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#1 Tyrant156
Member since 2004 • 737 Posts


i thought they were the same. but most people say Live is much better. just want to know why?


They are mostly the same but what really sets them apart is the overall user experience of Xbox Live. Its easier to use, it works, Micorosft tells you when there is a scheduled maintanence, patch downloads are quicker, Cross game chat, early access to DLC, better freinds management, updates and community playdates, better security, better moderators to help keep ignorant people in check. Earlier this year Microsoft and Police Busted a bunch of creepos on xbox live trying to solicite innapropriate activities on the service. And so far (knock on wood) Xbox live has never been hacked, keeping my Personal info safe. Xbox live is an overall bettter service, but that isnt to say that PSN is bad. Its usually the small things that make Xbox live a more seemless experience than PSN, but PSn is still pretty good for being free, there are just some annoyances.

PS: also to add Xbox live Arcade is also great, there are some very awesome XBL only arcade games that are great exclusives as well.

Uh PSN tells you when there will be maintanence, it shows it on the XMB and they can send e-mails as well. Download speed can be increaased with a psn plus account but I've personally never had bad d/l speeds in CA where I live but have seen slow speeds in MI. Might be the location of the servers or just a poorly set up network. PS home has tons of playdates and tournaments which can be found in home, on the main page of the ps3 browser or again you can have them sent to your e-mail. Live has been hacked and it still can be, and since when has MS been known for its quality of security ( im looking at you Iexplorer and vista).


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#2 Tyrant156
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Far better integration between console and the internet. (I can access download history, set stuff to download later, buy stuff, etc) ALL on Xbox.com. Can you do that on Playstation.com?

Cross game chat. Haven't PSN people been begging for this for years? Yet it still isn't there.You can get it with Gold.

You don't need to PAY if you want your achievments to automatically update like on PSN. ( :lol: ) Auto-updating has been FREE to EVERY XBL member from the start. Sony finally offers this now, but as a premium feature, lol.

Downloads (for me, at least) are FAR quicker on Xbox LIVE, especially game updates.

Achievments for EVERY game. PSN finally got this feature, what, in 2008 on SOME games? Didn't it only become mandatory for every game sometime in 2009?

Ability to change your gamertag. Want to change your PSN name? Too bad, you're stuck with it. At least you have the option to change it on LIVE.

So yeah, remind me why these two services are supposedly equal again? Or why PSN is better? It's better because it's free, right? :| That's the ONLY reasoning I ever hear from anyone claiming PSN's supposed superiority over LIVE.

Better integration between between console and internet? Since when...you can access xbox.com from a PS3 or a PSP. You can access your netflix account as well with out having to pay extra. You can use the browser as a FTP and access content not only from your PC but anyones. You can access your PS3 through the psp with wifi and play certain psn games, message friends listen to music or watch movies.
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#3 Tyrant156
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Oh where to begin, where to begin... 1. On PSN, it gets hacked into and gives my personal information to hackers and Sony plays dumb about the entire thing, including whether or not credit card data was stolen. 2. On PSN, you get a two month outage. 3. On PSN, you get brutal download times. Just to play demos with download and install time is just absurd. The word slow doesn't even give it justice. 4. On PSN, you don't have cross game chat. Hell, you don't have an easy way to even send messages to friends. 5. On PSN, there is less arcade games, demos, dlc. 6. On PSN, dlc usually comes AFTER Xbox Live has had it for some time. 7. On PSN, the community is dead, even for the higher ranked exclusives such as Uncharted 2. After one month the game was out there was about 5000 people playing. More people still play Halo 2. That's pathetic. You get all of this for FREE! Sorry, but I would rather pay $4 a month for all of this not to happen and actually get a service like Xbox Live that is actually good.brennanhuff

Uhh I'm shocked no one remembers Live being hacked and actual account losing funds. It happened more than once if I recall, google for details. Also PSN has two versions of their service, PSN plus installs games and updates in the background. PSN offers text chat rooms where you can mass invite all your friends , one on one mic and/or cam chat, pshome spaces with text and mic, cross game text messages or you can just simply send an invite. Again, Uncharted 2 wasn't bought for online gaming but for the story mode unlike the Halo franchise, which requires you to pay a fee forever for it to be used to its full potential.

