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#1 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
And yet some of the Boxes biggest games are single player.... Bioshock, Oblivion ..... Just saying. I don't think single player games are living in the past. Personally I find the campaign missions to almost always be the best part of games, multiplayer is nice, but it does not make or break any game for me, mostly because you can ignore it and still get what the developers wanted you to get from the game. Co-op is my favorite, any game that supports fun and original co-op gets a shiny gold star. Good story lines seem to reside almost exclusivly in single player games these days, Rainbow6 was very cut and dry and was a cliff hanger, Halo is now just copying and pasting old story sequences from 1 and 2 into 3 and gears of war was fun and exciting, but they really didn't explain anything to you about what was going on, The Darkness pulled off a good story but a really uninvovled multiplayer that seemed tacked on and Ghost Recon was along the same lines as Rainbow6. Honorable mention goes to Half Life 2 which is all around fantastic. All in all multiplayer doesn't make a game and the fact that some games don't have it doesn't mean that they are "Living in the Past"
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#2 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts

Parasite Eve

Dino Crisis

Zone of the Enders

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#3 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
I have the Sharp 42 in. 1080p I love it! It was pretty cheap, I got mine at $1150.99 in the states, and I don't have a single complaint. PS3 is breathtaking in full HD far better than what I have seen on the Box with the exception of gears.... I wish so badly we had gears =(
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#4 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
I know everyone is pulling for Resistance, and I won't lie, so am I, but lemme enlighten you as to why. Everyone claims to love R6V online, I thought it was terrible, the graphics are notable worse, and it is often a very slow game to get into, the combat is very interesting and well done, but I got bored very quickly to be honest. Resistance offers much more content, and a better campaign as well, the multiplayer however is good, but not great. Warhawk is a really great multiplayer game, but some of its flaws keep it from being stellar, so the best choice is RFoM, but the other two titles are quite good in their own ways. Besides in RFoM you can make your fellow soldiers wear 'Clank' instead of a backpack, now that's just cool. Oh and the weapons in resistance are some of the best designed and most satisfying toys ever created. Killing aliens has never been so fun.
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#5 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
Killzone my fine friend, Call of Duty comes after that.....haze looks, well lemmie put it a different way, Haze doesn't look like anything new. To be honest I was hopeing for a lot more, but it really looks generic and bland, the animations don't seem to work very fluidly, the weapons steal and when you sever thier lines or whatever seem off to me. I really hope it is good but I don't see it being AAA. Killzone at least is something very unique in what they are trying to do with outstanding graphics and (if the first is any indication) a very good story line, especially in a first person shooter. The game mechanics seem to be comming together fantastically, so here's hopeing. And Call of Duty is an on and off want/meh to me. I feel like its the same thing but modernized and nothing I have seen yet looks really promising, well the multiplayer looks interesting, but I don'y know, there is something to be said for fun and simple like TF2. I say Killzone looks to be the best of the bunch, but we have a while to go, so lets settle on CoD4 eh?
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#6 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts

Go with this one, Sony makes amazing TV's but the more recent model you get the better. The picture will be better because the engine will be more polished, better contrast, better color, better brightness, all that good stuff. So If you can, spring for this one. Either way though, HDTV is still HDTV and if both are 1080p you won't really see a terrible difference quality wise. It's just nice to have the better chip so that you don't have to bother with maxing out your display settings to get a nice pic.

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#7 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
That was like the most like valley girl like review I have ever like seen... I have been waiting too long for this game....thank got it's almost here!!!!
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#8 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
Call of Duty 4.... no question, MoH lacks a little thing I like to call satisfying gameplay
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#9 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
I wanted to wait until I played Conan to really cast a stone...but my god I played the demo for like 30 seconds and deleted that soooo fast.... it was about the worst thing I've played in the past 5 years. R&C is amazing, I've had that demo since Gamestop gave out the discs.
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#10 alt_version
Member since 2005 • 90 Posts
I picked up 3 at once when I got my PS3 but never more than that, hopefully you have a lot of time on your hands. I'm going back and forth on getting a PSP I really want one but the games I want most aren't out yet, specifically God of War Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core, I want FF tactics really bad and Killzone Liberation and MGS portable ops... oh screw it I'll probably go out and get one tomorrow... I'm jealous of everyone who has one heh.