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#1 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts


I always thought of MSNBC as the Anti-Fox News Network. But that doesn't excuse Fox's dangerous propaganda machines at work on a 24 hours based. Matter of fact, I dare say the fact that MSNBC doesn't say "Fare in Balanced" on its commercials nor do they use the silly fraise "We report, you decide" either but they also are a much much smaller network. Fox brags about crushing them in the ratings almost every week. Now, that being said. I still can't stand the opinioned commentators of Fox News versus MSNBC.

Take the report on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for example.


Fox News

This is how most of the commentators on fox acts. It's only gets worse when they mention anything Obama/Left winged. At least MSNBC criticized Obama before...I've yet to see anything good come from Bill/Hanitty's mouth about the positive things Obama has done or tried to do.


I think I would actually offer a reward if somebody could find a clip of that happening

We're talking about the Network that Single handedly turned the word "Libral" into a four latter word. We're talking about the network where Hanity

We're talking about the Network that Single handedly turned the word "Liberal" into a four latter word. We're talking about the network where Hanity says calling a President Hitler and a dictator is bad during the Bush years then turns around and supports the Tea-Party birther movement...I don't blame them really...They are treated like gods buy the lesser minded...If saying crazy **** al la Glen Beck got me paid and praise like that, I'd probably be playing "Barack the magic negro" too.

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#2 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

[QUOTE="scorch-62"][QUOTE="Serraph105"] that I will agree with. Also they tend to stick with scientific evidence unlike some at Fox news.dr_octagon

The fact that Fox claimed that all women will be lesbians by 2015 still makes me laugh.

The fact that MSNBC stated that a man who showed up to a Tea Party convention with an AR-15 was white (and cropping the photos so you couldn't see his skin color) when he was really BLACK, just so they could portray teabaggers as white supremacists makes me laugh.

Why don't you guys prove your statments instead of just typing random quotes?
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#3 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

I always thought of MSNBC as the Anti-Fox News Network. But that doesn't excuse Fox's dangerous propaganda machines at work on a 24 hours based. Matter of fact, I dare say the fact that MSNBC doesn't say "Fare in Balanced" on its commercials nor do they use the silly fraise "We report, you decide" either but they also are a much much smaller network. Fox brags about crushing them in the ratings almost every week. Now, that being said. I still can't stand the opinioned commentators of Fox News versus MSNBC.

Take the report on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for example.


Fox News

This is how most of the commentators on fox acts. It's only gets worse when they mention anything Obama/Left winged. At least MSNBC criticized Obama before...I've yet to see anything good come from Bill/Hanitty's mouth about the positive things Obama has done or tried to do.

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#4 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

I agree, but let's not stop there...I mean if we're gonna rid ourselves of possible terrorist we might as well kick out all the 20-60 year old white males in this country too...


Andrew Joseph Stack (killed himself crashing a plane into an IRS building)

Timothy McVeigh (killed 168 people with car bomb)

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (killed 12 students, 1 teacher and themselves)

George Jo Hennard (killed 23 people)

...Almost every school shooting

...Almost every employment shooting

The Hutaree militia (9 men planning to kill a cop and bomb his funeral)

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman (plan to kill black kids before killing Obama)


That's just a few so if he don't allow Middle Eastern people to come here we should start profiling and removing White male Americas too....Wait a minute...that's a stupid and very bad idea...Never mind.

All racist comment terrorist acts...The republican mouth pieces like Rush and Hanitty are the reasons we focus on people from the Middle East...Prove me wrong!

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#5 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

I have played many of the so-called "inferior" multiplats on the PS3 and never had a problem. I am willing to bet that if there are differences, it will mainly be attributed to maybe a few more jaggies, some aliasing and maybe slightly lower resolution textures. Nothing that will be game breaking or even that noticeable unless you stop to scrutinize the grass, walls, ect. Personally, I don't do that sort of thing. I'm not worried about it.


Is that a joke post? The PS3 should be the top system. Yeah, you can still play it but considering that the PS3 is more powerful it should have slightly better games. Sub-HD, Installs, FPS problems...that's ridiculous.

Last gen, many games were ported to the Xbox and still looked better than on the PS2. This gen, the supposed stronger console can't run games like Bayonetta on par with the slightly weaker consoles? A consoles that at the time I purchesd it was $499 bucks?

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#6 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts
A blast from the past... I change my answer. If I'd known what both had to offer bacj then I would have said Uncharted 2 :P
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#7 Shattered007
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As you can back-up savedata onto them, you can copy and receive video/photos/music from them. As far as I know, none of this is available on the Xbox 360. That's why.

So it's too much trouble for you to press 'triangle' and then 'display all'? Plus, it doesn't have "trouble", simply put your files in the right folder, for example, put your music in the 'MUSIC' folder in your root, and so and so. And the PS3 can update the console through USB too. Seems like your the one with a lot of "fail" in your post my friend.


Yes, you can't store media from a thumb drive on the 360...Why would you do that if you already have it on the thumbdrive? You don't own a 360 and making illogical argument as to why the PS3 uses thumb drives better? The biggest selling point of this feature on the 360 is that you can store installed games on the thumb drive instead of the HDD and save anywhere from 2-6.5 gigs. Why would you even comment on something you don't know very well(own)?

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#8 Shattered007
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Seeing as the 360 platform is alot more profitable to investors it really isn't that much of surprise, considering how much the PS3 hand out for free, while MS shove in tons of cash on live, addons etc. etc.


I don't get it, why are u trying to use logic in SW?

So, Microsoft's 360 is worth 4x more than Sony's Playstation 3 because of Live? Oh, I get're refuring to SW logic...

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#9 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts
Sony is worth around 50 billion, and everyone knows that because of the high quality of PS3 parts, Sony only started making a profit on PS3's very recently. On the other hand it takes very little to make the cheap parts for the 360 and Wii. CraiGdOwns
I'd be surpised if the PS3 (alone) is turning a profit right now. as a whole, do to it's gaming, Sony's gaming division is but the PS3 probably still cost Sony about $10-20 bucks.
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#10 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts
A Half-Assed War on Piracy? What does that even mean?