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Edited By everythingj

i dont see LADAINIAN TOMLINSON on here.. this news feature fails.

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Edited By everythingj

i wouldn't buy one even if they added all this stuff.

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Edited By everythingj

teebeenz: "This is the most pathetic thing I have seen fullstop from the game media. Not only are you misleading your customers to what is actualy happening, but you are blowing the information, which is already wrong into a scandel. This is astounding... no wonder capcom went nuts at the game media, you guys are idiots." Uh. This is a gaming news site. Sony is a gaming company. Sony over-promises, under-delivers, and plain ol' screws up, time after time after time, and gamespot reports it. So this is their fault? I don't think so bud. Sony deserves every ounce of press it gets. It's on them for the fact that it's bad press. If you bought a ps3 and you are just trying to convince everyone its not a bad thing to protect your investment, you might want to try and stop some other long-drawn-out-inevitable-disaster. Like global warming. Go try and stop that. You'd have better luck.

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Edited By everythingj

"QuoBi So how many people notice that vista looks like a complete rip of apples os?" Uhm. How many people think the PS3 ripped off nintendo with motion sensing controllers? How many people think the ps3 and wii are both trying to emulate the success xbox has had online? Look people, this is the thing when people point their fingers and complain at something they think was "ripped off" or copied, If it was a freaking good idea that worked in the first place, why not apply that idea to new or different products? Just because someone comes up with a good idea, that doesn't mean they are entitled to be the only ones who can apply it for the rest of their life. It inhibits progress for the entire world when people horde their discoveries that way, and everyone who is going to point a finger and cry, needs to stop being so narrowminded.

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Edited By everythingj

Here's the deal. If you want to play next-gen games now, buy an xbox 360, or pick up a wii and dive into some nintendo innovation. Simply put, it doesn't make sense to get a ps3 this winter when; 1. the supply will be short 2. the cost will be high 3. presently, the graphics will not be more impressive than than the 360, (and its debateable whether they will ever be) since everything at this point in time has everything to do with the games coding rather than either the 360s or ps3s hardware. (games on the 360 today do not even really tap its potential in terms of using all its cpu power) so therefore, it doesn't make sense to buy a ps3 until 1-2 years from now, when the games truly demand the power of its cell processor, the price is lower, and you know what you are getting in terms of its competition with microsoft. if you are being reasonable about entering the next gen era. wait at least a year, maybe 2. if you want to be next gen now, the 360 is a good bet, and so might be the wii. if you buy the ps3 this winter, then congrats on being a true sony fanboy, i wish you luck! i -still- cannot believe they are packaging the ps3 without hdtv cables by the way. how ironic would that be if you waited hours in line for the ps3 but they ran out of hd cables? i think that's the epitome of a scenario why the ps3 is not a safe bet at the moment into the next gen era.