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#1 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts
Well we were riding around at about 1AM and there weren't any empty seats so it was an available spot. (it was a compaq car so it's not as bad as it sounds, you know with the trunk on the inside)
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#2 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

[QUOTE="GreatDecay"]underaged drinkingdisc0very
Hmm, I guess it would probably be that actually.

I didn't think we were including things that we never got caught for but in that case. It might be that and smoking pot.

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#3 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

[QUOTE="firemonkey098"]On Sunday I got a ticket for "allowance of a person to be seated not in seat".disc0very

yeah $109.00 It's the smallest one he could find. Basically I had a person riding in the trunk :D

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#4 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts
On Sunday I got a ticket for "allowance of a person to be seated not in seat".
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#5 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

Let's face it, most of us have done something bad from stealing a cookie from your grandma to being a secret serial killer. I want to know what are some of the things that people on gamespot have commited.

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#6 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

I haven't. To all the people who said they have, I think it probably went something like this.Conanfan1

I watched the 1st minute and never saw any kung-fu so it was kindof a let-down.

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#7 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

[QUOTE="ChipmunkDeluxe"][QUOTE="firemonkey098"] I hit for 475lbs per square-inch and I'm 6'4, so with my fist I hit for over 2000lbs.SunJian18

how the hell do you figure that out??

there is a machine at castle fun park that measures lbs per squarew inch and my fist is over 4 square inches big, so do the math.

Cool. I did that too once, and scored roughly 200 kilos per square inch (400 pounds). For my size (1m76, 65 kilos) I think it's pretty good.
EDIT: Do you think that with that kind of force you could pretty much knock anyone out? Just wondering. I never actually properly punched someone, now that I think about it (except for once). Pretty much all my fights consisted of me grabbing the guy and kneeing or elbowing him in the face or simply putting him on the ground.

well I made the thing go around two and a half times, I could probobly get more but usually it break's if I use maximum power. But at about 600lbs you can rearrange someones face with a punch (I know cuz my dad hits for that much. With your size (no offense intended) I think you must have misread the scale.

ALl that weight doesn't really hit the person's face.

The majority of it is lost with the recoil of their head from the force of the blow. Real damage is done if they're punched and their head has nowhere to go, or if you hit a vital or vulnerable spot. If you hit someone in the jaw with an hook, their head will jerk in the direction you hit it, this cancels out a lot of the force and absorbs some of it. That's why straight punches are more effective, as it snaps their head back which is a damage in and of itself to the neck (and it doesn't snap that way as easily, so they feel more force from the impact itself).

I'm sure anyone who's been in a fight can testify that usually wide punches to the mouth don't hurt unless a knuckle or your own tooth cuts you. It does feel sore afterwards though, sometimes, if they hit hard enough.

True. I've been punched with hooks quite a few times, once a guy even used a lighter as a weapon (?) and it really didn't amount to much. After a second or so of recovery (from the shock of the guy throwing the first punch), I went on to, shall we say, kick his ass.

Exactly, this is why a lot of people are simply atrocious at fighting.  Many people rely on wide, arcing punches which are often cocked back like a haymaker, which makes it slow on top of not being powerful, but many people do not face a trained fighter so they probably will never realize the errors of their fighting anyway.

yeah, on the weekend I leant how to get more power out of a straight punch then I get out of my usual haymaker when me and my friend were scraping (kinda teaching eachother too). I used to forecast my punches way too much. But when I connect BOOM!!!

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#8 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

[QUOTE="ChipmunkDeluxe"][QUOTE="firemonkey098"] I hit for 475lbs per square-inch and I'm 6'4, so with my fist I hit for over 2000lbs.ChipmunkDeluxe

how the hell do you figure that out??

there is a machine at castle fun park that measures lbs per squarew inch and my fist is over 4 square inches big, so do the math.

o0o...well considering i dont have one of those... do you think if i walked up to somebody and punched them in the face...and then asked them to tell me how bad it hurts would kind of be the same thing???

LOL, no that wouldn't work (although it'd be funny) some people are weak, try hitting a punching bag and see how far it flies.

but that wont tell me how bad it hurts, or how hard i hit it....

If you can break a punching bag in less than a day then your as good as me.

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#9 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

[QUOTE="firemonkey098"]I'm not a big fighter but I tend to get people mad. I hit for 475lbs per square-inch and I'm 6'4, so with my fist I hit for over 2000lbs. When people hit me I may have a broken nose or be bleeding all over the place, one guy even knocked me down for 10 minutes. But, the point is, when I get up I'm smiling and I lick the blood pouring out from my nose :P but that's just because I'm schizophrenic.BranKetra
But that doesn't have your body fat as part of the equation, right? You may be able to do that on paper....but what slows you down powers you down.

Ummmm....... can you please rephrase that, I think I'm misunderstanding you.

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#10 firemonkey098
Member since 2006 • 61 Posts

[QUOTE="ChipmunkDeluxe"][QUOTE="firemonkey098"] I hit for 475lbs per square-inch and I'm 6'4, so with my fist I hit for over 2000lbs.ChipmunkDeluxe

how the hell do you figure that out??

there is a machine at castle fun park that measures lbs per squarew inch and my fist is over 4 square inches big, so do the math.

o0o...well considering i dont have one of those... do you think if i walked up to somebody and punched them in the face...and then asked them to tell me how bad it hurts would kind of be the same thing???

LOL, no that wouldn't work (although it'd be funny) some people are weak, try hitting a punching bag and see how far it flies.