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#1 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

I agree the PS3 is dominating so far

1 AAAE and 5 AAE while the 360 so far only has 1 AAE this year.

Alan Wake was the big hope and it flopped so all 360 has is Halo Reach while PS3 has Gran Turismo, Modnation Racers, Socom 4, Little Big Planet 2 and others


If you're gonna play this little game then you must count games not on the PS3 that came out on the pretend these games don't exist because there on the PC is a joke. So in reality the 360 has had 1 AAA, 2AAEs, 2AAs and Bayonetta scored a AAA on the 360. So next time people might want to wait to claim PS3 is winning unless the TC makes special stipulations that make sure the 360 doesn't have a chance in his thread. I.E. "Which is the best Blu-Ray playing consoles this gen"?

EDIT: GT5is a def AAAE. Modnation, I doubt and Socom has never been AAAE.

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#2 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts
Well, I voted AAAE and I was wrong but I'm just gonna bounce because cows and lems are about to have the fight of SW life...Peace!
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#3 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

I dunno, but i'm about to start boycotting DLC in its current state. Games are already over-priced, and they're just tricking us into paying more. Don't be deceived, especially with the games with the DLC already on the disc. They're just inventing a new way to charge you 80 or 100 dollars for a game instead of 60.

Sure, I paid 100 dollars for Final Fantasy 3 on the SNES. Its still the only game I could justify spending that much money on. Atleast all the content was available at launch, no need for patching and no hidden fees. I find it hard to believe that technology has regressed since the mid-90's, so whats the excuse?

Most importantly, I never felt like I was being conned. I'd pay an extra 40 bucks for THAT feeling again.

Wait til we start paying for things like updates....wait a minute...too late :(
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#4 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts
Wow, the cows are really...really reaching in this thread.
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#5 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

What are the top 10 countries of all time?

United States...

United States

United States

United States

United States

United States

United States

United States

United States

United States

Because we spit hot fiya!!! :P

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#6 Shattered007
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Not one person in this thread has said that MSNBC is unbiased...Why waste you time posting what everyone already knows? Yes, MSNBC is biased but I get tired of hearing how Obama is a racist and he want's to destroy American with every story Fox reports...The same thing was true of MSNBC and Bush but at least they didn't try and tie in every negitve story with Bush some how or give credit to Birthers/ Tea-Partiers. And they don't end on "Fair and Balanced" crap. The bottem line is that too much.

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#7 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

... I am going to bed. But i will leave yoiu with this;

What if the bomb did go off in the middle of that New York City street?

What if the shoe-bomber was not stopped on that plane?

What if the plot to blow up all those international flights last year had succeeded?

What if some future dirty bomb blows up in Washington DC or some other atrocity is committed by a citizen of one of those Mid East countries ?

How many times do they have to succeed before we start to do something about it?


I'd like to answer your question with another question... What if Andrew Joseph Stack (killed himself crashing a plane into an IRS building) killed a lot more then 1 person? The Hutaree militia (9 men planning to kill a cop and bomb his funeral) had succeeded Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman (plan to kill black kids before killing Obama) had killed the President of the United States and all those black kids?

It goes both ways...if you are worried about terroris... Bottem line is more none-muslims have carried out succesful attacks them the muslim ones... At that rate...we should ban all races besides Native Americans from America.

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#8 Shattered007
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I always thought of MSNBC as the Anti-Fox News Network. But that doesn't excuse Fox's dangerous propaganda machines at work on a 24 hours based. Matter of fact, I dare say the fact that MSNBC doesn't say "Fare in Balanced" on its commercials nor do they use the silly fraise "We report, you decide" either but they also are a much much smaller network. Fox brags about crushing them in the ratings almost every week. Now, that being said. I still can't stand the opinioned commentators of Fox News versus MSNBC.

Take the report on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for example.


Fox News

This is how most of the commentators on fox acts. It's only gets worse when they mention anything Obama/Left winged. At least MSNBC criticized Obama before...I've yet to see anything good come from Bill/Hanitty's mouth about the positive things Obama has done or tried to do.


Actually Bill supports Obama's troop increase in Afghanistan (even though Hussein took forever to increase)

OMG? You mean Saddam Hussein? I thought he was dea.....oh nevermind...I see what you did there...That's the funniest post all day :|

...Quick, tell me he's gonna kill my grandmother!

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#9 Shattered007
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They are both pretty bad.. especially rachel maddow.. mindless drivel if you ask me. CNN and BBC if you ask me.

As Left as I am...I can't stand to watch her program. However...her commintary is no more worse then the staff at Fox in friends which is the lest bias of the Fox programs. I also don't like how Matthews keeps interupting his guest...Although, He's stoping them from lying half the time.
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#10 Shattered007
Member since 2007 • 3139 Posts

[QUOTE="Shattered007"]Why don't you guys prove your statments instead of just typing random quotes?dr_octagon

The evidence for my statement is a has been on youtube for over 6 months.

Do you have a picture of the guy? How does anyone know what race he is when there's no shot of his skin color? How do you know he's black?