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#1 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

I was reading one of the newer interviews with Hideki Kamiya and he bluntly said that there will be no downloadable content for Bayonetta.

I'm excited about this for two reasons:

1) I don't have to shell out extra money for content that should've been in the final copy.

2) I don't have to shell out extra money for content that could've been in the final copy.

So is DLC a big deal to you, be them extra map packs, characters and/or missions?


Not at all, I've never purchased a map back or some cheesey new age expansion that pretty much... just adds maps as well.

Good to know Bayonetta is gonna be a complete game when it's released, this is how it should be. I actually didn't know until recently that the guys who did the original DMC is making this. And if I would have never found that out I probably would have never looked into this, heh. DMC was the only DMC I enjoyed so I'm looking forward to this release. It for sure seems pretty crazy with new and fresh ideas if not alittle bizarre, which makes it all the more attractive to me.

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#2 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

So my question to you guys is what did you give Sheva to work with? I personally gave her the rifle and the machine gun. I took the pistol, shotgun, magnum, and of course the grenade launcher. It actually worked pretty well. Wondering if you guys did basically the same thing?


My first play through I went pretty much all close combat with shotty, stun rod, pistol, knife, and tons of melee while the person I was cooping with stayed back a bit picking them off with automatic rifles (Sub machine guns), pistol, and sniper.

Both used grenades.

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#3 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

I was thinking that i wanted to try final fantasy. It looked pretty interesting to me, but I dont know wich one to buy. The three i was thinking of were FF6 FFX or final fantasy 12. Wich of these would anyone recomend?


I wouldn't recrommend any of the Square Enix ones, which is pretty much just 12 atm. When they were Square Soft with their original writer and the guy who did all the music is where it's at. So pretty much 1 through 10, I'd recrommend the PS ones honestly. Which is FF7, 8, and 9.

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#4 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

I don't know what to do anymore. PS3 is supposed to have a low failure rate and all, but all i've ever experienced is failure. I fail to understand when others say "low failure rate". I orginally bought a launch ps3, and about 2 or 3 months after the warranty was up it froze mid-game and stopped reading blu-ray discs all together. Sent it in to sony, paid $150, and they replaced the blu ray drive and sent it back with a 3 month warranty.

About 3 and a half months later, my ps3 turns off in the middle of a game, flashes like blue yellow and blinks red and beeps like 3 times. it never turned on again. I was pretty frustrated since i already spent the money to get it fixed, now i would have to pay another $150. I might as well have bought a new non launch ps3 or even an xbox 360. After calling sony and explaining my situtation, to my luck, the guy said since it was only a couple weeks past the warranty, they will let me send in my ps3 for free as "courtesy". I ended up getting back a refurb ps3.

So now about 4 months have passed, and my ps3 did it again! It turned off mid game, and just beeps 3 times and blinks red. I called sony and they said the system i got back has no warranty since it was sent for free last time. So basically i'm gonna have to spend another $150 to get it fixed.

And its the worst possible time also, because i got 1 final week of exams and i wanted to replay mgs4 the month i have off before i start to work. 3 times my ps3 broke, so i'm thinking maybe i'm just doing something wrong? The 3rd ps3, i wanted to avoid any problems, so i would vaccuum the vents once a week, and wipe the cover with a swiffer cloth. I put the first 2 ps3s sideways, so i put the 3rd one horizontally. I also figured, maybe the first two were overheating, so i moved the 3rd ps3 far away from my tv and anything else that has heat, and placed it on a seperate table in the middle of the room. It looked wierd with a long cords going to the middle of the room but i figure it would be worth it to keep my ps3 safe. Other people told me, i probably wasn't keeping it clean enough, but this time around i really did, i cleaned it once a week. I don't do anything else with it, i don't move it around, i don't shake it, i don't do anything. And its in the coolest part of my house, my basement. So what the heck am I doing wrong that this keeps happening to me?

At this point i don't know what to do. Should i pay another $150 to get it fixed? I will get another launch ps3 back and it might break a 4th time. Maybe i should just buy an xbox 360 - i might've sooner, but i hate all its exclusive titles compared to ps3 like mgs4 and ps3s future games like GOWIII. i've already paid money for ps3 accessories and games and blu rays... so it probably wouldnt be worth it to switch to 360 now. another option is to buy a new ps3, maybe the new ps3s a built better? but i would probably have to wait a year or two before i spent that much money at once. i feel like sony ripped me off. any advice?


