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Edited By KBABZ

As much as I find comparing PC shots to console shots to be dubious except for curiosity, I find it much more stupid that people are COMPLAINING about it, where in the Home Page description and first paragraph, GS CLEARLY stated that the users ASKED for it. So complain to those who asked for it. Do you guys even READ the main text or do you just skim over and spend more time in the Comments section?

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Edited By KBABZ

I'm actually a bit surprised Prince of Persia didn't make it on there. While it is a bit cliche and short sighted to say PoP is an art form because it looks like Art (the graphic novel graphics), it does have an artistic value. It uses traditional artistic expression to, well, express a certain story, and it's use of expression isn't a traditional one for it's genre, or it's medium, for that matter. Freeing up the evil, barren landscapes into something that is absolutely wonderful and breathtaking can be seen as a visual metaphor for, say, taking a crappy, old canvas from the basement, cleaning it up, and making a masterpiece painting out of it. The traversal of this landscape can also be seen as an expression of doing things we can only do in our dreams. Wouldn't we all love to travel to work the way the Prince does? The music, even though I've only heard the samples on the Bonus Disk, are also quite evocative of Persian music, again, an art form. Then take a look at Sands of Time. To me it's an artistic expression of a dream. You could never hope to build nor find a palace or city as large and magnificent as Azad is, and yet here you are traversing it, exploring it, just like a dream. To me this is something a painting or piece of music cannot do (a movie can come close). Dream, once again, can be seen as being metaphorically represented through the Dagger of Time. Like what's possible in a dream, if you botch up, you fix it. Now if that doesn't count as proof as art then I dunno what does. Comparing Prince of Persia to other, more traditional art forms like paintings, sculptures and music makes them seem very limiting in comparison due to the little user interaction, the thing critics say is what defines video games as a non-art. True, a game such as God of War is hardly art, but neither is, say, 300 any more a work of art. Interaction is what can make video games an "Art 2.0" and makes painting seem like an "Art 5.0". I also don't understand why something HAS to provoke thought as an art piece, and again, video games represent this. Often in my Film classes I wonder why a film HAS to portray a meaning, a moral, etc. Why can't I just make a cool kick-ass movie? Games have for the majority of their existence have had little to do with being thought-provoking. Why can't I make a really cool painting that's nice to look at? Why can't I make a work of music that just plain rocks as opposed to making you think? Art I think shouldn't be a requirement for something to be 'good'. But still, having art there is great too. Sometimes I want to have plain fun with, say, Resistance, and sometimes I want to indulge into my fantasies with Prince of Persia. Art is a taste, not a requirement.

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Edited By KBABZ

It feels eerily similar to the PSP. Even the new menu system is similar to the XMB, with Settings on the far left, and Pictures and Music in the same positions next to each other. Nintendo should stick with making good games, let Sony handle the Multimedia bits. Nintendo can't resist making everything a gimmick anyway. Why just include a boring old music player that gets the job done when we can include thousands of filters for it? YAY!!! Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.

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Edited By KBABZ

At $183 I think Microsoft may be in trouble of losing money rather than gaining it. Japanese aren't interested in Halo or Gears of War or Forza, not many Japs are interested in those. They was JAPANESE games, and a cut console price will mean nothing. Cut game price along with the cut console price may mean something, as I'm sure they're not willing to pay less for the console but the same amount for a game library they're largely uninterested in.

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Edited By KBABZ

Most of the commments on here seem to be from people who didn't read the conclusion as they're basically re-stating what it said: "At a cost of $400, it's hard to justify purchasing a solid state drive, especially when you consider that the money could buy you a whole new console. The argument becomes even more difficult to push when the benefits of said drive aren't universal. Load times improved, but installation times increased tremendously. More expensive SSDs have faster write speeds, but at almost four times the cost. There certainly are benefits to upgrading to a solid state drive, but we wouldn't recommend doing so until the prices and speed are more in line with performance expectations." And how is this a useless article? It's not on the News section put up as hight as a price drop or a major PS3 Game Glitch, and remember that Gamespot isn't just for casual gamers who always seem to like bashing the other console; it's here for the more advanced gamers as well. See the Dragon Ball Z: Franchise Player Article? That could also be considered useless and no-one's saying that over on that article because it's funny and most people like DBZ. Adam_the_Nerd said: "Whatever happened to taking a piss during a load screen?" You've got the right idea. It's like how you have to wait to install PC games, no-one complains that you can't play them out of the disk unless they're PC bashing. Besides if you're complaining about the install then gaming might be too important in your life. I always thought myself as a teetering-on-problematic addict gamer and I've never once felt the installs were unnecessary. Guess some people are worse than me...

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Edited By KBABZ

We all know most of us are here for the screenshot comparisons. :P

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Edited By KBABZ

richardbarry said: "want it so bad!! but what about the I.R." The PSP won't have the IR receiver in it because little to no developers (for games or otherwise) actually took advantage of it and used it, so they took it out, as leaving it there would be a waste of money. (and yes, I know custom firmware allows you to use it for other things).

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Edited By KBABZ

lilnbashorty18 said: "which psp battery lasts longer?" Okay, here's the break down for ya. The Slim PSP's battery will not last as long as the Brick PSP's battery. HOWEVER, it lasts the same as the Brick PSP because the PSP is more energy efficient in using battery power, resulting in the battery lasting longer. So, when you stick in a Brick PSP's battery (sold seperately, as well as the additional battery plate) you wil get a much longer battery life (up to 10 hours, apparently).

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Edited By KBABZ

Testament, nope, that won't occur to the pixels, because it keeps the screen size at it's original aspect ratio (basically it doesn't stretch the image), which is why it's letterboxed on the screen. You'll want to own a smaller TV for Video Out, because no matter how big you make your TV, you will not be able to make the image any bigger. However UMD Movies and anything that involved the XMB (Pics, Vids and Music and the like) are stretched to fit the TV with no lack of Resolution. This may be because the images and stuff are Vector Images (meaning no matter how far you zoom in there will be no lack of quality in the pictures).

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Edited By KBABZ

SplinterCellSC2, I have to agree with ya there. BigOne1, Homebrew is basically for kids who buy a system to play around with an unintended feature that may brick the system. Like buying a car to mess around with the bad exhaust fumes, and those fumes, or the methods used to produce them, then kill the car.