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#1 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts
drake....are you an idiot? THE COMPANIES THEMSELVES RELEASED THE REPORTS! Xbox = 14.9 Sony = 14.1 get over itLanceSSJ
Again lem troll, thats units shipped! I mean are you too stupid to comprehend that? And do you even know the difference between units shipped and units sold? Wait, why am I even asking a lemtard like you that question. The obvious answer is NO! The sources that have included units sold came to a unanimous conclusion, and that is...that the PS3 actually SOLD more units to consumers. LMAO M$ and its delusional fanboys fail yet again!
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#2 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts

[QUOTE="DrakesHaloGears"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]Why are you guys even arguing with Drakehalogears? Sure SW has its fill of fanboys that are fun to argue with but this guy does not even seem mentally stable. His posts are not coherent, weirdly spaced,filled with rage, tons of insults and never have any sort of facts to them. Best case scenario he is a very immature child because if he is older then he really does have some problems.super600

Its ok people. Just ignore this douche. I'm fairly certain he has a sever mental case of psychosis. He nerd rages all the time over my post too. I mean, he liteterally stalks the threads that I'm in to respond to my posts with insane incoherent and irrational ramblings. And even some of his own fellow lems have called him out for the delusional mentally insane fanboy that he is. I would love to see this insane lemming troll banned for once, and boy when that day comes will it be a glorious day

You calling a guy that is telling the truth a douchebag.

He is a douche, and thats the truth. And even other lems have called him out for what he truly is. A delusional 360 fanboy. If you want to irately jump on someone for name calling, then get on his case. Not mine. You are attacking the wrong person here. And look, who the F are you or anybody else to jump on anyone? Worry about yourself and control your posting habbits
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#3 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts
Why are you guys even arguing with Drakehalogears? Sure SW has its fill of fanboys that are fun to argue with but this guy does not even seem mentally stable. His posts are not coherent, weirdly spaced,filled with rage, tons of insults and never have any sort of facts to them. Best case scenario he is a very immature child because if he is older then he really does have some problems.CanYouDiglt
Its ok people. Just ignore this troll. Its pretty obvious he has some sever mental issues. He nerd rages all the time over my post too. I mean, he liteterally stalks the threads that I'm in to respond to my posts with insanely incoherent and irrational rambling fits of NERD RAGE to its upmost extent. And even some of his own fellow lems have called him out for the delusional 360 fanboy that he is. I cant wait until this crazy lem troll finally gets banned. And boy when that day comes, will it be a glorious day! Agreed fellow system wars warriors lol?
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#4 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts

[QUOTE="crazyfruitbat32"][QUOTE="LanceSSJ"] ...are you blind or dumb or both? MULTIPLE sites have declared 360 the winner. The xbox sold 14.9 mil in 2011. THEY SOLD MORE THEN BOTH CONSOLES. Period. 2011 = xbox win other years obviously they didnt. get over it people 90% of you were wrong lol. and who cares. PS3 still sold ALOT. be happy damnitSUD123456

Actually multiple sites say 360 wins but forget to mention that its in America only, worldwide is a different story plus You can go on vghcartz web site and track weekly sales in 2011 your self and think...i think it proves that ps3 actually out sells 360 every week. I did a check from june 2011 (cause thats all i could be bothered to go back to) but from june 2011 to mid November, 360 out sold ps3 in one week in September...thats it. You also failing to take into account that ps3 had sales blocked by LG and had the psn hack...if this didn't happen, the outcome would have been even more noticeable ass kick from ps3. Thing is,other sites say what they like with No real figures to back it up. So i show you actual figures, yet its all bull cause you say so...lol get with it man, facts are facts. Other wise you explain how ps3 goes from being well behind in sales from being released 1 year later and having a slow start to catching up to what it is now. Just by logic alone, proves ps3 has to be selling more to be able to close the gap it has. The links i provided kinda proves it. Plus this is not just my opinion, other sites agree.

The only numbers that matter are the manufacturers numbers released as part of their financial reporting.

MS released their quarterly figures on Jan 19th.

Nintendo released theirs on Jan 26th.

Sony released theirs on Feb 2nd.

You don't have to believe anyone. Go to the investor relations/earnings reports on the corporate sites and see for yourself. Many have done so.Youwill see that MS shipped 14.9M units Jan - Dec 2011 and Sony shipped 14.1M units in the same period.

