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#1 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

Where are your sources retard It's pretty obvious that the PS3's Cell Engine is majorly superior. Honnestly, it makes the 360's processor look last gen. Somehow I still believe 360 fanboys are in denial of PS3's computer power. More flexible RAM? They both have 512 mb shared between 2 tasks. However the 360's Ram is snailing away at 700mhz Whilst the PS3's Ram is far ahead with 3200mhz. The Cellengine can do 3 trillion calculations per second, did you know the 360's Xenon can't even do 1 trillion? However the Xenon and Cell run at the same speed of 3.2ghz, sadly enough for you SPE's run faster than cores at a dedicated task such as gaming. And the PS3 has 7 SPE's supposed to 360's 3 cores. As for the GPU, the 360's GPU is under 1 TeraFlop, Erm, 700GFlops I think. PS3 delievers a crushing blow once more with a 1.8 TeraFlop performance Graphics card. (The ATI 4870X2 is 2.1 TFLOPS). But lets just put a side those silly calculations and mhz speed and mb of memory okay? Still don't think the PS3 is more powerful? Xbox360 1 TeraFlop overall float performance (WEAK) PS3 : 2 TeraFlops overall float performance (POWERFUL) Nuff said.


However even if all your spec information is 100% correct, The PS3 has been out for well over 2 years now and yet certain multiplats still look and play better on 360, so how do you explain that ? Ya' know since the PS3 is so much more powerful, then why isn't it's multiplat games far superior looking and playing then 360's versions ? Two recent examples i can name is Tiger Woods 09 and Fallout 3 each of those games are so much better than there PS3 counterparts and even rated higher by most reviewers. So again i ask when does your superior PS3 spec list come into play ?, when will dev's use this all powerful hardware of yours to actually make superior games to 360's ?

Xbox 360 - 1 teraflop overall float performance ( still superior looking and playing games to PS3)

PS3 - 2 Teraflops overall float performance ( Has made zero difference in multiplats against 360 )

Nuff said.

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#2 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

Especially dev's, there biggest complaint is that they can't do straight ports from 360 or PS3, instead they have to start from scratch and make an entirely different title altogether, which has not been sitting well with a lot of dev's lately.

I can't say i blame them.

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#3 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

Well it was only a matter of time, we all knew it and now we have even more proof so here's the link, enjoy

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#4 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

I was just reading the latest GI and it talks about Mag the graphics are amazing especially noting that's going to contain 256 players :D this game is a dream come true

Playstation strikes gold once again it's getting more new great IPS in top of old ones.

The creator in the magazine said that it took the power of the cell to create the game meaning it can't be done on 360.


Okay so let me get this straight, your happy and bragging about 256 players that will be able to be in an online shooting match all at once, is that right ? So your excited about dying at the exact moment you keep respawning ? Since that's what it will basically be like when theres that many players in one match, people even complained that Resistance 2 was way too hectic. That's why 16 to 32 players per match is more than enough otherwise you'll be dying instantly, even in team based matches, so i wouldn't look forward to it too much if i were you.

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#5 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

What series do you like more?

Are you serious ? check the reviews on any site or any magazine Socom Confrontation got slammed, it's one of the lowest scoring shooters to date, besides i owned and played all 3 games you've listed here and CoD-4 is by far the best, then CoD WaW, i would list Socom last but it's so far beneath the Call of Duty games it's not even worthy to be listed among them.
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#6 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

Its obvious that the 360 will be doomed by the end of the year, soon all gamers will realizse that the best exclusives are for the ps3 with ecellent games like god of war 3 ff13 versus heavy rain white knight and many many more, as we can all see, the 360 has NO good exclusives this year, pretty much only one or two worth even mentioning to tell the truth

the money hungry microsoft abandons its console once again and is shifting all their money into making the xbox720 or w/e thinking that theyve alredy won this gen and its over but their wrong because now the ps3 will shine for the gen while microsoft spends all their cash making a new systrm that is destined to fail because their 360 will have already failed before it which is going to happen in the next year or so

all microsoft has left is having rare saying they are going to make a few newcrappy games for their system but we all know that rare isnt what it used to be and the team is comprised of completely new members who dont have the talent that the old rare had (no ofsense its true)

you will all see the trush will unvold before your eyes in the comingyears

Wow if your spelling, is the standard level for PS3 fans then i'm feeling pretty good about my 360 right now. By the way, when 360 was getting such titles as Halo 3, Mass Effect, Gears 2, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Sony wasn't really churning out any great exclusives at that time. Okay so now the roles are reversed and it's Sony's time to shine, so 360 will take a temporary back seat. However the year and this gen's console wars are from from over so i wouldn't be counting on that victory just yet, Microsoft owns and is supported by a lot of great developers, and Sony just might wake the sleeping giant by this years if your smart you'll just stay cool sit back and enjoy your exclusives and hope that Sony keeps it's successful ride going until the end of this year.
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#7 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

