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#1 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts

[QUOTE="TheWalkingGhost"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"] NYC, Inner city, African American. Taught never to trust the cops. Till this day we get randomly frisked, we have to act a certain way around them. To be a black man in America means you are a criminal. MgamerBD

I am in SOCAL, heavy Hispanic area and I look Middle Eastern most of all when I grow my beard out. My father was black, so I am an ethnic minority. I was raised to be a moral hard working person, not racist and to never harbor a grudge and harm innocent people. My father made it here, to high levels of finance. I am an minority, but more importantly a human being and would never react in a violent manner unless in self defense. My black father, made sure I turned out that way. He wasn't perfect, but he got that right.

But you probably never experienced the inner city. You never experienced the disappearance of friends. The mindset of your community as they believe the only way to succeed is to either be a rapper or a basketball. The belief that nobody is cut out for a good education. Waking up everyday to just get by. I was also taught to work hard from my mom who has come a long way. Told me education is the most important thing of your life, raised us by herself. But we are not blind, we still live here. We understand that we are still black, and therefore we will have to work harder then others. We will be judged the first time we walk into a room just by the color of our skin. That because we are black, we are just another statistic to others. You must realize this also.

We cheer for him because we want change, Sean Bell, Trayvon Martin, Don king. All people who have been shot by these pigs and have not seen justice. If words won't work, if writing a book won't work, if reporting won't work. What else can man do? Give up? Too many have done that already. Sadly, the LAPD pushed it this far, the corruption has sparked a backlash. EVERYONE is guilty.

The funny thing is is the man your cheering for killed one of your own........
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#2 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="Mafiree"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"] Nope. I really don't. He tried other ways, they terminated him. Won't even investigate for him. Things need to change. Where I come from we don't trust the uniform at all. Everyone is guilty in their own way.

They terminated him because he supposedly lied during an investigation.......

He clearly states in hi manifesto that he did not. He REPORTED a CORRUPT officer for brutality. Only to be turned away.

From the article I linked "According to court documents from October 2011, Dorner was fired from the LAPD after he made a complaint against his field training officer, Sgt. Teresa Evans. He said in the course of an arrest she kicked suspect Christopher Gettler, a schizophrenic with severe dementia. Dorner was later fired for making false statements following an investigation."
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#3 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="Mafiree"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"] He never killed anybody that is not on the force....................


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#4 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts

[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]I'm tired of the moral construct of society and OT in general. Saying that this man went about it the wrong way. Honestly, he filed reports, tried his best for the LAPD to take action and at least investigate. But in the end he was left with only one choice. To take matters into his own hands. I want this guy to keep fighting, his voice is now heard. These officers ruined his life, slandered his name. He took the right action when he was in a corner. Some situations in life need to settled this way. Believing in these so called "morals" will get a person nowhere.MgamerBD

So you'd be fine if he continues killing the children of those corrupt officers? And you're fine with him killing the innocent police officers guarding the targets that he has identified?

You don't think that he has any other choice at this point? Seriously?

Nope. I really don't. He tried other ways, they terminated him. Won't even investigate for him. Things need to change. Where I come from we don't trust the uniform at all. Everyone is guilty in their own way.

They terminated him because he supposedly lied during an investigation.......
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#5 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts
[QUOTE="TheWalkingGhost"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]I'm tired of the moral construct of society and OT in general. Saying that this man went about it the wrong way. Honestly, he filed reports, tried his best for the LAPD to take action and at least investigate. But in the end he was left with only one choice. To take matters into his own hands. I want this guy to keep fighting, his voice is now heard. These officers ruined his life, slandered his name. He took the right action when he was in a corner. Some situations in life need to settled this way. Believing in these so called "morals" will get a person nowhere.MgamerBD
So you are saying killing innocent people including people not even in the force is ok? What is wrong with you? Killing innocent people is NEVER ok, most of all over some BS personal grudge.

He never killed anybody that is not on the force....................
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#6 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts
I'm tired of the moral construct of society and OT in general. Saying that this man went about it the wrong way. Honestly, he filed reports, tried his best for the LAPD to take action and at least investigate. But in the end he was left with only one choice. To take matters into his own hands. I want this guy to keep fighting, his voice is now heard. These officers ruined his life, slandered his name. He took the right action when he was in a corner. Some situations in life need to settled this way. Believing in these so called "morals" will get a person nowhere.MgamerBD
The right action was murdering an ex-cops daughter and finance..........then ambushing officers own duty to protect the people he threatened?
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#7 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts

The sad part about all this is that the people who are condemning this ex cop are supporting corrupt police organisations. It's also aumsing that people in this thread don't approve of an ex cop killing corrupt cops, yet they support corrupt cops/soldiers when they kill anyone else, whether It's in their own country or in a foreign country. If you truly want to see corruption hindered, then you should support this man. You may not agree with the actions he has taken( I agree personally) but you should support his cause.

Corrupt cops = an ex-cops daughter and fiancee?
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#8 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts
Atlas Shrugged was an average book..... Don't know how you could expect most high school aged kids to read it though, it can be tedious at times. Certainly other books on political philosophy that are influential.
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#9 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts

You both got a shot......don't know how it could be anymore fair.

Also, 6 months of experience hardly warrants special privileges......

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#10 Mafiree
Member since 2008 • 3704 Posts
Far from the best, maybe top 10..... I would have hard time putting it in the top 5.