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Edited By Kashmiro

I would buy it, but the only problem is that until a week ago I didn't know it was coming out. I have already spent too much money on buying other games that people quickly gave up on and the community died.

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Edited By Kashmiro

Well I had some high hopes for the game. I may eventually play it, seeing as the story has been highly touted by all of the reviews. However the graphics just look bad at times, and the idea of fast traveling around random points sounds a lot like Dragon Age 2, which was one of the main things that made me dislike that game.

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Edited By Kashmiro

The 3DS has two screens and had to make some severe cuts to make sure it could do the 3D stuff. The Vita on the other hand has an O-LED screen which is even better than a typical LED television, because it is true Organic LED. Sure, the Vita looks brighter, clearer, and has a superior GPU on it. But the 3DS so far has a better selection of games coming and with the battery extender from Niko can go strong for around 10 hours. That's really all I want from a portable.

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Edited By Kashmiro

No way the next Xbox is going to be in the upwards of $500, I just don't see that. Sony tried a move like that with the PS3 and it was massively unpopular until they dropped the price. I am hoping one of the console makers actually wises up and makes a normal console for the next generation. Just a small thing I can put discs in and hold a standard controller and play beautiful next gen games on. I don't need to mess with a camera, I don't need a tablet, and I don't need a touch screen. I just want something that is exactly like the 360 or PS3, using basically the same controller, but with much better graphics, the end.

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Edited By Kashmiro

The only thing is, this has already been done before. Sony had this type of selling service on Everquest 2 a while ago. It isn't like this is the first thing to be done like this, so we will see if it actually changes anything.

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Edited By Kashmiro

To me I don't know if this can possibly surpass Bioshock 1, as I completely loved the whole underwater idea and I think the dark cramped hallways with water pouring in everywhere was awesome. Plus the storyline was incredible, and I don't know if any other games have come close to that level of cinematic brilliance within a first person shooter. I'm trying to go into this with an open mind, but I remember ever second of the original with such amazement (and probably bias), however there has been a lack of "blow me away" type games recently, so I can't wait.

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Edited By Kashmiro

Scrooge McDuck let me go swimming in his vault of coins, that's why I voted for Launchpad.

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Edited By Kashmiro

E3 next year will have: [Microsoft] - showing a few things from their new Xbox 3, which will probably not come out until Fall 2013 and will hopefully not be based around gimmicks like motion controls, camera controls, or giant controllers with video screens. But probably will, seeing as Microsoft is trying to make everything like Nintendo now. . . [Sony] - will have some more sequels, a few more new IPs, maybe another reboot of an older game, and of course more stuff that they are adding to the PSN to try and make it closer to Xbox Live in functionality. . . [Nintendo] - will just be further pushing the Wii U and 3DS with more re-imaginings of their older games with new ideas put onto the new consoles. Probably including a new Mario game, and definitely more stuff on the next Super Smash Bros. as Nintendo tries to get a little more hardcore like Sony and Microsoft have been. They will also announce a new version of the 3DS, like a 3DS Lite, as like 9 out of the last 10 years they have announced a new piece of hardware.. . [Overall] - Nintendo will probably win as Microsoft will force feed us Kinect and Sony will try to explain why their older console is still better than any kind of new hardware, so as why they have not made a PS4. I also posted the comparisons not as to flame any company, but because I find it ironic how all three of the big names are trying to follow in the foot steps of one another. [Side Note] - I'm more interested in what the game developers can come up with, such as Bioware, Respawn, Double Fine, Bethesda, and Bungie.

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Edited By Kashmiro

I may end up playing both but I'm a little disappointed with how over the top and kind of "stupid" the MW3 demo looked at E3. Other than that I loved BF:BC2 over the past year but and I only played MW2 for a few months. I still will probably wait for the BF3 Beta before I make any assumptions

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Edited By Kashmiro

Yea apparently Modern Warfare 2 just knew which console was going to be selling the best cause it looks better on the 360. On the other ones I have to go with PS3 but come on the PS3 has a better graphics and processing unit. Also to all of the people that are talking about how much better it is to be able to just go right out and upgrade your pc, well. In the time that the Xbox 360 has come out there have been like 4 new generations of graphics cards and a completely new operating system. So factor in how much it costs to buy a new graphics card and how much a copy of vista is, before you start bashing the price of a console.