MrStarkiller's comments

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@akassassin11: >casual in 30's

Wouldn't be alone in that regard. However, it isn't too late for you.

>paid $20

So long as none of that reaches SSM, that's fine.

>enjoyed the MP

You enjoyed not-GoW more than bastardized GoW? Noted.


Gears again? We've been over this.

>don't know what GoS is

Safe to assume it isn't part of your (limited) run history, then.


No GoW entries exist for it (something to be grateful about).

>not sure

Think it over.

>every little thing

Entirely changing the gameplay identity (HnS to TLoU trash) is in no way a 'small' matter, you see. That could account for quite a bit regarding this title. As for GoW:A, I can help bring you up to speed with all that you don't understand. The best way to do this is to teach you about GoW at large before making you suffer through GoW:A. How about it? Do you really want to understand the fanbase's disdain? If so, I can help. Through me, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of the series (getting more value out of a given entry as such). Granted, there will be almost no transferable knowledge in terms of play between GoW proper and this new entry.

>brings you down

So easily moved, are you?

>heavily-skill based

Yeah. We'll go with that.

>it would be

Except they cannot both hold the claim to correct grammar. Gears came second, so it gets the sloppy stuff (alternatively, "Gears" suffices).

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Edited By MrStarkiller

I couldn't begin to care about all this jazz. Only gameplay matters. This isn't GoW's brand of HnS. It ain't GoW.

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@dexda: >didn't mean 'hit count'

God, I'd hope not. But I knew what you meant. Knowing this, review what I said on the matter of 'style' (largely pursued by casuals messing around inefficiently rather than mastering the system).


Good Lord, why would you think this is a wise notation in any entry? You're talking about Blades s1 to s2 to s3 as a general tactic? Do you not know damage values, hit properties, etc.? Inefficiency your thing? It isn't even a matter of style, then? Just laziness.


Why was this capitalized?

>no reason

Absolutes are absolutely tricky business. It only takes one exception to bring them down. Write that down on your hand if you don't trust your head, lad. Take for instance the VH Clones even in vanilla. You will never defeat them with light strings alone. Even with MAX Blades, it won't make a difference. You would be hard pressed to pull out a miracle that way even with blocking and evading. Just not how the fight works, you see.

NOTE: If you were wanting to learn the ropes, you need only have asked. My offer stands. You should denote your run history, but if you just want to start with vanilla VH in GoW1, that suits me fine. I don't mind teaching how to effectively used upgraded abilities (OP magic and such).


You forgot the comma. Putting that aside, what's with your Ciri avatar, sport? You wouldn't happen to be backing that sort of title over proper HnS, would you? Surely not when disgusting displays as with what Ray does are perfectly achievable.

>exact same issues

You planning on spamming square there too, by any chance?

>your are

I own "are"? I don't follow. This said, all that I do is done for you. Not to you. What's with the victim complex, dear boy?

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@putaspongeon: >because 'no reason'


>survived the stabbing

You say this as if I implied otherwise.

>played GoWIII

VH PAIN+ and beyond. Yourself? Speaking of which, shall I teach you how to play GoW proper? I don't mind bringing another up to vet status. It is among my functions in that community. Though, I suppose starting with run history is in order.

Which entries have you played? Of those, which have you completed? Which do you currently have available to you? What is the highest setting you've bested on each (E, N, H or VH)? Which 'challenges' have you cleared (CoH, CoAr, CoAth, CotG, CotT, CoO and CoE)? This should suffice for a starting point.

>Hope is an abstract

No, in GoW is is a power that Athena summoned up long ago (placing it in Pandora's Box with the Evils). Kratos, after having just forgiven himself for accidentally killing her, opted to spite this corrupted form of hers by impaling himself to toss the power away (making it useless *as few if any knew of it, much less had a means to harness and use it*).

He isn't doing a thing for mankind here by intent (just as he dismissed them throughout his other revenge quests). That is not his character (the newest entry seeks to change this *where previous 'humanizing' attempts were insufficient).

