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#1 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

I was at gamestop the other day and noticed when a new game is released, that only a few days later the store will sell used copies for 5 bucks off.To be honest , I dont see this much as of a bargin and I would still be inclined buy the new copies.

How many people do you think will buy the used copy when the game is going to be selling the most on it release week? Is this an over all good thing for gaming community as a whole to offer cheaper prices? Or does it effect future developement resources for dev's?

Only time I will buy used games is when I have no other choice and its a game that been out for over a year and I cant get a new copy an where else(mostly JRPGS). I just get a strange icky feelings using used items, like some kind of bad JuJu is going rub off on me and make sure I never have kids.

Please discuss.

PS. Does anyone else besides me get the icky feeling from using preowned items? Be nice to know im not the only one.:?

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#2 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

Isn't the main reason people cared about Japanese game sales and popularity, outside of Japan because it would influence Jp devs to create games for the consoles they owned?

Well it appears that reguardless how poorly the 360 sells, the devs will support it.


And isn't it peculiar how Microsoft isn't exactly known for their frugality? this simply MUST be coincidence... right?

I wouldn't be surprised (at ALL) if MS didn't toss these japanese devs Inconcievable amounts of money to bring more japan-centric games to the 360, which is all but failing in Japan. I also don't even think its to appease the Japan crowd, but more to appease the american crowd by thinking they (MS) give a rats-patootie about .. well.. anywhere but America.

Though they also want the sales from Japan too. After all, its going to take more than just sales in America alone for them to realise their dreams of having monopolies on both the PC, and Video Gaming Console markets.

I think its good that Sony is seemingly partnering up with Google, which, if any company has the ability to steal a good chunk of MS's thunder, its them.

Wow. I'm rambling now. 8:21Am. I should go to sleep.

Feh! Sleep is for peopel with lives!

The new JRPG IP's from Mistwalker and Eternal Sonata each sold better then a majority of JRPGs for the PS2. Xenosaga, Dark Cloud, Radiata Stories, Odin Sphere, Disgaea, Rogue Galaxies, etc etc all sold worse then Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and Eternal Sonata. The only games that sold better were Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Star Ocean 3. Why shouldn't JRPG developers jump onto a system that show good sales for JRPGs?

Maybe because it costs MORE to make games for the 360 than the PS2 and companies need to sell a lot more than what Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and Eternal Sonata need to sell in order to make a profit?

What? Half those games he list were made close to 5 years ago on a system that had 7 times the sells as the 360. Even before the 360 was released. If the games sell more then the games of last gen then what does it matter? How are the RPGs doing on PS3 and Wii?

What does cost of making the game have to with number of sales? From what all the numbers have told me is that JRPG market does not seem to be growing. It may even be shrinking.

And before anyone says im JRPG hater I have Played ALL of those games that have been listed.

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#3 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

[QUOTE="blitzkid1"]The same thing happened with Blue dragon And LO and look how that turned out everybody go back to twiddling your thumbs.PlagueMyGames

are you saying they were good or bad

it wasn't good nor bad .i think it sold 100,000+

LO sold over 700,000 world wide and Blue Dragon sold around 500,000. I know your pretty much talking about just Japan but there is a reason japanese devs are spending more time getting there game to the west as soon as possible.

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#4 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

What if I dont like the Wii. But love pc, 360, and PS3?

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#5 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

i pick bungie. i mean they made 1 good series, halo. halo3 wasnt even that great and for some reason, ppl praise them as great developers and put them in the same category as blizzard, konami, capcom. I mean come on, they need more than halo to be considered to be an elite devs.

bungie is like the dude that sang "MAMBO NUMBER 5" They made 1 great song and ppl go crazy as the next great thing.

whos ur pick?


What about Marathon?

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#6 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts
Who doesnt want more games to play? You so silly.:oops:
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#7 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Why didn't lems cry over the moneyhat issue when all the exclusives went to PS2? Or when FFXIII was announced only for PS3? bigLLL
because we expect square jrpgs since sony saved sqaure and own 20% of there shares, square should never forget sony really saved them big time and thats where they made all there money from last gen

Microsoft saved Apple in the 90's. So what?

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#8 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

Hey, if MS did pay them would it matter?

I suppose if they do it loads it could break anti competition laws but this is how companies seal exclusives and timed exclusives. Its just business.


When sony first came out with the PS1 they did do this kind of stuff because they had no choice.

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#9 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts

[QUOTE="GabeBlack"]If it gets lower then a 9 im going to hide away from this board.Andrew_Xavier

Why? If it gets lower than 9, the board will be hilarious, it'll be all:

"HAHAHAH! IT FLOPPED!" "Go back to playing Flop Gaiden II" "You go buy your Plastic Gear Flopid 4!"

When R&C got a low score it got scary in here.

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#10 GabeBlack
Member since 2005 • 1821 Posts
If it gets lower then a 9 im going to hide away from this board.