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#1 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts
You can also buy the old xbox wireless adapter. Thats what I have and use and it works just fine and would probably be cheaper to find.
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#2 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts

The twenty is alright I've you don't super game or anything. If you buy lots of arcade games and downloads lots of map packs it will start to fill up. Xbox orginals are about 5 gigs so it will be hard to get those. But if you"re just playing games off your disc it will probably never fill up and you'll be fine.

If you really wanted to upgrade the 60 gig would probably be good too. The 120 is over kill. I have a 120 and love it but it really is over kill. I have so many arcade games and map packs and I download movies and trailers on it and never delete them just so I can see if I can fill up the hard drive and I still have 60 gigs left.

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#3 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts
I've transferred all my stuff from a 20 to a 120. All you is put your hard drive on the 360 plug the cord to the 120 hd and then put in the transfer disk and do what it says and then wait 3 hours.
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#4 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts

I agree with the TC about kill stealing in gears. In COD it makes more sense because a person in last stand can still kill you so you will probably want to kill him but it is annoying when someone takes your kill in gears.

When a person is bleeding out they can not harm anyone in any way. Sometimes they do need to be killed if the risk of them getting revived but I've played games where I down that last person on their team so I run over to try to curb stomp them to work on my achievement only to get it stolen which is frustrating.

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#5 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts
Yeah ever month I'm disappointed when the orginal xbox game of the month isn't Riddick or MGS2
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#6 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts
I kinda doubt it will be a map editor or an AI thing. Sadly bungie wouldn't be able to network that. Seriously if they can't do full 8 team chat without pushing a dumb button or handling putting flame gernades in multiplayer then I doubt they can do a map editor and bots. And if they do I'm sure it won't work the way we'd want to.
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#7 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts

In response to Air Wolf I did not know about some of those games which give me some hope for the wii but a lot of those didn't look good. Fatal Frame was surprising along with some of those others. This also isn't all Nintendo fault the wii stinks. The wii just needs some 3rd party developers to make some games for it but no one is coming up to the challenge. Nintendo is rich as hell and needs to pay some money to some developers to make some games.

But in response to toadster I have other systems but I want to play the wii but just lately the wii has had nothing to play. But some of those games have caught my eye.

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#8 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts

I've been reading the forums here for awhile and I just want to know if anyone feels the same as me. If you're happy with the wii then I'm happy for you. But for me th wii has really started to disappoint me. Now I'm no hater of the wii. I was in line the day it came out waiting to get one and got one of the original wii's. I was super excited to get it.

I enjoyed playing Wii sports and Twilight Princess the day it came out. I've also got RE4 which I thought was a fun remake. No More Heroes I thought was an amazing game and loved. Galazy also did a great job using the wii unique control system. But lately everything has been a disappointment. I feel like all the wii games are all just ports from older counsels or boring lame party games.

I want a game with substance, a game with a story but nothing is coming out like that. I want to love the wii but it just collects dust on my tv stand lately.

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#9 fries021
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Thats because the wii hasn't had anything to report. I'm really starting to get disappointed with the wii. I knew the wii was going to go in a different direction then the other systems but they're games are just so boring.

I just feel that the wii is really hit and miss. When it gets a good game its a really good game. I loved No More Heroes and felt like it captured what the wii should be perfectly. Galaxy also captured what the I thought the wii was going for but there haven't been anymore games like these nor have they announced anything.

I want to like the wii but its getting so old.

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#10 fries021
Member since 2004 • 1115 Posts

First of all you're asking this question on an xbox 360 forum so you can guess what kind of answers you'll get.

Here's what you should do. Buy a new 360 from Best Buy or somewhere like that and get a store warrenty. That will last you 2 years which you can renew. I've done the same with mine. I've returned it twice but the first time I didn't put in the head set or the ethernet cord so I got free ones. The second time I didn't put in the mic or ethernet cord or controller but the new one I got had all of those so I got all new ones.

Later I decided to upgrade to and elite 360 which cost me 50 bucks. I once again didn't put in a mic or ethernet cord (I now have like 5 around my house) and I got an elite that came with 2 games. Forza Motorsport 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I also got an HDMI cord. THis has worked out very well for me since I have actually made money on my 360.

You've said it yourself that you plan to buy a PS3 and MGS4. Well eventeully you will beat MGS4 and what will you do then. You'll have to buy games you already had for the 360 for the PS3 and you'll be wasting money. Keep the xbox dude