You see... alot of hardware stuff, especially sony and other computers (All of those brand name computer companies...) are all expected to last past their warranty... and that's how they make so much money, lol. Because if their product lasts past warranty then you gotta pay to have it repaired. I mean a majority of us have spent about 1000$ on our PS3's alone... and that's pretty sad.

Luckily, not me this time around, I got a wimpy 40g for 2 years and still puring like a kitty. xD

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#5 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

I've been an avid PC gamer for many years (Pool of Radiance for you really old people LOL). I recently got a PS3 for Christmas. And I must say that even having 5 games for it, I never turn it on except as a BluRay player. Please help? An 80g PS3 seems a bit much for a BR player alone lol. Any suggestions? I love FPS games, but hate them on consoles. I love flight games (I fly choppers in real life so naturally I love the games) but have not found any on the PS3 that I liked (rented a few) I absolutely hate puzzle maze thinking type games (ie. Tomb Raider style) I desperately love good old Mech Warrior 3 and 4 for the PC and any game similar Believe it or not, the only fun I have had on my PS3 is Tiger Woods but that gets old fast too. And despite my job, I actually enjoy and own GTA:IV lol (sometimes it's fun to be the other side haha)michael412

Well this is a long shot, but since you like Mechwarrior as myself does, I was thinking Armored Core. It's really the only mech kind of game on the PS3 and it is pretty fun. It's got a pretty deep customization engine and the gameplay is simple and fun, controls might feel weird at first. I dun know, it's pretty cheap on the ps3 so it's not like you'll be really wasting much.

Assassin's Creed is pretty fun, no puzzles or anything from what I remember. It's a Sandbox game like GTA but takes place during the crusades... what like Devil May Cry and what not are very action packed and entertaining but don't last as long as you'd probably like. And actually if you're into flying games Try Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. I haven't played it yet but it might be something you're interested in.

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#6 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

I don't have KZ2, but i've played the demo. And it's easy to say that COD4 is MUCH better. KZ2's controls are crap. L1 for bash? R3 for iron sights? L2 for crouch/take cover? It's like they perposely wanted to frustrate people with the awful controls, but atleast the weapons are powerful and the combat is challenging.Love_my_PS360

Took me like 5 minutes to get use to the controls... you can't expect every game you play to stick to the control system that COD uses man.

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#7 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts


All of this is making me sad. T_T


Sowwies. How about I lighten the mood up with, oh I don't know... VALKYRIA CHRONICLES!!!!!



Ah, VC, always a good topic. :) Talk about a game that brought back some magic to the gaming community.

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#8 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

i personally found resident evil 5,mgs4 and uncharted graphics better

but thats my opinion)


Re5 and Uncharted, no way, don't get me wrong those are both beautiful games but KZ2 takes the cake. MGS4, very possible.

KZ2 and MGS4 are probably the most graphical games on the ps3 atm.

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#9 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

my GF always starts her new games on "easy" mode no matter what the game is, myself i'll start on either the medium level, or depending on the style of game the hardest thats available, esp fps's, I started KZ2 on hardest available for example.

Games, it seems nowadays are so overly easy with infinite lives and save spots that in most cases, there is no real challenge to complete them, and thats a shame when it can cost up to £40+ for something that can perhaps be only 10-15 ish hours long

And no matter how u look at it, the 2nd play through of any game is NEVER as exciting as the 1st.


Usually always medium and then the next time I play that game I end up going up just to get something different from the experience. But there are some games out there that are just insane even on the middle difficulty.

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#10 VivaRevolucion
Member since 2009 • 175 Posts

Well ive just spoken to a few of my friends on live who glitched to get the level 100, their accounts and content hasnt been banned, but their gamerscore has been reset to 0 and have been labelled a cheater...bugger!


All of this could have been avoided easily if Epic as REALLY finished and polished their Gears games..>.>

I mean it's cool to know glitchers are getting punished I guess, but Gears 2 was just to much for me online this time around, I couldn't put up with all of the bugs and glitches like I could in the first one. It's just to much man.

So yeah, all of this could be avoided if the glitches were simply never allowed into the final product... or if they actually fixed them god forbid.