^^^ And here in lies the issue. These "other sources" have been counting only units shipped and not units sold. In all likely hood, and according to other sources, the PS3 actually SOLD MORE. So lol at lems wetting their collective fanboy panties over units shipped and not units sold. And even then, the difference is still only a measly 0.8 difference. I guess lems love making a mountain out of a mole hill. If you want to talk about an.actually significant difference, then let's talk about the Wii's GIGNATIC LEAD over the 360, because ...you know...the difference there is an ACTUAL difference worth talking about!
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#5 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts
[QUOTE="SyrupNinja"][QUOTE="DrakesHaloGears"][QUOTE="SyrupNinja"]Sony got too argogant for their own good and they suffer for it (CHUGS MAPLE SYRUP). Sony should go Bankrupt, they spend more money than they take in and it is sort of ridiculous they are allowed to do this. 360 will always decimate the Ps3 in sales because Microsoft are a better business.

lol love the new low level alt account . You were definitely a lem troll in your past life lol. I'll give you a -1/10 for that post.

I am a new user, like you were at some point.

Nice try, but mediocre troll is mediocre -5/10
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#6 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts
Look, lets ignore sales here for one minute. Lets talk about what each system has to offer... After all, don't most if not all 360 gamers say "its all about the games". Then lets talk about what system has to offer and what system is getting in the future. After all its what its about and if sales really make the better system? well then we all should be playing the DS. LOL So what does ps3 have to offer? and what does 360 have to offer?.crazyfruitbat32
Thank you for another great post. It gets annoying having to read constant posts from the likes of 360 fantard trolls like LanceSSj, Forza, Kbanna, Phonesmug ect And then you have hard core lemmings like Delta who constantly posts irrelevant links, and then runs to the defence of any lemming in any single thread. Posts like those- and from those users above - have zero substance , add nothing of value to a thread, and in fact make this forum a terrible place all together. Lemmings have single handedly ruined the forums. And yes, I've contribute very little too, by responding to their intial troll posts, but hey....oh well. Its nice to see a great and reasonable poster- every once in a while, like you though. And I'll give your post a serious response in a minute! I just wanted to thank you for another good post my bro!
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#7 DrakesHaloGears
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how the hell do you argue about sales ???

is there even any room for objectivity ?

what a pointless ongoing argument.


It seems to be to different sources. VGchartz saying PS3 won, and multiple other sources saying 360 won.

The fighting seems to be that Drake guy vs. the Lems.

Not ``multiple other sources``.......official sources

"official" only according to you and other lems like you.
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#8 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts
I love how a certain lemming here *cough* delta*cough * Is basically saying, "well that source was wrong, and only the source that I want to believe is right " And then he further goes on a long winded rant to justify his ignorant way of thinking. Now I remember why I've always ignored Delta.
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#9 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts

[QUOTE="DrakesHaloGears"]Like wise, I don't give a damn what you do. AND you were the first one to attack me, I'll bring up that post again so people can see what a troll you are. You are acting insane, and im simply just stating the truth. And if you think I'm even the least bit scared of your tough guy cowardice internet act, then think again. You have no clue garland51

I'm not scared of you, either. Plus I'm no troll; you've been trolling on this thread for a very long time. Just...shut up. OK? Just shut up. PLEASE.

Any one not blindly worshiping the 360 like you do is trolling to you I guess. Seriously, im tired of this. This is dumb, and thats it. Im done with you. Please dont ever respond to me again. I was ignoring you until you first attacked me with this post
Good idea. Then most people would be ignoring insane posters like YOU.garland51
So don't respond to me, and I'll continue to ignore you like I was prior to that. Do you understand that? Can we agree to that and just stop?
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#10 DrakesHaloGears
Member since 2011 • 530 Posts
[QUOTE="DrakesHaloGears"]You said I've been attacking you since page 7 YET my very first post in this thread was on page 16.So right off the bat you were already lying.And I just started even acknowledging you just very recently. I only responded to you once you started attacking me. You really are out of your mind to say otherwise.nd you KNOW why you attacked me, so stop playing dumb. What ever, i'm done with this from you.And I will be pm'n a mod too.Let's just agree to not ever respond to each other ever again.Have a good day bro!I was able to ignore you for a while, before you started coming at me like that, so don't come at me like that, and ill continue to ignore yougarland51
I said that I that you started to annoy me on page 7. So how am I lying, exactly? I said you were insane because you kept provoking other people. Why should I play dumb?You know what, I already PM'ed the staff about what I said, so at this point, I don't give a damn what you do anymore. I don't. Just stay the hell away from me.

Like wise, I don't give a damn what you do. AND you were the first one to attack me, I'll bring up that post again so.people can see what a troll you are. You called me insane first. But you have actually been acting insane, and im simply just stating the truth. And if you think I'm even the least bit scared of your tough guy cowardice internet act, then think again kid