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That's fine for GoW's brand of HnS (slow foes, loose input windows, etc.). If they're going TLoU (and they are), they could afford to be smoother, but I suppose they want to sacrifice that for even more graphics. Whatever.

>MP was a mistake

Why didn't you listen?

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@akassassin11: >GOW

What's all this about Gears?

>rip on GoWIII

It had issues, but it wasn't worth trashing. CoO was the worst at the time, but was still good (just basic, boring, etc. for repeat playthroughs *too simple, bare bones, etc.*).


Ascension cannot get enough shit piled on it. This entry will be shit on for a different reason. Even getting what they're going for nailed won't help, as it isn't GoW gameplay (not its take on HnS *which is the core of a video game's identity*). Changing to Norse, this father-son humanizing business, etc. are small annoyances by comparison. Ascension screwed up with MP being forced (watering down the SP to keep one engine and taking resources from it *allowing a glitchy mess of bad balancing and design to get through*).

Was it a 'good' HnS? It was okay. Good GoW? No. It was so bad it split our community (even vets lost the will to play even the older games for a long while *and none of us want to return to work on GoW:A*). That's just how poorly received that title was. And this new one? The story can be great and its brand of TLoU/Tomb Raider gameplay can be well received while the entry is still a failure in turning away form its original identity on that front.

>people cry about Kratos

Vocal minority. And it doesn't matter. Story, character, etc. That crap isn't on the level of gameplay (which is king).

>if you didn't enjoy GoWIII

GoWIII wasn't the title just before GoW:A. GoS was. And GoW:A is what drove fans away. Not GoS. Executive meddling forced the series into decline. This bastardizes its identity entirely (something even the most negative among us didn't begin to imagine as a possibility).

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@dexda: >combo

Sounds like the sort of talk I'd expect from a style (over substance) focused 'crazy' casual. Efficiency rules the day, boy.

>every encounter

You can beat DMC on any setting with the same talk, friend. Worse still, you can do so with item abuse (something GoW does have). Before you're fool enough to cite ranks, remember that such things are not part of 'beating the game'. At all. They're extra conditions (not altogether different from self-imposed challenges like NUR, NER, NRR, NCR, etc.). Frankly, GoW has a few instances that hit well beyond what DMC offers in terms of difficulty for similar challenge runs. The infamous Clones of GoW1 are one such case even on Hard (Glorified Normal) for NUR (or higher).

>one button

Same to DMC.


You forgot the comma.

NOTE: If you would like to learn the ropes with GoW proper, I can bring you up to speed. Perhaps we ought to go over your run history though. You mentioned the highest difficulty, but your talk is less than convincing. Maybe we'll go over a fight or so with vanilla VH being the setting.

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@putaspongeon: >is Kratos

A bastardization of him. Not even voiced by T.C. Carson.

>gave Hope

He spited Athena while killing himself to deny her this power she had called forth originally. He didn't 'give' it to anyone. Just released it from himself. After dispersing, it would be of no use to mortals with no knowledge or ability to wield it.

>world reformed and new gods came about

Speculation (though likely).

>time elapse



He was only ever as such during his time as a deity.


Possibly, but I doubt he reformed the old scars (present on this model).

>wanted HnS

You wanted GoW. This is not GoW. As the other gent noted, this is marketing antics. They couldn't make a new IP without using brand recognition (same as their cash grab "Ascension" with that pitiful and misguided multiplayer attempt *despite history and vet warnings*). Executive meddling hasn't finished with this fanbase just yet, I see.

NOTE: DMC fans had to stomach DmC, but this betrayal may be worse. We kept our MC, but he will be further made not himself, the world is completely altered and the gameplay genre itself has changed (the grandest error of all).

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Edited By MrStarkiller

>God of War

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>have faith

That it'll survive your attempts to murder it? If only I could be so optimistic.