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#1 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
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#2 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
You guys are swaying me the way I figured I would be swayed. Really like atmospheric games, and cryostasis seem that. Two questions about the game, how is the saving done? I am horrible with saving, and there is nothing worse than an atmospheric PC game that requires you to pull your self out of it constantly to remember to save your game (Stalker). So please say is has a good auto-save cause I hear it crashes. Second, I have a GT260, and a dual core, I should be able to max it, right?
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#3 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
I know they are pretty different games, but I am on the fence about both. Any one who has played them, what did you think? Zeno Clash or Cryostasis
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#4 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
I think you are doing more than you need to. Forget all that manual setup stuff you did, just leave everything set to auto, use the IP address automatically assign and type that into the routers DMZ address. Start with turning everything off. Power cycle the router (unplug 30 sec and plug back in). Turn on the 360, set the network settings to automatic, test it (will still get the strict NAT), then look at what IP address was auto assigned to the 360. Write down the number, log on to the router, go to the DMZ setting and input the IP address of the 360. NAT should then be open. Don't know why you would need to enable DHCB.
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#5 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
the bottom line is they just need to make good games, not CLONES. you can cry all day about pirates stealing games, but developers steal from us all the time too but get to do it legally. they get paid and use the same old engines, and design the game with FLAWS in mind....that way they can release future games that are better. That just doesn't fly with me well, design your games the best you can....don't leave stuff out on purpose in fear of makeing a game too good.machiavell8x8
ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY!. See, another lame excuse. Man up and just say, I didn't want to pay so that is why I stole it.
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#6 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts

[QUOTE="WillT12345"][QUOTE="Lach0121"]but what is messed up is it seems that pirates are scapegoats for all software devs/publisher's short comming.Astaroth2k

WHAT???? the pirates ARE the ones stealing the software. Defending pirates and saying that it is the developers fault for them stealing it, I'm sorry but what are you smoking?? I can see the headline now, "man steals car and blames the manufacturer for not putting a better lock on it".

You might aswell shout at a brick wall with the letters TGJ spray painted on it,what is moaning about piracy going to do? nothing..will any of these crappy DRM things do anything either? no! will piracy ever end? no!.So spend more time getting developers to make half decent games for once and a little less b!tching and moaning about things that will always be and have always been.

I am not b!tching about Piracy. I am b!tching about the ways people justify stealing to them selves. The ultimate being what I quoted above, a dude blaming the publishers/Devs for the game getting pirated.
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#7 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
but what is messed up is it seems that pirates are scapegoats for all software devs/publisher's short comming.Lach0121
WHAT???? the pirates ARE the ones stealing the software. Defending pirates and saying that it is the developers fault for them stealing it, I'm sorry but what are you smoking?? I can see the headline now, "man steals car and blames the manufacturer for not putting a better lock on it".
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#8 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
Change the title to "Software Pirates have stolen $50 Billion worth of digital media in 2008" and it will be correct. Other than that, a lot of self justification going on around here, ei "I wouldn't of bought it anyway, so its ok" or "everyone else does it, so its ok". No it is still stealing. I'm no angel, but you won't see me trying to justify flat out theft with lame excuses like that.
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#9 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
This game instantly came across as trying to cash in on the controversy, to me. Everything I have seen screams "generic military shooter". The first PR about it is the same old stuff, yeah we talked with soldiers and then jumps straight in to talking about how you can blow everything up in the game environment. The only difference being a major one, the game is based on real military events in the last 5 years that involved over a thousand deaths. Very very low in my opinion. Some day I would love to see something that really did justice to real war, and all the hardships that go with it. But this was most definitely not going to be that game.
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#10 WillT12345
Member since 2004 • 3123 Posts
Sounds like an ISP (internet service provider) problem, which I had a similar issue years ago. My situation was Me and My brother lived 2 houses down from each other and used the same ISP (Cox cable). We could never connect to each other, but connecting to anyone else was fine, and had the same error msgs you describe. After trying everything possible (our NATS were open, port forwarding, DMZ, other routers, and many msg board post) I switched my ISP to verizon and it worked flawlessly. Have heard similar complaints from people trying to connect with friends in the same apartment complex under the same ISP. Hope that helps, I know it was a hell of a headache for me. Since you are in one house I'd recommend calling up a different ISP in your area and say you are considering switching to them. Ask for a free trial, they all have them, have it installed and test it to see if it fixes your problem. Calling Cox Tech support and trying to explain my issue did nothing and all they did was try to tell me that it was a router setting issue (which I knew it wasn't cause my NAT was open and I could connect with anyone else perfectly fine).