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#1 ddr
Member since 2003 • 177 Posts

I just beat the game this weekend. Great game!

I noticed this:

Save 939 - Mirella - Imperial City, Prison District, Level 20, Playing Time 316.41.58.ess

Man did I really play that game for 316 hours?! Dang!


I dont think so, because if you have played 316hours and you are still at level 20 then you really really take it slowly, btw what do you mean by beating ? you got bored or beated the main quest, cause you only really beat the game once you mastered most of the guilds and got tired of the game

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#2 ddr
Member since 2003 • 177 Posts

what could i run oblivion on with this:

2.0GB TWINX-3200C2(400MHz) DDR RAM Corsair

Opteron™ 64 165 Dual core Processor

XFX GeForce 7900GT OC 256meg DDR3 Dual DVI PCI-E(550Mhz)Xtreme

my other option is to get a athlon 3200+ single core and a 7900GTX, what do you think will run better?


Keep the first option, you'll run the game at absolute max anyway, and dual core should be usefull later on anyway max with both...

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#3 ddr
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i have nvidia pci-express 6800 16x 256mb and the game runs like a dream, i have anti-aliasing at 4x and full distant and everything, and the game is just awesomegin_maiden

Are you being ironic ?

 because if you arent you sure are bragging for nothing. First if you have everything, you cant have aa cause your card doesnt support AA+HDR, secondly, this card is really outdated and while you may be able to play a game really well coded like hl2 at max, you sure cant run oblivion at max. Or, are you playing on the minimum resolution ?

or you could've death overclocked your card of course

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#4 ddr
Member since 2003 • 177 Posts

If you have an AGP requirement, the best card is the ATI X800XT PLATINUM EDITION.  It is VERY hard to find though. I searched the entire internet and finally located a store in northern California that had one left in stock.  No main sites had it (Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, Frys, Outpost, Egghead, etc.)

The non-platinum edition only has 12 pipes, but the PLATINUM edition has 1 pipes.

I just spent a few months researching the best card for my AGP clot, and this is considered as good as it gets in general.

If you have a fetish for NV, the general suggestion (I believe) was the 6800....

Good luck!


[QUOTE="kevorkcr"]My computer is well suited to playing ovblivion except my graphics card, which is an ATI Radeon x600.  I was wondering if anyone had any help with what to upgrade to or how to better improve performance.

That's kinda wrong, on the ATi side I think the X850XT PE is the best card but Nvidia managed to suparss it ( 7800GS superclocked edition by Evga), I would sugest getting a 7800gs if you have agp

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#5 ddr
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[QUOTE="troublemaker83"]Alright, this might just be me but I believe Bethesda made Oblivion way to easy. Don't get me wrong...I really love the game, but I think it's to easy. My difficulty setting is set in the middle (and I'm contemplating on making it as difficult as possible) of the scale and I'm still breezed through the game.

The quests no longer require any real thought in how to complete them - the map markers make them way too easy to complete...the guilds no longer have any requirements (they just accept you no matter what)...and overall, the game is just to short - I completed all guild and main quests (allong with most of the side and daedric quests) in just a couple days...and I only played a couple hours a day.

Like I said, I do love Oblivion but the game just doesn't seem to deliver as much as all the hype about it promised...while yes, there are some improvements that have been made since Morrowind, but not enough for me to chose to play Oblivion over Morrowind on a regular basis.


I agree with you on some points. I love this game but at times I found it quite simple. I got killed only a few times during the full game. I've heard a few people complain though that it was too difficult on the default mid way, but only a slight movement of the slider made it way easier so they could complete it. Perhaps the oposite is true and a slight movement will make it much more challenging.

I felt that oblivion only felt like half an elder scrolls game at points, theres serious restrictions in Dialouge & plot options. I miss a lot of the skills they removed, they were usefull. While Dark brother hood and thieves guild quests were great. Fighters guild was 50/50 and the Mages guild (one of my favorites in morrowind) just became repdative, pretty much after you enter the arcane university you repeat an identical mission over and over, just in different locations.

I also noticed one day looking through the Construction set there are missions there tha didn't make it into the game. Theres a whole quest line where a guy belives he is related to Ogres, and asks you to help him form a family reunion, sounds cool but it is actually programed it appears so that that mission could never start. Any one know why this was never completed? was it a quest that didnt work but just got left there or will a future expasion we buy enaable it?

On the plus if you have the pc version you can get acccess to the wonderful mod comunity, there are some great mods out there, you just need to get round the problems the game creates with loading mods once you update the game.

god that quote is huge hmm

I think the main problem is that it isnt as mysterious as Morrowind, In Morrowind you could break into the house of a god, you could swim for ten minutes in the sea, find a cave underwater and find the dragonbone cuirass or just go in the sewers of cities and find deadric worshippers : )

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#6 ddr
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[QUOTE="EvoStvO"]Is there a spell for open Very hard lock?.... kostyakuzmin

Yes...You can create it ;)

when you are able to cast such a spell, you should be able to get the skeleton key wich makes all of this..... pointless. The dumbest item ever....... Just click on auto until you unlock it lol....

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#7 ddr
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to teleport, hust look at your map, click on a city or place icon to fast travel. To beat the grand champion, sneaked and killed him with my bow and to level up, it tells you when you can :" You should rest and meditate on what you have learned" ( when you upgrade 10 times your major skills)
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#8 ddr
Member since 2003 • 177 Posts

Can I run this game, here are my specs:

- NZXT PF-500 500 Watt Power Supply  
- AMD® Athlon-64 3700+ CPU w/ Hyper Transport Technology
-  Asus A8N-SLI nForce4-SLI Chipset w/7.1 Sound, Gb LAN, S-ATA Raid, USB 2.0, IEEE 1394, Dual PCI-E  MB
- 1024 MB [512MB X2] DDR-400 PC3200 Memory Module
- Nvidia Geforce 7900GT 256MB
- 300 GB Hard drive


what kind pc u got

It's a custom built pc.

BTW, can I run this game on the max settings with those above specs?

Well I can with pretty similar specs, 3.6ghz cpu and 1900xtx so I guess you could, if you don't mind slowdowns during fights...

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#9 ddr
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[QUOTE="madkiller632"]Is there any advantage of being part of the order of the dragon thing? Besides the armor? kostyakuzmin

Hmm...I didn't find anything...

everyone loves and everything, plus when you beat the main quest you get a statue of yourself in Bruma, wich is as awesome as it gets.

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#10 ddr
Member since 2003 • 177 Posts

Gem Souls?

simply... What do they do? What are they used for?



You can capture the souls of creatures with a soul trap spell.  When the soul gems have been filled you can use them to enchant weapons and armor.

and fill the charge of your magic items, plus you can't enchant when you arent part of the mage and cannot go in the arcane university