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#1 Truth_Seekr
Member since 2007 • 4214 Posts

Whether we like it or not, it's going to happen.

Incase you people don't know, the international bankers that own the Federal Reserve, CIA, NSA etc(practially the whole world) are the ones behind all these tragic events in the world such as the World Wars, famous assassinations like Lincoln, MLK Jr., Kennedys, Cold War, Gulf War, and 9-11. The idea to "them" is to create these tragic events where they have to go liberate some country of their tyrant terrorist ruler, all the while building US military presence in every other country to later on promote one currency, one govt.

The truth is that we're not going to be U.S.A anymore. We're going to be N.A.U. Pretty soon, there won't be a Canada, U.S.A or a Mexico. There is this thing called Project for the New American Century, in which it merges the 3 N.A. countries into one major one called, the North American Union. The dollar will be obsolete, and a new currency, called the 'Amero' will take over. Kinda like the Euro has taken over the pounds in European Union, and Ecoi in what is now the African Union. After the N.A.U. gets established, all that's left is Asia. Once the Asian Union comes into play, then they will have it set to do the final steps in achieving one govt, one currency etc by merging these Unions together to make one super world union, hence the domination of this world by means of stripping away our liberties & nationalism.


I dont like the idea of it. A lot of congressmen have been warning about this. The sad truth is, on television theyve been pushing communism so that children grow up thinking it works (a good example is all the misinformed communists on these forums)

theres no garuntee that we get our freedoms, and big government is harder to control

I would fight against a North American Union to the death. And I know its really coming because theyve been talking about it even on MAIN STREAM news.


That's what I'm saying. It's even on mainsteream news, yet most these people wont bother to take a minute to look into it. They have all the time in the in the world to respond with name calling and all that, but not to confirm or show me how it's done.


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#2 Truth_Seekr
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Do you really think that anyone is going to believe this crap?UrbanSpartan125

Well, whether you believeor not, that's on you. Obviously. However, as long as I canmake some people stop anf think for a second about it, that would be more than enough. Everyone else is so damn quick to get on the defensive, and perhaps I should as well, but what for. That's exactly what they want us to do.Call each other names rather seek the truth.

Not saying that's what u did, but MOST ALL other responses are of that sort.

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#3 Truth_Seekr
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Everyone keeps saying Zeigtgeist or whatever, but Iseriously have no clue WTH that is.

Time for good ol Google, I guess. Unless someone can explain a bit what it is.

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#4 Truth_Seekr
Member since 2007 • 4214 Posts

[QUOTE="bradleybhoy"]What about JFK's speech, what was that about then? And were those quotes from Woodrow Wilson fabricated?bradleybhoy

actually yes, those quotes from woodrow wilson were fabricated. look it up on wikipedia's article on freedom to fascism. that movie also uses that quote.

Ah but on that same page it provides the original and genuine quotes that are of the same effect.

"A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom."

"We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world--no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men."

I'll check the JFK speech.

You mean the speech he made about secret societies?

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#5 Truth_Seekr
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I didnt know David Icke was on GameSpot :oBourbons3

What exactly did he do to expose these men?

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#6 Truth_Seekr
Member since 2007 • 4214 Posts
[QUOTE="Truth_Seekr"] [QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]

Actually to be honest noone opposed going in to Afghanistan.. There was hard core evidence that the Taliban, the main power there, fully supported and funded AQ the group that attacked us on 9/11. We had full reason to go there because it was argued to be the center of operation for AQ.. No one argues saying it was a bad war to get into..

Ironically enough we have left there while letting Bin Ladin slip throug our fingers, and now the Taliban is resurfacing back into power.. Mission accomplished!


I dont think I get what you're saying....

I am being sarcastic on our strategies, that we have infact turned our back on a place that was possibly the epicenter for the group that attacked us on 9/11.. That one of their primary supporters the Taliban are resurfacing in power.. Yet the United States government claims we are fighting the war on terror.

Well it is a proven, yet hidden fact that the Taliban & CIA were actully working in conjunction to finance some, if not allof theattacks in the Middle East. Then there is this hypothesis that I have yet to dig deep on that suggests that the Bush & bin Laden families have ties to the Royal throne in England, or something of that nature.I can see the Bushs, as they have a undeniable facial features of the Queen & Prince etc, and therefore I see the blooodline resemblance, but the bin Ladens?, I dont know about all that.

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#7 Truth_Seekr
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GZA/Genius - Liquid Swordz album!!!!!

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#8 Truth_Seekr
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Oh dear god, not another zeigtgeist fan:roll:

what benefit does the US government have to gain from sustaining the war in Iraq? I can understand that we would want to build permanent military bases to help stabilize the region, but why would we want to sustain the conflict?

BTW jarhead, truth_seeker isn't a politician and doesn't know his sh1t. he's just another brainwashed fan of zeitgeist(did I spell that right? even if I didn't, you know what I mean) the movie

Sorry, but WTH is Zeigtgeist?

