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Edited By calum1984

@cokey78 ha never noticed that, also a very good point XD

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Edited By calum1984

@Edged_out link please showing black ops "xbox 360" sales ONLY. Heres a tip to save you wasting your time....they have never released one. All they have released is how many play online (some people dont like multiplayer they would rather play campaign), and total sales (doesnt explain how many bought it on 1 platform). Halo's 8 million sales are xbox alone those 12 million cod sales were prob across multiplatform

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Edited By calum1984

@madg23 that isnt really the sane approach XD. You know pc games are generally cheaper than they are on console. I buy multiplatform games on pc and exclusives on consoles, saves you loads of money in the long run..

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Edited By calum1984

@Kontaktll ford escorts sell more than ferrari's....guess using your logic a ford escort is better than ferrari -_-. Nice going making the usual fanboy argument XD To me CoD = casual, thats why it sells more there are more casual gamers than there are hardcore (only need to look at wii sales to know that 1), another fact is cod sells on pc, ps3, 360, wii, ds, psp, and mobile phone.The facts and figures your spouting are TOTAL sales NOT individual platform sales (show me 1 sales figure that shows JUST 360 or JUST PS3 sales and i'll believe you cod sells more than any other game). Compare that to bf3 which only sells on 3 platforms....(4 if you include bad company 2 on ipad)....doesnt take a genius to figure out how cod beats every other game in sales (although on the platform level im pretty sure CoD gets beat, e.g not 100% certain but im pretty sure halo:reach outsold blops on the 360 and killzone outsold it on ps3, as for pc bf:bc2 outsold cod by a large margin and that IS fact)

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Edited By calum1984

@rascalalpha345 sorry correction bf VIP gets you all map pack DLC it doesnt offer addons like vietnam and the co op mode (co op mode was a rip off it should've been included with the game or have been included with VIP), thought id clear that up

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Edited By calum1984

@rascalalpha345 i think your getting confused here first of all the weapon pack your talking about isnt "free" after the game is released, its "early access" the shotgun and the lmg in that pack are bf2 weapons DICE stated "back to karkhand comes with 4 bf2 maps and ALL bf2 weapons" so the guns come with back to karkhand you just have to unlock them. 2 back to karkhand is only free to those who buy the game brand new and those with limited edition (again limited edition offers early access) those who buy bf3 second hand have to buy the vip (1200 msp and whatever the equivalent is in real money) which gets you all dlc including future map packs. This is the way DICE is working dlc now its to catch the second hand market were before they didnt get any of the money from it. Again CoD:MW3 is adding about the same amount of content to the cod franchise that CoD1: United Offensive added to cod1 (an addon) so THUGDRAFT was right in that sense

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Edited By calum1984

@whoster69 damn thought i was the only one not interested in stupid statistics that dont mean anything.....i play to win not boost a statisticto make myself seem better than others. I personally DON'T want kill death ratio even featured in any of the objective based game modes on bf3 (deathmatch is fine), i dont see the point of tracking a stat in an objective based game, because all it causes is campers to hang back and get a ton of kills for the sake of the K/D ratio.......yet they still lose the match. Im all fine for tracking how many games youve lost or won, and how many times youve taken an objective etc but deathmatch stats should be left in deathmatch and teamwork/objective stats in objective based games

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Edited By calum1984

@YoungCardinal no game released to the public is 100% accurate (not even arma 2 is, its needed a ton of mods to get it to the level of vbs2's simulator realism). BF3 is a "more" accurate potrayal of warfare but its still nothing on the level of a simulator (the bullet drop you mentioned in bc2 isnt anywhere near accurate its scripted not simulated), sorry if i seem like im lecturing but it really annoys me when people says games are simulators or realistic when they're nowhere near. To me CoD multi "would" be realistic if the setting was two drug cartels fighting in venezuela or something, but for a real warfare "feel" bf is what you want (from what ive seen and heard though even they are taking artistic license approach with the story behind it)

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Edited By calum1984

@justcool2 simpler way of putting it CoD=casual (quick pick up and play), BF3=more of a core game for gamers (spend more time playing it finding a decent group of palyers to play it with then practicing teamwork etc)

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Edited By calum1984

@YoungCardinal "As for Current Gen Games, I think BF3 has lots of potential to be among the best War Simulators. Time will tell." you were doing well until that point....bf3 isnt a simulator its a tactical shooter (This is a real pet peeve of mine as people may have guessed). A simulator as ive mentioned before would be arma 2 (soon arma 3) based on real world military training simulators called vbs2 made by the same devs bohemia interactive (look on youtube), the bullets are accuratly modelled with speed of sound, the bullets actually come out of the barrely therefore have the most realistic recoil, the rounds are affected by bullet drop (and on vbs2/arma mods wind as well), sound is affected by obstacles e.g a hill will stop the sound of an approaching tank from reaching you (on vbs2 and arma mods hills also stop radio communications) etc