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#1 Proke
Member since 2008 • 94 Posts
My pokemon crystal doesn't save anymore :(
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#2 Proke
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Yeah, well from what the news has been telling me, both of our economies have been going through a pretty bad economic time right now. But right now I think it's .96:1 (Canadian dollar to US dollar respectively).

Does anyone know how much the games cost in Japan?

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#3 Proke
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Canadian dollar wise..about the same price as the United States. Our dollar has weakened..(It's at like 96cents vs. the us dollar?). I think it has to do with supply and demand... the reason why your ds games cost so much in different regions. But..then again shipping should be cheaper to regions closer to Japan. (That is if they manufacture them there.) And regions in europe should at least get a lower cost since the price to ship to the North america vs europe seems the same, don'tcha think? O_o
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#4 Proke
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[QUOTE="Proke"]I'm jelous. I wanted the crimson! But my poor judgement decided to buy a cobalt ds. You sure got a nice DS mvp ;)danny5329

ahh whats wrong with the cobalt? its blue and black!!

That's the problem. It's like you just got knocked out by Lennox Lewis.

Exactly. Plus dark blue on black doesn't look all that appealing to me :(. It still looks REAL sophisticated, which is good... But crimson just stands out so much :D

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#5 Proke
Member since 2008 • 94 Posts
N+! I haven't really gotten to see most of the new games coming out but they seem to be rpg/action/casual games.
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#6 Proke
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Make the DS a freakin` transformer. 'Nuff said. :)
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#7 Proke
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"HUGE Spoiler"

Yea, when he flips out and goes crazy as he is finally brought to justice and Ryuk(death god, Shinigami) writes Light's name in his notebook.

The point when Yagami Light turns fully evil is when he betrays his father and finally kills L (Ryuzaki).


Mega spoiler?~!

Ah yes, that was a pretty awesome turning point in the ending. The fact that Light's Shinigami got tired of him was pretty funny. The little dude that replaced L looked as if he was a brother of L's, lol. And, did Light kill his father? I'm not too sure on that since I skipped about 15 eps to the end.

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#8 Proke
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[QUOTE="PhazonBlazer"]I really do.Rakushoujo

For a person who perfers the original Japanese version of a video game no matter what and would never want to put up with the butchered English versions of games ever again. I hope for your sake atleast, that it becomes available in English, but it more than likly never going to happend, since most Japanese based games get ignored unless its a RPG or something.

But like I said, I've played a decent amount of Japanese based video games like Tales of Symphonia, Zatchbell Mamodo Battles, One Piece, Megaman Legends and not only did some video games not keep the original Japanese names etc, games like Zatchbell Mamodo Battles was unplayable compared to the original Japanese version Konjiki no Gash Bell Tag Team Battle which was even easier even though it was in all Japanese.

This was because the Japanese version was easier to play and alowed you to charge freely to cast a spell where in the North America version you were forced to do the complete oposite, instead you had to attack your enemy to get energy to cast a spell and this caused the fights to not last as long in the North America version like it would in the original Japanese version.

Also, not being able to have the original Japanese voices as a option on all the video games I mentioned, was a big let down, I had to import Gash Bell, cause I couldn't put up with the English version Edits/Changes, they even took out characters and attacks on the English version.

I also hate how they don't tranlate certain Japanese text and just delete it for no good reason at all, great example of this is Money Idol Exchanger, which was changed to Money Puzzle Exchanger for no reason also, when sent to America and Europe.

Well do what you want and like I said, I hope its released in English for your sake, but don't expect every thing to be in it like the original Japanese version. Because they tend to take the original stuff out of Japanese based games even to this day, I don't even think FURU FURU PARK had the original Japanese song in the opening for the English version.

I don't understand Japanese or this wall of text.

I hear ya on that one. I took 1st year Japanese and I'm still terrible at Japanese. Going back to the topic... I don't think it really matters if you get the real Japanese game or the english version. People want to play the game because of it's content. I wouldn't care if the voice actors sucked, that's what the volume control is for. If the game is fun, then regardless of the other characteristics it has, it shouldn't be a problem to the gamer.

Actually I do think it matters, mainly because I perfer the original Japanese voices and the game in all Japanese since I like the way Japanese is written and sounds which is probable why your so terrible at Japanese, you think of it as a language, but I think of it as more than that and learning Japanese is a goal for me wheither I continue video gaming or not, so unlike you, I'll never give up, no matter how hard something is, if its a goal, I'll continue until complete.

If you would have taken the time to read my post well, you would have realized stuff I said was taken out of the original Japanese version as far as content, so in other words, yes people are more concered about the content, but you fail to understand that some English version of games have less content than the original Japanese version, thus making it unplayable compared to the original Japanese version in some cases. I even gave a good example of this on my post that you paid no mind to and thought nothing more than a stupid wall of text.

