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#1 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts
you do know that Hovind's ass is sitting inside a federal prison for defrauding the IRS right?
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#2 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

jack T. chick has pantented his own brand of insanity

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#3 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

I've had to do that atleast a dozen times talking with you guys.


I just want to smack that smug face of yours right now, but unfortunately that technology has not been invented as of yet, for I cannot smack your smug face through the internet. however, unlike you, we do not perpetuate red herrings and strawman arguments. you, as stated earlier, continue to do nothing but present red herrings as though they were arguments

just so we're on the same page, you do know what a red herring is right?

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#4 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

It's not, it's just a book. Or books if you are "picky" about me calling it a book.


that's how we learn about history, through BOOKS! (or scrolls sometimes). Josephus' antiquities are BOOKS! Tacitus' annals are BOOKS! Suetonius' Twelve Caesars are BOOKS! you can't throw it out just because its a book. secondly, its 27 different books by 9 different authors, 5 of whom personally met Jesus, 2 of whom were brothers of Jesus.

Like I said, the bible talks about many crazy and wacky things, if you want to go putting your whole life into the belief that it's fact, then by all means have at it. It doesn't prove Jesus existed.

no such thing as "prove" but it is idisputable evidence. secondly, other works of history, including the aforementioned sources, also talk of supernatural phenomena as if it were fact.

Wall of text...


I don't think many learned opposers of Christianity deny that a man called Jesus existed. He might have been a very smart and hope giving man, and mind you people back then were much more gullible than now, especially when religion and god came in to play. So in other words, the existence of a wise man called Jesus Christ back then does not give any proof to your religion being true or that a God exists.

this really is just the same outdated generalizations of ancients used around new testament scholarship in the victorian era. some would argue that the ancients were wiser (street terms, not necessarily book smart) then modern western humans. but I don't want to get into that.
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#5 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

The Bible was a work of literature written by various men who were inspired by God and Jesus.

Since it wasn't written or dictated by God himself, I don't consider it to be the literal "Word of God".

"The Word of God" seems like an alternate title to "The Holy Bible"

In my opinion, it is a book that shows people how to live and it's contents are not meant to act as a weapon, a shield, a history book, or a science book.

The Bible teaches good values and morals, but I don't take it literally.


In all technicality Jesus is the Word of God, but that goes into a lot of crap I don't feel like explaining.

Jesus is logos amirite?
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#6 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts
[QUOTE="blackregiment"][QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"]It was just a simple question, I'm not forcing him to answer it. I answered his question, so I thought it was only fair that he answer mine. I was just trying to see what kind of person he was and now I know.


Too funny. You now proclaim the ability to judge what kin of person a person is based on their refusual to answer a single irrelevant off-topic question.

How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously about the Bible or anything else really when you make statement like that?

I'm glad you're laughing, I had a giggle when you continuously refused to answer a simple question even when I offered to make a thread that would make that question the topic. Your refusal to answer that question told me everything I wanted to know.

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#7 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

It's not, it's just a book. Or books if you are "picky" about me calling it a book.

that's how we learn about history, through BOOKS! (or scrolls sometimes). Josephus' antiquities are BOOKS! Tacitus' annals are BOOKS! Suetonius' Twelve Caesars are BOOKS! you can't throw it out just because its a book. secondly, its 27 different books by 9 different authors, 5 of whom personally met Jesus, 2 of whom were brothers of Jesus.
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#8 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

[QUOTE="ATOMIC_TOAST"]The Roman historian Tacitus (56-71AD I think) wrote about Jesus about 30 years or so after his death.greenprince


i said talk about one who wrote about jesus WHEN HE EXISTED! nnot when he died

Considering that about ten percent of the population could write while He was alive. . . .

But I think you ignored me. Contemporary historiography does not require your insane standards. If they did, we would consider Socrates to be a myth. Thirty years makes Tacitus a contemporary and reliable account, one of the best, actually.

By your "logic," we aren't allowed to write about the Civil War.

Agreed. In fact, you would have to actually believe Alexander the Great was a myth given that we only have a few sources of him existing. These sources are decades or even hundreds after Alexander death. I don't see historians calling him fake.

greenprince, you are mistaken there, the first biography on alexander the great was written by Plutarch, and he lived 400 years after Alexander the great.
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#9 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

So what about people before Christ are they dammed for all time


they were saved through faith.

What faith it was befor Christ who brought the word of God. Say they worshiped the sun because it gave them food and made them warm.

Christ's sacrifice atoned for all sins of all time. the future covenant was predicted in the old testament.

[QUOTE="ATOMIC_TOAST"]The Roman historian Tacitus (56-71AD I think) wrote about Jesus about 30 years or so after his death.snoopeymaster


i said talk about one who wrote about jesus WHEN HE EXISTED! nnot when he died

Considering that about ten percent of the population could write while He was alive. . . .

But I think you ignored me. Contemporary historiography does not require your insane standards. If they did, we would consider Socrates to be a myth. Thirty years makes Tacitus a contemporary and reliable account, one of the best, actually.

yah i understand, i myself do believe jesus existed, but i dont believe he is what people say he is

i just find it weird that 20 historians lived around this time period and NON mentioned him

that's called an argument from silence, a fallacy.
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#10 fanofazrienoch
Member since 2008 • 1573 Posts

[QUOTE="fanofazrienoch"]they were and are seperate books, but the christians compiled them under one cover, and no, they are not "chapters" :lol:. thirdly, there is no such thing as "unbias", but its irrelevant because they are still the best sources on the life of Jesus. fourth, there is evidence from teh Gospels and epistles that Jesus lived, and died, and rose again on easter morning.ElectronicMagic

I never said that they weren't separate books. I never said that they were chapters, I said that they are so short they should be considered chapters. I don't doubt that your sources are the best sources on a fictional character such as Jesus. I'm not telling you not to believe in that hocus pocus, I'm simply saying that there isn't any evidence to support what you are proposing.

the new testament, as you should know, IS evidence of Jesus.