First, of all i don't like the mandatory game installs by most games like Bioshock, MGS-4, Grand Theft Auto 4, Devil May Cry 4 and many more, i mean were talking no less than 4gb per game installed on the hard drive and i had the 160gb PS3 and it had 92gb after these games were installed, then there was my DLC that took up another few gigs. On the 360 it's an optional choice whether you want to install a game or not on the hard drive.

Secondly, the 360 gets all the best DLC, i mean c'mon' Grand Theft - Lost and the Damned, Fallout 3 - The Pitt, Oblivion has like 8 DLC items not available on PS3.

Third, Games like Fallout 3, Oblivion, and Tiger Woods look and run so much better on 360 and i don't know why.

Fourth, updates and downloads are always a slow two part process on PS3 - download and install, download and install

Lastly i never used the perks that Sony charges $100.00 more for, which was the Wi-Fi connection, my consoles are hard wired, and with my massive DVD collection i never bought or used the Blu-Ray for movies.

As for the RROD that i may or may not get, well i have a 3 year RROD warranty and a regular 1 year warranty for any other issues from Microsoft.

So i'm happy, i have my 360 Elite, 15 games, a renewed Gold Live account, and allloootttttt of DLC to enjoy.


Besides i've owned the 360 before and i have alot of money invested in downloadable games and content, for games such as Gears 1 & 2, Oblivion, CoD 4 & WaW, Halo 3, not to mention i bought like 12 Xbox Live arcade games, downloaded 2 original Xbox games, and i have every intention of getting the extra content for Grand Theft and Fallout 3.

So there is much more invested here than on PS3 and i just can't stand to lose it.

Well...Welcome to the other side. Add me to your friends list if you want.

Send me a friend request and i'll be glad to.
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#8 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts
I sent the TC a friend request on XBL. Waiting for it to be acceptedcarlisledavid79
I'll accept your friend request as soon as i get back on my 360 right now i'm on my computer and we're going to be having dinner soon but i'll be playing again later and accept the request.
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#9 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts

[QUOTE="lancer_87"] Do you believe in his fabricated stories ? clone01

What fabricated stories ?, i love video games i think both PS3 and 360 are great systems, i just prefer to stick with 360 because of the reasons listed in this thread, why would i lie about any of it ?.. you guy's think what you want but i gave my gamertag on both PSN and Live so see for yourselves and then tell me who the fakeboy is. You guy's try and make it sound like just because i had and supported a PS3 last week that i can't switch it to a 360 and support that this week, why not ? i always support what ever console i happen to own. As i said there both good but i can'r afford to build game libraries for 2 consoles, and when weighing the pro's and con's of each, i just have more invested in the 360. Thats all and thats it, it's that simple, nothing more.

Not that i know of, unless someone else has been using my username. hey macmutt, weren't you banned here?

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#10 PS3nut
Member since 2007 • 515 Posts
[QUOTE="PS3nut"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]why do people feel the need to trade in a system to get another one? why not try and get both :?dommeus
I'm 40 years old supporting a family of a wife and 2 kids with one income, lets see you try to build a game library for more than one console during a recession especially with all that. I'm not some teenager or even a guy in my 20's still living with my parents and working a part or full time job with nothing to spend my money on but games and girls.

Dude, srsly...why are you spending time one System Wars if you are 40, married and have 2 ****ing kids?!

Why ? What should i be doing just because i'm 40 with a wife and 2 kids ? i've been playing video games almost as long as they've been around, since like 1977 and i never stopped loving to play them, i've owned every portable and console that ever existed and i'll keep buying the consoles and games until i die, so. Believe it or not i have other hobbies as well, Guitar playing, Gas and Nitro RC cars, Mountain Biking, Since when do any of these have an age limit.