Also, you don't know what people want, for example, you don't know what i want as a gamer. I want to be able to buy a Japanese based game in America and swith the text to English Text & English Voicing/Japanese Text & Japanese Voicing, but no video game will ever support this but some. Also, its not about the voice actors sucking or not, it just I perfer the original Japanese voices, since I have interest in the Japanese language, but you fail to understand that.

Lol, I was more worried about getting the credit than actually being so "in depth" in trying to learn the language. Learning the language to get one step closer to graduating highschool is one thing. Learning it to gain the experience is another. Most, if not almost all games are originated from Japan. I don't have anything bad to comment on your goal of learning Japanese, and I don't even intend to comment because it could start a flame war.

Some people don't always "like" the Japanese content anyways in other continents. Probably that's why the translators change it up a bit. It doesn't make it "unplayable" it just means there's less content. Lols I agree that I didn't read the entire wall post, but that doesn't give you the right to automatically label me as someone who thought of your text as a "stupid wall of text".

Obviously I don't know what you want, nor does the creators of the game. They can't tend to everyone's need, they can only satisfy so many people. You sure like to act like a teacher and "fail" people at things they aren't good at. So you're good in Japanese, hurray. Not all people are going to learn japanese to play the original game. If they miss out on content due to the translators changing up the game, it's not anyone's fault, they're just getting a lesser game of the original. People don't always get what they want, and what if people in different countries don't want the original Japanese actors? Hence the volume control is used to mute them.

What I find sad, is when the Japanese actually give there game a English title above the Japanese text and the translators still change it for no reason. I feel they should be far to every one, not just the majority of people who don't want what I do.

Yeah some people don't like the Japanese content, well I do like the Japanese content and think it should be left in the game and think it should be illegal to change or alter any of it. The tranlator take stuff out that doesn't even need to be taken out just to be a bully about it, knowing it was no reason to change it and then they region lock stuff to make it even more difficult for stuff like consoles to have excess to the originals.

Yeah, they don't know what I want and never will, which is why I'll probable never buy a English version of a Japanese based game ever again, even to this day, they fail to understand what I want and the sad thing is there no way to explain any thing to these people because they just don't get it and never will. Its not hard, put English Text & English Voicing/Japanese Text & Japanese Voicing in a Japanese based game when sent to America and I'll be happy. Also, if they did this along with release games I like that never get released out side Japan I wouldn't have a problem.

But since the majority of Japanese based game never get released and mainly the only Japanese based game sent to America are JRPGs I'll never quit importing. Because as a consumer these companies will never understand that I don't want JRPGs, I want other stuff from Japan not sent here like all the classics I missed out on like Money Idol Exchanger, Sanyo Pachinko Paradise, Wakusei Koukitai Little Cats and I want them all available with English Text & English Voicing/Japanese Text & Japanese Voicing, but it will never happen, so I'm importing.


Or in your case GOOD BYE

Lol, Sayonara.

Choto matte itte kurousai (Er my Japanese has deminished since I past level 1, lol)

I understand all that you're saying and I'm not gonna disagree with anything you say. Yeah they should leave the originals as they are, but Japanese can't be exactly translated into English, Spanish, German, etc. So some people will either twist the game up which they eventually do anyways, or they make up the story line themselves (Though I don't think that happens).

I can see why you're upset with English versions being so poorly done compared to the Japanese version. More like having the option to either play it in japanese text/voice OR in english. It'd probably be another way to help people who are learning Japanese to improve on their speaking and writing skills as well.

Hey, the Japanese make real good games, who can blame em? You keep importing, do whatever you chose. If you feel that you need to import your games from Japan, do so. Since it seems like you have a great understanding in the japanese language I don't see importing is a big issue for you, other than the waiting time for the package to come to your home. But having said this... We can't get EVERY single game that the Japanese have. That's probably a disadvantage for Japanese/foreign producers. Sometimes they like to keep a lot more for themselves, rather than sharing the "love."

And... It seems like you're pretty frustrated with this thread since you said goodbye to me in Caps, and in japanese, lol.

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#9 Proke
Member since 2008 • 94 Posts

I have a wi-fi related question...Why did I waste my money two years ago on that nintendo wi-fi usb plug-in that I could never get to work?justinrotnluk

Um kinda, and not. It works..but it's not as effective as using a wifi router. If you could never get it to work then possibly it was a waste, though you could have seeked help from a friend or a techie.

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#10 Proke
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You mean when Kira aka Light got shot and etc? I didn't manage to get through all of the anime since I was on a tight schedual when it first aired.. but now I don't watch anime at all anymore.