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#4 Tyrant156
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oh i get it. now that it's proven the 360 has more critically acclaimed games, suddenly cows decided that scores don't matter anymore. who would have thought? :lol:


Heh it's scary that you think these scores ever mattered, or to even claim that you agree with every one of them wholeheartedly. The only thing factual is the 360 has a larger library, you'd think that would be enough but oh no the games have to be better too! Look at it from my point of view, if I told you so and so game is better than yours (even though I don't own the whole collection) and my only source of proof was a score from gamespot (the people who gave MGS4 a perfect 10) would you believe me? HELL NO.

i've never said i agree with the scores. all i did was point that the 360 has more critically acclaimed games, which is a fact, like it or not.

so stop putting words in my mouth :lol:

Which means what? Why point out a fact that you can't even admit to supporting, the fact pretty much becomes useless.
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#5 Tyrant156
Member since 2004 • 737 Posts
[QUOTE="LustForSoul"][QUOTE="dotWithShoes"][QUOTE="Goolsbee"]its not, both have the same functionality, but live has more bells and whistles. Kinda the same reason people buy iphones instead of android phones.

cross game chat and cross game invites are big +'s to me.

True that. I'm always on cross game chat. There's also more content.

Like what? You don't have to have a Gold membership to buy games do you? What does a Silver account get you?
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#6 Tyrant156
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[QUOTE="USBxDVD"][QUOTE="Chris_Williams"] how come people always say, Theres more features and just say party chat and then thats it, you and another user in this thread have done this, what are these other features that i can't get on ps3 besides cross game chat. I have a 360 but i will never get live for it, am i missing something besides cross game chat because if its big i'll go get live right now.


LOL. So true. "You get tons of features for your money. For example party chat, cross game chat, etc." Really....

For 10p a day basically oohhh thats so expensive for me.

A fiver a month is nothing out my wages at all so i dont really see a point in complaing bout such a small fee :-/

Lol yup and that's why it's so profitable to MS because it's just the right amount of money for people not to make a fuss. But if you had a 360 and Live from day one you've paid 500$ to game online and party chat which is free on other devices.
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#7 Tyrant156
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that isnt a PSN feature as you are not required to log into the PSn network to actuallly use it but nice try using that hobbled mess as a point.


ok than y is anything to do with internet better on xbox than ps. now how is psn a mess???????????????

Facepalm for you on order.

I was meaning that utter mess they pass off as an internet browser, even the iPad has a better browser than it, ever tried posting on GS with it? its a complete and utter nightmare that should have just been left out.

I've posted on GS using the browser, worked fine to me. Oh and Home and PSN games still link you to the net using the browser so it's part of the network just not fully integrated.
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#8 Tyrant156
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still doesnt make sense y people go over the top about live. btw psn has web browser does live?wawasjohn
I was just going to mention the browser and PS home where you can mic chat all day and socialize and play mini games all for free. PS3 has cross game chat, just not cross game mic chat, it's text based. I find it easier to just hit up someone with a quick text as opposed to calling but that is up to the individual. PSN does have cross game invites for PSN games, you just click on the invite and it stops the game and goes right into the lobby. For blu ray games if you are playing a different game you take the disc out then click on the invite and it takes you to the lobby. For Live they skip the step of going to the main menu, live is more integrated but the winning feature for me is the web browser. I mean if you're going to pay for Live then add internet explorer to it, it's windows for christ sake.
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#9 Tyrant156
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[QUOTE="Goolsbee"]its not, both have the same functionality, but live has more bells and whistles. Kinda the same reason people buy iphones instead of android phones.

Errr but Androids do more....
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#10 Tyrant156
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not to mention more critically acclaimed games. unlike some people, tthe rest of us actually have facts to back everything up.

and to reply to vertigo's post, stating facts isn't considered an attempt to put the 360 in a better light. it's already there.

but while we're still on the subject of spinning reality in favor in a certain console, why don't you let us know what you think of the method of excluding a part of a system's library due to some arbitrary timestamp that renders a game "too old to count"? :lol:


Heh these are facts now? Doesn't critically acclaimed usually mean someone's opinion, didn't a guy get fired from here for giving a bad review. I wouldn't put too much weight in these scores let alone use them as proof as to which has the better library.

oh i get it. now that it's proven the 360 has more critically acclaimed games, suddenly cows decided that scores don't matter anymore. who would have thought? :lol:

Heh it's scary that you think these scores ever mattered, or to even claim that you agree with every one of them wholeheartedly. The only thing factual is the 360 has a larger library, you'd think that would be enough but oh no the games have to be better too! Look at it from my point of view, if I told you so and so game is better than yours (even though I don't own the whole collection) and my only source of proof was a score from gamespot (the people who gave MGS4 a perfect 10) would you believe me? HELL NO.