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#1 Majordutch201
Member since 2009 • 442 Posts
Even though the 360 came out first and has more games out for it, the argument that the ps3 has no games is pretty much moot. looking at it from the exclusives alone standpoint I think the ps3 right now has the advantage, dont get me wrong if Epic can get Gears 3 out soon and Mass effect 2 soon, it'll be a even match up but i doubt they'll make the cut this year. I understand where Pal360 is coming from getting the first HD system and all, and having all the games since launch..
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#2 Majordutch201
Member since 2009 • 442 Posts
It was a $100 dollar price difference when i purchased the elite and the ps3, paying a hundred dollars extra for exclusives is well worth it to me, last year got 3 ps3 exclusives 2 for the 360 the rest multiplats, this year one for the ps3 and from the lineup announced so far might be a few more, for the 360 passed on halo wars but definitely gonna get odst. not many announced so far, but yeah paying 100 dollars more seems worth it for the exclusives sony has under its belt since it came out.
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#3 Majordutch201
Member since 2009 • 442 Posts
To each their own i guess. You should have really considered why you were purchasing it in the first place. To me the free online, exclusives and the fact that it has a blu ray player was well worth it to me. I have the 360 elite also and purchased the hd add on also got it for a steal. Having an hd tv and no hd player to me does not make any sense, getting back to the point, exclusives in my eye are what made me get both systems, multiplats are a toss up, i'd get it for whatever system, multiplats that are a little worse for the ps3 i still purchase for my ps3 due to the fact i do not want to put to much wear on my 360 and games like resident evil 5 and sf4 having free online is nice. I have not activated my Live service since i grew tired of playing Horde mode most of my online gaming is done on ps3. Multiplats that focus mostly on a single player campaing and have a lack luster online or no online I get for the 360, Dark athena for example.
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#4 Majordutch201
Member since 2009 • 442 Posts
Quick question guys, I'm not very technical when it comes to games i just play them, I watched Cryengine 3 video very impressive the physics part with the grenade launcher and the movement of the trees ridiculous. Was that actual game footage or just a tech demo? Also heard about a new engine from ID not sure of whats it called exactly havent seen any videos of it yet, is it marginally better than the one used for doom 3 or alot better.
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#5 Majordutch201
Member since 2009 • 442 Posts
Give credit where credit is due. Been reading these forums for a while now, finally got around to creating an account. With all the new topics about KZ2 how it gets bashed in regards to its graphics etc, I think this is a good way to show off all the work and effort put into the game. When gears 2 came out its graphics were amazing, there some naysayers that complained that it was not that much of a visual improvement over the first one, which to me was absurd, it clearly did look better from animations to the number of things going on at once etc. But not to the level of how KZ2 gets destroyed about its graphics. I didnt download the bullet time thing not really gonna make my play through of KZ2 any different but watching the video and how crisp it would have been without the motion blur i was impressed. All I'm saying is give credit to Guerrilla for the job they did.