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He does realize that this is a superhero character, right? I mean, I'm not championing the movie as some kind of feminist breakthrough, but wouldn't it be kind of hard for Wonder Woman to NOT be an "objectified icon" on some level without changing the character so much that she's not even Wonder Woman any more?

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@sealionact: Did you even bother to click that link? They're not complaining about the sign. If anything, it looks like people complained about the 'they're taking our land" thing and that then rather then dignify THAT issue by addressing it, Blizzard mocked them by making a joke apology about the sign.

I still have yet to see anyone post ANY evidence that ANYONE actually got offended by the take-out sign.

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Edited By MrGeezer

Q: Can anyone show any evidence that ANYONE was complaining about the sign before the apology?

Because, again, it looks to me like the "apology" wasn't even an apology in the first place since people weren't complaining about it. What it looks like to me is a JOKE making fun of PC culture.

So ask yourself this: if PC culture has gone so overboard, what does it say about ANTI-PC culture that people are getting genuinely mad over an apology to a complaint that people weren't making in the first place? Before taking this as any more than a joke or a passive-aggressive "f*** you, PC thugs" message, shouldn't we determine that there was ACTUALLY an uproar over the sign? I mean, there's such a thing as "manufactured controversy". As in, a few people (or no one) complains and then the complaints get blown out of proportion to suit the agenda of "people want to trample our free speech." But this doesn't even seem like that. This seems like it's OBVIOUSLY a freaking joke, and that Jeff Kaplan isn't even trying to present the backlash as actually being real.

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Okay...can GS link to anyone actually complaining about the term "take-out"? Some of the few people in this comments section are talking about "snowflakes" having an "over reaction" to the sign, but it would be nice for GS to actually have a link to some people complaining about the sign in the first place.

Makes me wonder if maybe NO ONE was complaining about the sign and if the "apology" was simply a passive-aggressive "f*** you" to anyone who was making ANY complaints about the game.

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@darthbluntsaber: It was an ill-conceived concept from the start, and I maintain that there's no reason this shouldn't have been a TV series that left time to flesh out the characters.

Still, if they were absolutely determined to go the movie route, it seems like the natural choice would be to start off with an adaptation of The Gunslinger. That was a short novel, it probably would have been cheap to shoot, and it would've allowed for easing into the world instead of lifting crap from various points in the series and then throwing it in a blender before trying to cram it all into 90 minutes.

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@zmanbarzel: For some reason, I think my favorite Starr moment was him yelling at the woman in the airport.

"Moving ****ing WALKway!"

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@gkmogglemog: No, you're wrong. Stuff like this get cancelled because the people making it think there isn't enough money to be worth it. And furthermore, if there isn't a big enough demand to make the product viable then it SHOULD be cancelled.

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@dragonagelore: I already said that it's stupid to complain about something that hasn't been made yet (and isn't even far enough in development to have the slightest idea what it's really about and how it'll be handled).

Again, that's NOT what I was addressing. I was addressing the notion that it's somehow stupid to complain or protest because it's fiction.

1) There is PLENTY of fiction that is apparently worth complaining about. I come here and at least half of the posts I see on these forums are people complaining about videogames. How this or that company ruined a franchise, how this or that company is using anti-consumer business policies, etc.

2) Even if this show WASN'T fictional, it would still be stupid to complain about it. Why? Because the show is in its infancy and no one (not even the people making it) know where the show is going.

The fact that this is show is fictional is COMPLETELY irrelevant when it comes to whether or not complaints are justified.

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Edited By MrGeezer

@gkmogglemog: Bull$***, dude. There's nothing that such a protest can DO to keep such a show from being made. It's entirely on HBO to make the show or not make the show. And since they're in the business of making money, the only way they're going to change their minds and not make the show is if they think that making the show is detrimental to their business strategy. Are you honestly telling me that HBO would even considering cancelling a new TV series by the showrunners behind freaking Game of Thrones just because of a few vocal ass****s complaining about the show on Twitter before anyone even knows anything about the show? How exactly do you think this is any more of a threat than some crazy senile old cat lady screaming gibberish on a street corner?

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@dragonagelore: You DO have people calling fictional entertainment out for excessive violence. This is not a new thing. Ever since fictional entertainment has existed, people have been invested enough to send letters to the editors or complain about it within their circle of friends or yadda yadda yadda.

This kind of stuff is NOTHING. Apparently you're too young to remember, but the comic book, videogame, music, and film industries were targetted with potential LEGISLATION. As in, creating a kind of self-regulation in order to keep lawmakers from stomping down on them. You don't recall actual politicians trying to enact laws that would restrict videogames?

And yeah, that was with fictional works.

What this stuff is, stuff like Twitter protests, it's literally NOTHING but a few people complaining. Why exactly would you care that a small vocal minority is making stupid complaints? That has happened with fictional entertainment ever since fictional entertainment has existed, dude. What we're NOT seeing here is an attempt to ban content. Until that happens, I honestly don't see why anyone gives the slightest f*** about complaining. This very same website is full of gamers complaining about games, and I guarantee that I could go through the posting histories of the people here and find examples of them venting about games that they hate. Explain to me precisely why gaming fans venting about their hobby gets a pass, but why somehow people shouldn't complain about a fictional television show.