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#1 Livestrong101
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
[QUOTE="NRus10"]Here is the answer I got from Activision. Response (Jay Burton) - 01/19/2011 06:32 PMHello. Thank you for contacting us here at Activision customer support. Thank you for that information. It will help us greatly in investigating this issue. We are currently looking into this problem, and there will hopefully be a resolution soon. Please check back with our support website for updates in the future. I recommend reporting the player by using this method.To report a user who is acting inappropriately or cheating go to You can fill out the form there to report the user. We are not able to restore your stats at this time. If you create a new PSN account, you can start over with no hacks at all. It has been recommended by IW staff that they are encouraging players to play exclusively with friends by utilizing the party or private match options. If you have any questions, or need help with anything else in the future, please contact us again.

This is interesting to see, how do you know who kicked you out of a game?
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#2 Livestrong101
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
I would love to convince you otherwise, but I just got "kicked" out of a game, my kills were reset and my call sign was changed to the word for a woman`s private part, this site prevents me using it but Playstation doesn`t. Can you believe how sad some people are? I`ve been playing three days total and it`s the first time it`s happened though...
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#3 Livestrong101
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts

.but how does that fair when a napalm randomlydeep fries your team or rabid dogs suddenly attack? Its a whole world of difference when you apply real life military tactics to an arcade game shooter.

Well, of course we are only applying the parts which are relevant regarding military theory. I`m not sure that Sun Tsu has a chapter on "rabid dogs" or "napalm" anyway. But he does talk about battle with a superior opponent, and in the case of the game it`s a person with more experience, more firepower and equipment. Why do the US spend so much money playing War Games if games per se are not relevant? But as the thread is to discuss whether other players think of the game as an "arcade game shooter" or not your sentence presumes an answer which hasn`t been settled yet. In addition to that, yes I think that this a justification of Campers because as you all know Kill Streaks come about from people being killed over and over (unlike Campers plan to do), and Kill Streaks do indeed rain down missiles which we can`t do anything about. I think for beginners certainly it represents a responsibility to the team. Lots of players complain about Campers but don`t seem to appreciate the benefit they have of not giving up Kill Streaks, and let`s face it everyone started the game getting killed.
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#4 Livestrong101
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
My friend`s son has just started playing and he`s 12, he runs around meleeing people and gets lots of kills but dies a lot too, it can be a tactical game if you try to play using the map to your advantage. For me, I want to use my brain while I play otherwise it`s a waste of time. Learning how to use each weapon properly takes time, and moving from assault rifle or melee style, to also using a shotty for the middle distance slowed me down too, but when you get it to an instinctive reaction it make a bit difference. Thanks for all the comments guys!
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#5 Livestrong101
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When I first started playing I was only doing Free For All because I didn`t want to "let the team down" but my friend suggested I try the team one which is more fun. But yes of course I wasn`t good, my K/D rating was 1/4, but also the best players have the best weapons! If you are a beginner you are a liability to your team if you roam the map. Now I`m lvl 40, have an M16 and my K/D is 1/1 so I can go out more and win for the team, but give me four guys lvl40 with Claymores and intelligence playing tactically (I mean using the map and seeing where your mates are) against lvl 70 with meat-head style game and I`m sure I`ll win. I mean I`ve just started and already I`m 1/1. My friend is lvl 70 and he plays defensively and gets air-strikes, Predators and sentries all the time, it`s rare for him not to be top on points and he has to carry a team of beginners like me. I think if beginners want to camp then the onus is on lvl 70 guys to get them, not whine about them or hassle them in game.
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#6 Livestrong101
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
But don`t you want to win the game?
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#7 Livestrong101
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
I`ve recently started playing through intro by a friend and love it! What I`m curious about is playing style. I started off defensively (not behind a door with a shotty, just looking to stand behind a barrier). Now I have an M16 I come out and attack much more to get kill-streaks (which means not dying over and over). This for me is common sense but you can also read about it in Sun Tzu`s famous book The Art of War, and see it happening in any decent war movie. Well, yesterday I started Team Death-match on Invasion ( 4vs4) and our team were middle-ranked, but Op-Force were all lvl70. At the start of the game I found a position behind a wall in front of a building while my team typically took off like lambs to the slaughter, I`m not kidding, within a minute we were about 1600 points down! Then one of my own team started stabbing me and getting in my face (obviously wants me to attack more). What ever happened to the phrase "defensive perimeter"? In The Last Samurai the samurai leader Katsumoto says he wants the American Captain Algren to be kept alive as a prisoner so he can "know his(sic) enemy". In MW2 you don`t need to send out spies, it`s written on the screen! I`m curious to know about other peoples` playing styles and to what extent tactics are important for players in general? Are most of the players actually under the recommended age for the game? Thanks in advance.