cars soo loud you cant tell what they are listening too

i hate guys that wear fight gear when they have never been in a fight