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#1 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts
Unless you want a Blu-Ray player, it's really not a smart consumer choice, considering it's current direction in terms of sales. 

Well, if you care about those specific exclusives that badly, then I guess it's justified.  But really, your $600 is probably better spent elsewhere.
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#4 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts

This is all that needs to be said to conclude this thread:

Week 16 console sales this gen - PS3- 710,000 Wii - 1,745,750
Week 16 console sales last gen - PS2 - 2,174,750 GC - 960,000

Those sales number are basically reversed.



Damn I know right, the poor sales of the Gamecube kept stuff like Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia, and Crystal Chronicles from really shining. Gamers around the world ignored those games because they were on a platform that didn't have enough users...

The point is that the Wii is going to have the majority support of third parties in Japan. The PS3 is going to be like the gamecube its going to have its gems but just not many of them.

But this time around it's the choice of pushing graphical and technical advancements through the power of The Cell and RSX by offering a high definition experience, possible 7.1 soundtracks, bigger cutscenes for the RPGs with the storage capabilities.

Which costs a lot of money, on a console that has a much smaller userbase, which means not much profit. 

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#5 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts

Yeah, they're only interested in cashing in and making money. Japanese developers don't make games for the sake of doing what they have always done for over 2 decades because they really enjoy doing it.

I mean, Sega could have scrapped House of the Dead 4 arcade all together. Maybe they made it anyway because they want to continue the tradition of designing that cabinet and everything that goes with it...

Um... it's always about money.  One can only wonder how much paid Konami to keep MGS4 on their system (think assloads). 

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#6 TopDreg
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Have fun playing the least supported console this generation, at $600. 
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#7 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts

Holy crap, there are some really bad arguments in this thread.

Face it, the Playstation 3 will not have anywhere the near the third-party support the Wii has.  When game development companies choose to develop a game, their first priority is making the most amount of cash they can in the long term.  In trying to predict the success of their games, they realize industry trends between the console competitors and figure out where they can cash in. 

Currently, the Playstation 3 is doing horrible, selling at approximately a 1:3 ratio to the Wii.  In addition, the games that were recently released have not been spiking PS3 sales, and I highly doubt Gundam Musou is going to convince people to spend $600.  After Gundam Musou's release, cows in Japan will have to wait until Heavenly Sword to release, which will be four months off, a long time in an industry as fierce as the video game industry.  With the iminent release of Big Brain Academy for the Wii, the Wii demand is only going to go higher while PS3 demand goes lower.  If Heavenly Sword does not create a spike in PS3 sales, which I doubt a game that isn't considered a killer app will, then the PS3 is going to have to hold off until the big guns (Devil May Cry 4, MGS4) come out at the end of the year, which is the very earliest (most likely it will not).  

So, who are game publishers going to choose?  A console with relatively much lower development costs, a consumer-friendly cost, a promising future with what seem to be blockbuster titles in the near future, and an already very positive sales trend, or a console that's currently doing poorly, is going to have a lack of good releases for a long while, has extremely high development costs, and is only affordable at $600?  The answer should be obvious.  

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#8 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts

To know what is bad is to know what is good. 

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#9 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts

Maturity is all based on perception.  Do you feel that you are mature?  That's the question one has to ask themselves. 

As I said before, emotions are what individualize ourselves, through what we portray.  The girl who recently broke up with you does not accept you for whom you are, and the emotions that you show.  Analyze the relationship in a calm, relaxed manner.  You may be in love with the girl, yet if the chemistry is not two-sided, for whatever the reason may be, chances are it will not work in the end.  And chances are if you believe you can find a better girl for yourself, then you probably can, along with the added benefit of being able to drive yourself forward in life, rather than getting bent out of shape. 

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#10 TopDreg
Member since 2006 • 89 Posts

Alright, I'll go with the group concensus. The following weekend FTW!!jealentus

Celebration time!  Cigarettes on me!

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