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#1 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Nobody has even played the full game yet. You have absolutely no grounds to bash this game. If you dislike the demo fine, but any other claim is baseless. Gamespot's reviews do not determine whether or not a game is good or bad. Sometimes, and I repeat SOMETIMES, they are on the mark and can give you a good idea about whether or not a game is solid, but other games get the shaft hardcore. They'll defend GTA IV to the end as the most perfect game of all time along with MGS4. I'm sorry but I don't care how good GTA IV is, the original HALO was a better game, and what did Gamespot give the original HALO?... a 9.7, which isn't a bad score, but if they found fault in Halo how is it that they overlook flaws elsewhere. The point is you should form your own opinion, and not be a puppet that gamespot pulls on a string to mimic its own stupid opinions as absolute fact, and if you are going to base your decision of buying a game on reviews, use multiple sites and get a good feel for what MANY people are saying. Statistically making decisions based on the opinion of one man is ridiculous. So overall all of the pregame bashing of something you've never seen or played before is just that... ridiculous.

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#2 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I have really enjoyed Halo 3, Mass Effect, Gears of War 2, and Oblivion.

But best Xbox Live arcade game, goes to Castle Crashers. I'm sorry, Braid was nifty and different, but you just can't say too much that's bad about a game where you get to cut cartoon Barbarians heads off with a lobster, but to each his own.

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#3 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I cannot figure out where you go to create new profiles on the new interface? Does anybody know how? I have been looking for awhile and I don't see any option to create a new one.

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#4 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Does anybody know how to create a new profile on the new interface? I cannot find anywhere a tab or an option that lets you create new profiles, I can only find how to edit your current profile/avatar, anyone know where I need to go?

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#5 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts
I think the screenshots look awesome! It looks very impressive, and the dark visuals and environment look like they'd be fun to stomp on bad guys' faces in. The little article on gamespot says that it will have a BioShock feel, now I'm not sure if that's just referring to the visuals and dark surroundings, which it does, or if it is referring to the actual gameplay like a 3D shooter type. I hope it's more like Assassin's Creed, like was mentioned earlier, because that would be a perfect fit. If they give a bunch of guns to batman, that would be retarded, so let's hope they don't do that. Anyways, looks great so far, it's definitely on my list of games to watch.
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#6 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

By the screenshots and back story I was really excited about the game, but the demo has given me second thoughts. I did play through it more than once, and the combat got better once you get the hang of doing the combos on your enemies while they're still in the air and stuff, but it just wasn't as fun for me as I thought it was going to be. Some games just grab you right from the get go and they're just immediately awesome. I remember playing the very first level of Halo and just being blown away by how fun everything was, but Too Human didn't do that for me. I hope it is a great game, because I really want it to be, but I'm not pre-ordering it.

I also agree that it will probably get about an eight from game spot, but Mass Effect got an 8.5 and it is freaking awesome, so reviews aren't everything. I'm up in the air about this one, I hope it is awesome, but it's not one of those games that I know will be.

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#7 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts
Oooh I got an idea, how about a video game about Star Wars huh? Never seen that before. Or better yet, get this.... Lord of the Rings... yeah, hehehe. I don't know about a movie game, but Captain Planet the game would be sweet, 3D mullets are always a good thing....On another note worst movie based on a video game ever made... Street Fighter.
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#8 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Mine's "Word To Your Motha".... ice ice baby.

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#9 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I have been following Too Human and looked forward to the game, but I have to admit that I was disappointed in the demo. The leveling system that they had in place was very weak to be called an RPG, yeah there are skill trees but you just dump your points in two seconds and move on, there isn't much depth there. Also the combat controls seemed lackluster. There are combos and stuff which made it better but just moving the right analog stick side to side against the weak opponents was almost like watching somebody else do the fighting for you, it wasn't engaging. I am hoping that it was just a bad demo and that it will be a good game, but the demo has filled me with doubt. I'm not preordering this one.

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#10 Griff_6
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

If you get a newer 360 they said they've made the changes to where it shouldn't overheart anymore, but also if you're still trying to salvage your current one, I bought a fan you just put on the back called an Intercooler. It pumps out like five times as much air as just the stock 360 and that might help, but if you have a hardrive you don't even have to buy a 360 Arcade you can just buy the core system and slap it on and you'll be all set there. Don't switch to Sony, all their games are coming to Xbox now anyways so why spend more on a system that you can't play Halo and Gears of War on? Xbox is where it's at.

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