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Edited By Wormkid_64

It seems the proverbial pot is calling the kettle black ops.

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Edited By Wormkid_64

If they bring Japan's white one or a green one to the U.S,40% of me will die. I have the blue one which is great,and of course the new colors don't change the system at all,but green is my favorite,and the white one looked beast.Knowing I'm stuck with blue would hurt. Oh,the purple looks great by the way.

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Edited By Wormkid_64

@lance_7 Agreed. Game Stop needs to get moving on it so we consumers don't get burned,and I agree about fully digital content. I'm sort of split both ways on that one. I guess we'll have to wait for the next generation to ensue and see what happens,but some of this sounds pretty risky. All 3 are in an excellent position to move forward,but if the Wii U doesn't catch on,or if Sony and M$ tick off too many people with lots of restrictions and console prices in excess of 5 or 6 hundred dollars they may be in trouble. So best of luck to them.I'll be watching.

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Edited By Wormkid_64

@lance_7 You also make a good point. Here's my only idea for a solution. I believe it may have been mentioned before,but it makes sense. Car manufacturers can make deals with dealers so that they make a percentage off of used cars that are sold. Game companies should try to find a way to so the same. Now of course,GameStop and Best Buy won't like the fact that they will lose that percentage from the price of the game,but let's face it,GameSpot has been ripping people off for years by buying games from people for $2 and turning around and selling them for $20.(They actually almost did that to a friend of mine.) The ball is in their court.If they can't come to a sensible solution,pirates will increase,and loyal customers will decrease. I do also believe that we're entering the digital world,and physical media probably won't last,which I think is a shame. I like digital except for the fact that if something happens to your machine or the online database you lose your data,and that you can't share with friends without signing in on their console. But I suppose the good outweighs the bad in that it's cheaper and quicker.

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@Scorpion1813 Yeah,that's why I said the public was stupid for encouraging it. What's funny is that when the CoD franchise finally starts to stagnate,they'll gripe about it as they did with Tony Hawk.

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Edited By Wormkid_64

@ClaudiusCaesar It does make me think. I bought one of my favorite PC games on ebay,and another one that I really like I was simply given to me.(It's pretty old.) It sounds sort of jerkish,but I guess I'll just have to say it,trust me,I mean no offense. I will not concede.I will not be convinced that it is wrong for me to resell what I bought.I will not buy into the baloney that I only own the "experience."If the devs/publishers/etc. wanted me to believe that,they should have made the sale of used games impossible/illegal from the start,instead of giving the market 30 years to construct itself in such a way that we expect to be able to sell them.And why shouldn't we?It's been legal for 30 years. To sum up,it's Gamestop that needs the punishing,not me. Firstly,as I said before,I don't buy their used games because they're only 5 measly bucks cheaper than new,even some time after the game's been out. I only buy used when the game has gotten some age to it,so it becomes harder to find,and so I can save more money. Secondly,this more than limits the sale of used games.It makes them impossible to deal with. What if your console breaks and you get a new one? You'll just have to buy the codes for your library of games to reactivate them. I don't like it.It will only make piracy worse,which will only cause them to lose more money. They just need to work something out with Gamestop to fix their issue.Perhaps limit how soon they can resell new games or something.

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Edited By Wormkid_64

@ClaudiusCaesar Yes I do.I bought the disc,and the $60 off set the cost of development,production,and distribution of everything from the "experience",to the shrink wrap on the exterior of the case. Selling games is a thing that has been done since the 80s,and the industry has gone on just fine. I made it clear before that I support those who work hard to produce the game by paying for it new.They made their money on that copy.And the trouble here,as I also mentioned before,is that 1: These new ideas would mean I couldn't borrow a friend's game.He has to come to my house and sign in to his account. 2:The devs will only lose more money this way. You think pirating is bad now,if hackers and pirates feel that their rights are threatened,they'll work harder to steal the games. And,not as many people will be able to buy the games. Not everyone can drop $60 every time a good game comes out. 3:It means less circulation by word of mouth,because no one can share the game,and some people can't afford it.And that's how I came to buy Portal 2. I never bought the first one,just played it at a friend's house.That got me hooked,and I payed for the sequel.Same for Mario Galaxy 2.I borrowed the first one from a friend,and so when the second one came out,I sprang for it. So,as I said before,this is not the right solution to the problem of the devs not making enough money.If anything,it'll only make illegal activity worse by making people's favorite gaming companies turn into their enemies.

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@ClaudiusCaesar Just one more comment. See my comments to Scorpion1813 to see that we're on the same side. I hate piracy,and I want the devs and publishers to do well,but not at the expense of gaming as we know it.I want to be able to share my games and movies,I want to be able to save money.So rather than make it harder to do those things(thus increasing piracy and other forms of theft)they need to make it easier to buy,share,and own games,and harder to illegally copy them.I know it's a tough battle that frankly,will not end.There will always be hackers who want to break the devs security,but they'll just have to keep fighting it.Making used games unusable will only make pirates more common.

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@ClaudiusCaesar That is digital content,which,requiring no physical media,is cheaper and easier to produce and distribute for the devs/publishers.So that makes it cheaper for us,meaning we don't need to buy it used,because almost anyone can afford a 5 to 25 dollar downloadable title.And,being tied to an online account,we can go to a friend's house and still share it with him by signing in on his console. The only downside to digital content is that it's harder to keep safe than a physical disc,which can be stored safely on a shelf,while digital content is only as safe as the devices that store it,and if anything happens to those databases,you may lose it.So you've got to pick your poison. And,for the record,I don't just buy the "experience".I buy the disc too.It's mine now,and I can sell it.If the "experience" happens to be tied to the disc,it gets sold too. If I only bought the experience,my friend would have to pay the producers of movies,or publishers of games before coming to my house to enjoy them or borrowing them to use in his house,because I wouldn't be authorized to share the "experience" with him.That's something they wanted to get off the ground with Blu-ray by tying each copy of a movie to the first player it gets used in.Fortunately,they failed at that,and with any luck,they never will succeed.

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@Scorpion1813 In the end,I believe we are on the same side.We're both gamers,and neither wants to see our favorite companies go under due to a lack of funds.But we want to be able to afford gaming and share it with our friends,which is something we could not do if a game became directly tied to a console.(This excludes digital games,which,being cheaper,preclude the need to save money by buying used,and if tied to an online account,can be enjoyed at a friend's house.)