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Edited By calum1984

@monowasp why not? You want to compare cod to another cod wonder the game is stuck in limbo -_-

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Edited By calum1984

@babe_meal "COD developer are much experienced in developing virtual realistic FPS. tremendously time spent".....-_- nobody is paying attention to you after you made that comment.....cod isnt a "simulator" like arma (which is based on an actual simulator the uk, us and australian military use called VBS2) its a shooter its not even remotly "virtual realistic", cod features absolutly no bullet drop (gravity pulling the bullet down), it features no accuratly modelled speed of sound, no recoil (as far as im aware..if it does its not realistic), and to top it off the bullets come out of your characters head not the gun (thats the way all shooters work even bf3 not notice your gun is hanging BELOW your screen yet still hits wherever you are looking.....try whilst not aiming down sights you'll see what i mean, in fact you can even see it on halo if you look through replays the muzzle flash comes out of the gun but the tracer comes out above the barrel....not sure about blops replay)

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Edited By calum1984

@johnjarvela youve completly missed the point of a "game" it isnt a great plot or storyline that makes a game great (watch a movie or read a book if thats all you want) its "gameplay" that matters to games, a game can survive a terrible plot and storyline it cant survive bad gameplay. Fortunately the zelda games have always had decent gameplay so I agree with you there

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Edited By calum1984

@nuke939 id says its more to do with the fact everyone that was going to buy 1 has 1 already, thats prob why sales have dropped. I can't see the new console doing well if its just on par or slightly better than the current "hardcore" console either, as it wont offer anything new in terms of the games. So its going to be interesting to see how they're going to attempt to coax gamers away from 360 and ps3 (i also doubt the parents/grandparents that made the wii the biggest selling console will bother with it either, they have a wii why do they need a new console)

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Edited By calum1984

@y2kern nobody has any idea how big the pc gaming market is considering whenever they release sales charts they NEVER mention downloads e.g steam, impulse, ea downloader, games for windows live which is the pc's biggest sales area. All they give sales figures for are retail so thats shops like game, electronics boutique (are they still around havn't seen 1 in years??) etc consoles will always sell more in retail thats a fact. The pc gaming business is obviously bigger than what people think if bf3 on pc is the LEAD title, not to mention look at how many World Of Warcraft players there are (admittedly some will be alternate accounts but that wont account for a lot) and you dont seriously think WoW is the only game they play is do you?? I know loads in eve online that played bf2 to let off steam when i was still playing it, and ive seen so many discussions in MMORPGS about other games they like/liked playing so the pc market is still huge in my eyes. What doesnt sell is crappy console ports which is a huge percentage of games being released these days (although bad company 2 pc was the exception to that as it was still an acceptable game and outsold BOTH 360 and ps3, still trying to find out if that was combined though)

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Edited By calum1984

@mariusmssj add battlefield 3 to that list as well, whilst its true its multi platform the pc is the lead development version.

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Edited By calum1984

@jchristenberry if you get chance play crysis 1 its a much better game (and finally hardware has caught upto the game...). The multiplayer maps are not CoD style lunchboxes and allow for 64 player (I recently took a look and they're huge a lot bigger than I remember them they remind me more of bf maps), the graphics are better in some cases (no bloomrape or at least you can turn it off if it does), the campaign is more open allows for more options etc. Basically its a proper pc designed game (I hope they release it on the next gen consoles that way console owners will FINALLY know what us pc gamers are on about..)

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Edited By calum1984

ive said it before and ill say it again EVERYONE seems to have missed 1 minor detail...the pc version already has a graphics mod, over time the pc version will get better looking with these mods whilst console versions stay the same. As for those moaning about graphics comparisons I personally dont mind it, I find the differences interesting (especially in this case why has the pc got any graphics missing at all??? seems a little odd to me like it was a half assed job)

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Edited By calum1984

EVERYBODY has missed a point that was brought up portal 2 on pc has a mod that improves graphics, that will get better over time with all sorts of different mods adding all sorts of different graphics. So in effect pc wins because of its modding community that consoles dont and never will have....not that graphics make a game luckily this game is 1 of those that would be great even with ps1 graphics

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Edited By calum1984

@earlmccormick88 he missed out codename eagle anyway :P.....but i kind of agree with him (not sure what you said for him to reply to so based on his comment), with bf3 being the proper sequel to bf2 it will prob have some big differences to the console oriented bad company series (which were just a testbed for technolgies for bf3). Bf2 for example had a commander for both sides who controlled the squads, artillery, sattelite scans, UAV scans etc (yea i know DICE have said commander not likely im giving examples of the major differences). Thing is the bad company series is a seriously stripped down bf series they took out most (if not all) of the tactical stuff and gave us strip maps forcing us players down bottlenecks or wide open spaces with no cover, chances are bf3 is going back to the wide open but with plenty of cover style of maps allowing for more tactical games with multiple routes to take (fingers crossed)