I already explained a few posts up. Anyways it would be the private holders of the US govt that are to gain from the United States invasion of Iraq/Middle East, to push forth their idea.

I know my stuff from years of independant research.I've provided motive, gain,and interest.Can you prove otherwise if you cant agree with me other than just "he's nuts"?

the people who run our government are not some secret society or some private corporation or something:P our government is run by the US congress, US president, and the supreme court. George W. Bush proposed we invade Iraq on the basis that saddam may have had WMDs (that might have not been the real motive, but saddam did break many UN resolutions after the first gulf war). Congress approved of the action. when saddam didn't leave Iraq, the invasion begun. dont try to brainwash us with your conspiracy theories.

YES YES YES!! They did all the "proper steps"to support the invasion,but you dont think these people have their guys working for them with seats in Congress and the Comittee etc to help manipulate our govt to comply with what they want!? Please.

9/11 was used to launch 2 illegal wars, US vs Iraq, andUS vsAfghanistan. 9/11 was also the pretext to take away our rights, in exchange for "security". You have the Military Tribunal Act, The Department of Homeland Security which brought the Patriot Act enabling the govt to spy on US citizens and a bunch of other legislations that are designed to strip us of our civil lberties, so that we have no power asa people to fight back against what is coming.

Actually to be honest noone opposed going in to Afghanistan.. There was hard core evidence that the Taliban, the main power there, fully supported and funded AQ the group that attacked us on 9/11. We had full reason to go there because it was argued to be the center of operation for AQ.. No one argues saying it was a bad war to get into..

Ironically enough we have left there while letting Bin Ladin slip throug our fingers, and now the Taliban is resurfacing back into power.. Mission accomplished!

I dont think I get what you're saying....

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#9 Truth_Seekr
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Well, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve of its power to loan money to the government at HIGH interest rates. JFK signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. The bankers didn't like what JFK was proposing, that he put the Federal Reserve & CIA out of business, so they got him first before he was able to abolish the Fed Res & CIA, both privately owned by the banking elite. The executive order was stopped by LBJ shortly after JFK was murdered

The same thing happened to Lincoln. He need money to fund the Civil, but these bankers wanted to charge him 38% interest per note, and obviously that was a ludicrous idea. Lincoln made United States notes call Greenbacks to avoid having to pay large sums of interest to the bank. This got them mad, and so they killed him. Same with Andrew Jackson, who actually "killed the bank" before an attempt was made on his life.

JFK's Executive Order 11110 is still in affect today. What we need is a president brave enough to sign it through again. The question is, what future president is willing to pay the ultimate price?


That's a nice fairy tale. Why don't you pay the ultimate price? You seem like you've done your research(lol), so umm do it. :|

You really think I'm lying about all tha, or is it just hard to consider that actually happening?

I'll tell you what. It is very sad that the real truth of history isn't taught in classrooms, for if they did, our children would be a lot smarter about their surroundings, rather than becoming the next gen of mindnumb zombies, and 'they' can't have that. History is an account of things put how 'they' want you to hear, read, view of it. We have no real choice. Which is why many can't grasp my truth/theory/rant, whatever you want to call it.

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#10 Truth_Seekr
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Well, when you think about it like that, it really makes a lot of sense.

I mean, consider Star Trek, right? When they would meet a new race, they're always "The Vulcans", or "The Romulans". Those advanced civilizations all moved past the country phase, and they were better for it. So why not Earth?


Oh, also, your theory makes me think you have some serious mental issues. Please stop listening to talk radio.


Why mental issues? Why can't I just be a curious human being? Must everyone be subjected to criticism when a govt is questioned? Come on now!! You believe what u want. You go ahead and continue to believe that it is in the best interest if Iraq and Vietnam and whatever other country we've invaded to strip them of their own power and have insiders manipulate other govts. I'm telling you, I know it sounds SUPER FAR FETCHED to believe, or even consider that such a plan has been deviced and has been the goal for decades, if not centuries, but if you look between the lines, you will find the truth.Otherwise you can continue to live being a slave and not even know it.

You can look up everyting I've said so far and confirm it.

Please explain Vietnam to me, how these "secret men that have all the power" benefited from the United States involvement in Vietnam? "strip them of their own power and have insiders manipulate other govts" none of that happened.

Money. War is the biggest profiteer in the arms business, and these people who are in the Arms Industry, wanted to cash in.

In 66, LBJ signed this legislation that opened the train restrictions on some Soviet railroad they had blocked, knowing full well that they were supplying Vietnamese with 75%+ of their arsenal. Coincidentially, David Rockfellar's firm was financing factories in the Soviet Unions, which they used to manufactur military equipment and send it to Vietnam. They also were successful in manipulating Vietnams Rules of Engagement, making it harder for US troops to do their jobs and attack key targets head on, and subsequently, the war dragged on for years killing innocent Vietnamese & U.S. troops.