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Deadlock is: TPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Deadlock Heroes!

(Battleborn reference. Will probably suffer the same fate)

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I legit forgot a BO5 came out, I thought the last one (which I didn't play) was 4.

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Edited By Tiwill44

I'm surprised, it's actually pretty fun. It has that classic multiplayer FPS feel, which is almost nostalgic at this point, as it hadn't really been around for years due to the industry-wide shift to battle royale. The menus are clean, the music is good.

I thought there was no way I'd spend any money on it, but then I saw that if you complete the battle pass, you get enough coins to buy the next one, and now I'm kinda tempted...

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Edited By Tiwill44

@boodger: I'm a bit tired of that logic honestly. "If we give them money for a port/remaster, they'll make a new game like it." Do we have any evidence of that ever happening in the industry?

Maybe if Nintendo hadn't wasted their money making four bad Paper Mario games in a row, they wouldn't need to do this. Not that they do, with how successful the Switch has been. If they wanted to make a good Paper Mario game, they would do it.

(To be clear, I don't disagree with your hopefulness. I bought the game. But mainly because I wanted to finally own a copy of TTYD. If I had bought the GameCube version back in the day, I probably would not have bought this version.)

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Edited By Tiwill44

@illegal_peanut: There were some iconic sleazy Goomba thugs in the Rogueport sewers hitting on Goombella in the original, before Mario beat them to a pulp. Now they make some joke about Mario instead.

They also changed some dialogue for Vivian, but to me it still leaves stuff up to interpretation. The new line could imply that her sisters tricked her into thinking she was a guy for the longest time, and bullied her for it. Beldam was always a huge liar and jealous of Vivian's appearance, so it's definitely something she would do.

Others might interpret this another way. Maybe Vivian was a male Shadow Siren (if they exist) with a feminine appearance, and he got bullied by Beldam for it (still out of jealousy, as Vivian would have pulled off a feminine look despite being male), then later on decided to just be a girl.

We don't really have enough information to know what really happened, which I think is a good thing because it retains the intended mystique. There was more subtlety in the original, but it was always going to be a meme on the internet just like it was back then, so the gender confusion being more explicit doesn't actually bother me.

Other dialogue changes are documented here.

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.... Okay, what kind of miserable life would someone have to live to play Minecraft alone with a voice AI that isn't even a character in the game? This would be tragic.

I could understand the appeal if this was replacing in-game NPCs with more advanced AI NPCs you could have full conversations with, but the scenario they presented is just depressing because all it does is replace a friend or a gaming partner with a robot.

A person playing Minecraft for the first time, and instead of discovering the game themselves or letting a friend show them the ropes, they're letting an AI completely ruin that first-time experience. Microsoft just doesn't get it.

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Edited By Tiwill44

@oldtaku: True. I think the bigger question is will it matter? Team Fortress 2 is technically a pay 2 win game when you think about it, but I've never heard anyone complaining about it because the weapons are technically side-grades and the game is fun.

That said, I do think TF2's random drop system is less of a dark pattern than having to complete tedious challenges to progress through crap, because it's more fun to just play the game and unlock things passively. Having to alter the way you play and probably do daily chores makes you want to pay to skip that. So that is a red flag.

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I feel like people get so caught up in drama that they forget how good we have it. We exist in a free market. You can buy literally any game you want. So buy the ones you're interested in.

It's simple: if you're not interested in a game, then you weren't the target audience to begin with. Why would they care what you think of their game? It's not like they made it for you.

Personally, Ubisoft hasn't made a game for me since that Rayman game in 2013. Hell, the last true stealth Splinter Cell game came out in the mid 2000s. Sooner or later, you have to learn that you can't always be the target audience. Luckily, it just means you get to spend your time and money elsewhere.

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Placebo effect. The devs say they fixed the game, then people desperate for it to be fixed go into it thinking it's fixed, and they convince themselves that they're now having fun. In reality, they are still playing Diablo 4.

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@m4a5: I think it only makes sense for ranked mode to have SBMM, since the whole point of that mode is to rank up and fight opponents of similar rank... For casual play, the fun of it is that it's more chaotic. Kinda like back in the day, when you would join a lobby from a server browser; you got to see a much wider range of skill levels, since anyone was free to join. Then you could stay in the lobby if you had fun and wanted to play with those people again.

The teams are still auto-balanced after the server is filled, so it's not about wanting unbalanced teams at all. People are tired of their matches becoming impossibly hard to win just because they happened to win twice in a row. The forced 50% winrate fatigue... I mean, most people play multiplayer games to have fun with others, not to train to become esport athletes. But ranked mode is right there if you want to climb the ladder, so I'm not sure what the issue is...