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@freedomspopular Because of shit parents who buy them for them so again ITS THE FAULT OF SHITTY PARENTING NOT THE VIDEO GAMES.

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Oh I bet they did now that you photoshopped them into evidence. Were they ACTUALLY THERE? Because i call pure utter bullshit.

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@Unstable_Fury @US2WEIRDOS You do realize that all of these "internet peons", well maybe not all but a fair portion including myself, are PROFESSIONALS right? Gaming isn't the realm of 14 year adolescent boys and girls who don't know shit about shit. Most of us have spent over 20 years playing video and PC games. We have software engineering degrees or work elsewhere in IT, we actively beta test games, we have worked on games ourselves at some point or still are doing so, we write or have written reviews for actual print publications. Your asinine categorization of everyone on the internet into one plebian class just because you imagine the internet to be some fantasy realm where reality plays no role proves that you don't even have the ground to stand on in order to make your argument. Anyone with a career and common sense would word their bullshit with slightly more stability.

Professionals, professional "game journalists", a ridiculous term in itself as very few of these people went to a journalism school like Edward Scripps, are no more immune to shit-flinging than anyone else. Talking about shit flinging isn't descending to the level of their audience, either - everything is fair game to write about. If you want to blame someone for not censoring something that shouldn't be censored, blame the publisher, you elitist wannabe.

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@JulyAeon A) This is America. America in 2012 is making the majority of the money off of the games, and the majority of the good games. We'll say whatever we god damn well please, even if it's defamatory. That's our right. It's not our right to be defamatory, necessarily, and people are even getting sued for internet defamation (absolutely retarded), but if your pansy tree-hugging attitude is "If you don't have anythign nice to say, don't say anything" - you're the one who shouldn't be saying anything. We founded this country through strife and argument and free discussion, so piss off if you don't like it.

B) Some of us are intelligent enough to WAIT until something comes out, and play it or buy it and play it, and then decide for sure if it's a terrible piece of trash *cough*RE6*cough*. It's our right as a consumer to provide our feedback and tell you your crap sucks, when it sucks. If you want to make money, you'll listen. Unfortunately, yes, the game industry is about making money. If it wasn't, Sega and ColecoVision and a lot of long-dead relics of the 80s and 90s would still be in the business.

All these online game "journalists", even in print publication like GameInformer, do is intentionally skew public opinion one way or another and it's inconceivable in some circumstances that it isn't while their pockets are lined with EA/Activision/Capcom/Ubisoft money. Sites like Destructoid, Rock Paper Shotgun, Kotaku, GameSpot, IGN, and others run absolute shit articles that are often times rife with inaccuracy, controversial opinion, and flat-out misinformation. The lemmings read it and go ZOMG THIS GAME WILL BE AWEXOME! This game will SUX! I not buy it! git bak 2 teh poynt ubsoft!

No one is interested in anyone's opinion anymore because chances are you're either the one guy who's right, or you're completely wrong but everyone goes along with it. We come to game sites for humor and news on games. Not opinion.

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Yes there is. There are wrong opinions. Especially considering the fact that the opinions are absolutely baseless and formed with NO empirical evidence or reason whatsoever. The game isn;t out yet. No one has played it. Game media "journalists" are not real people when it comes to opinions - you say baseless shit just like the rest of us and you slander games and ruin their reputation, with the lemmings following you, in the 45 minutes you spent playing the game. Either because you were predisposed to disliking it through not actually being a gamer, not liking that genre of game, not liking that franchise/system/controller, because you just don't know what you're talking about, or the publishers told you to.

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@vinniebarx You must not have played. Try fighting 30 people with 5 jaegers and 5 grenadiers at the same time. I'm a master of AC and I very nearly died so many times it was absurd.

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What they NEED to do is develop I AM Alive into a real, full-length game, maybe franchise. That game was hands down great, the only bad thing about is was the premature ending to the game.

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Ubisoft has yet to make a bad game so I am just going to tell you all to shut the hell up. When they start turning out utter trash on the same depths as Activision-Blizzard or Square Enix, then I'll join you. To this day they have not made a bad game.

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@Hey_Jay @NeravenMT84 You must not have played the franchise then. AC1 was utterly boring and unenjoyable. AC2 was wonderful. Brotherhood was awesome but not as good, at all, as AC2. Revelations was pretty damn good despite the lull in story. AC3 took AC2 and made it far better - with the sole exception of having less cities.

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Edited By Grenadeh

@NeravenMT84 @Hey_Jay It's only the end of his story arc because of the cliffhanger ending that didn't actually say what happens to him - HIS story arc. Not the end of the franchise. All they did in AC3 was rip all of the walls out and gave it a lot more room to continue as necessary by the story. You CAN end a story the way it ended, if you want, but when you have fans who want to know what happens next and want to save the world, it's a pretty retarded idea to stop making a game if millions of people will still buy it.